2 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms and Early Signs - PregnancyResource.org (2024)

Bearing a child is one of a family’s most beautiful yet stressful moments. And for the one carrying the child, it can take a toll physically, emotionally, and socially. However, it can be much easier to digest when you know what’s coming your way.

The early signs of pregnancy are subtle, but the earlier you’re aware of the pregnancy, the easier it will be for you and your family to prepare for the future.

It’s important to know what to expect when you’re expecting, so let’s look at the early signs and symptoms at the two-week mark.

How Does Ovulation Work?

Before fully understanding pregnancy’s signs and symptoms at the two-week mark, it’s first important to understand how pregnancy works.

It’s measured on a 40-week calendar, with the first day beginning at the start of your last menstrual period (typically a 28-day cycle).

Ovulation marks the body’s fertile period in which it can achieve pregnancy. When a person ovulates, the ovaries release an egg that travels into the fallopian tubes.

The egg must meet sperm in the fallopian tubes at an optimal time to conceive a child, and this can be difficult without careful observation of the menstrual cycle.

Ovulation typically occurs between 13 and 20 days after the first day of your last period, or menstrual cycle.

Therefore, pregnancy can occur at the end of week two or the beginning of the third week, depending on your body’s ovulation cycle.

So, understanding your ovulation cycle is imperative if you’re trying to get pregnant. Common signs of ovulation include mittelschmerz or ovulation pain that might last for a few moments or longer.

It may also feel like a burning sensation caused by fluid released from the follicle when an egg is released.

Other signs include changes in basal body temperature, tender breasts, bloating, altered consistency of dried saliva, or changes in cervical mucus.

What Are the Signs of Pregnancy at Two Weeks?

If you’ve ever seen the show I Didn’t Know I Was Pregnant, then you already know that some individuals never even experience the signs and symptoms of pregnancy.

While this is rare, keep in mind that everyone experiences conception and childbirth in different ways.

That said, there are a few early pregnancy symptoms to look out for that might alert you that you’re in the first weeks of pregnancy.

Missed Period

The most common sign of childbearing is a missed menstruation cycle. If you’re in childbearing years and a week or more has passed without the start of an expected period, then it might be time to hit up the local drugstore for a home pregnancy test.

A period is the female body shedding or removing the womb’s lining. If you’re not pregnant, your body doesn’t need it.

However, if you become pregnant, your body needs this lining and therefore stunts this symptom of menstruation until you’re no longer pregnant.

This symptom can be misleading if you have an irregular period in general. Not to mention, just because you miss a period doesn’t mean you’re pregnant.

Tender Breasts

Hormonal changes run rampant during pregnancy, and you may feel one of the earliest warning signs in the breasts.

Often, early pregnancy can make the breasts feel sensitive and sore. However, as the body adjusts to these hormonal changes, the breast tenderness typically subsides.

Increased Urination

There is an increase in the hormones progesterone and human chorionic during early pregnancy.

These chemicals cause the bladder’s muscles to relax, making it more difficult to control. This relaxation often spells frequent urination breaks for a pregnant individual.


Bearing a human being inside your body is a lot of hard work, and that’s why one of the most common early signs of pregnancy is increased fatigue.

No one knows what causes drowsiness during the first trimester, but it’s likely due to the rapid change in hormones such as progesterone.

Changes in Mood

When hormones run rampant during early pregnancy, so too can your mood. Hormonal mood changes can make you especially weepy, emotional, and unlike yourself.

Mood swings are also prevalent, with angry outbursts presenting themselves often.

Light Spotting

Also known as implantation bleeding, this can occur between 10 and 14 days after conception.

It occurs when the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine lining.

It presents light bleeding, usually involving only small amounts of blood. It is often confused with a menstrual cycle, as they can occur around the same time.

Better Sense of Smell

You read that right. There is anecdotal evidence that pregnant women have a heightened sense of smell, making mild odors appear much more fragrant. In some cases, these odors might even smell a little bit unappealing.

Nausea or Vomiting

Nausea is a common symptom of early pregnancy, and in some women, this sensation is coupled with vomiting or diarrhea.

The cause of nausea during pregnancy isn’t clear, but it probably originates from a drastic shift in hormonal balance.

When Should I Get a Pregnancy Test?

If you notice one or more of the symptoms above, it never hurts to get a pregnancy test just to be sure.

The most obvious sign is a missed period, a great time to get a test and see.

Pregnancy tests work by detecting the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), which starts to be produced by the body around six days after fertilization.

Pregnancy tests detect hCG in the urine and give results in just a few minutes.

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——- Additional Recommendations ——

📚 Mayo Clinic Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy, 2nd Edition: LEARN MORE.

📚 The Pregnancy Encyclopedia: All Your Questions Answered: LEARN MORE.

🧘 WorkoutLabs Prenatal Yoga & Ayurveda Cards: LEARN MORE.

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Tips for Conceiving

If you’re struggling to conceive, there are a few tips and tricks you can try to enhance your chances.

The best way to increase your odds is by tracking and understanding your peak fertility window (usually before ovulation) so have regular sex in the days leading to this moment to increase the chance of sperm connecting with the egg.

Additionally, taking daily prenatal vitamins can help increase the chances.

Managing weight, regular exercise, drinking less caffeine and alcohol, and eating a balanced diet are also great ways to make it more likely that you’ll bear a child in no time.

What Should I Do When Two Weeks Pregnant?

You are not yet technically pregnant at this stage, so you can think of this as a precursor before your baby takes the keys and starts learning how to drive your body.

You can start developing healthy habits, like giving up alcohol and taking prenatal vitamins.

It’s recommended that you take 400 micrograms of folic acid daily when you’re trying to get pregnant up until your 12th week. Folic acid can help prevent neural tube defects, such as spina bifida.

Additionally, make sure you take some time to visit your healthcare provider and get regular examinations to ensure everything is running smoothly.

Consider getting a blood test to reveal even more information, and continue to make time for self-care to reduce stress and enhance your mood.

In Conclusion

Pregnancy is an exciting time for a family-to-be but can also be filled with uncertainty.

That’s why knowing what to expect can lessen stress and help you more easily prepare for the future.

Pregnancy can occur during ovulation, which happens 13 to 20 days after the first day of a period.

Once pregnant, some of the earliest symptoms and signs include missed periods, mood shifts, increased urination, fatigue, tender breasts, and light spotting.

Having a positive pregnancy test is an easy and effective way to prove whether or not you are pregnant. And if you’re having trouble conceiving, keeping track of your ovulation cycle is a great place to start.

References, Studies and Sources:

Mittelschmerz – Symptoms and causes | The Mayo Clinic

What is Menstruation? | Get Facts About Having Your Period | Planned Parenthood

Sex hormones and the female urinary tract | NCBI

Doing a pregnancy test | NHS

Vitamins, minerals and supplements in pregnancy | NH

2 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms and Early Signs - PregnancyResource.org (1)

Bridget Reed

Bridget Reed is a Tampa-based content development manager, writer, and editor at GR0; specializing in content related to varying fields including medicine, health, and small businesses. Bridget went to St. Petersburg College and majored in Management and Organizational Leadership.

Recent Publications:Body Acne 101: Prevention and Treatment,Stress Acne: Causes, Prevention, and Treatment,What are the Side Effects of Midol?


2 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms and Early Signs - PregnancyResource.org (2024)
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