Build:Renegade - Shortbow Shiro Roamer (2024)

The community gave this build a rating, making it top-tier: Great

Focused on: Hybriddamage and Sustain

Designed for: WvW Roaming

Expansions required:



This build was last updated on July 08, 2024 and is up to date for the June 25, 2024 patch.


  • 1 Overview
  • 2 Skill Bar
    • 2.1 Skill Variants
  • 3 Template Code
  • 4 Specializations
    • 4.1 Specialization Variants
  • 5 Equipment
    • 5.1 Equipment Variants
  • 6 Consumables
  • 7 Usage
  • 8 Related Builds


A Renegade build with heavy ranged burst damage and great survivability made for WvW Roaming. Works with both Celestial and Power gear, although Cele is currently seen as the superior option.

Skill Bar





Skill Variants


  • Greatsword over Staff - retains some of the defensive capabilities of Staff like the block and the mobility, but sacrifices things like AoE healing and cleansing for more damage. Requires Secrets of the Obscure.

Template Code


Copy Template Code



  • Build:Renegade - Shortbow Shiro Roamer (2)Bold Reversal is also a viable option, especially if you're using Power gear and not Celestial in which case it's the only option.

Specialization Variants

Build:Renegade - Shortbow Shiro Roamer (3) Retribution over Build:Renegade - Shortbow Shiro Roamer (4) Salvation also works, both are defensive specializations. Salvation offers better condition cleansing, damage mitigation and passive healing (via barrier) while Retribution has an anti-projectile dome, better Build:Renegade - Shortbow Shiro Roamer (5) Weakness access and higher endurance regeneration (plus a bit more damage).


There are several ways to make the build work. The first we'd like to highlight is Build:Renegade - Shortbow Shiro Roamer (6) Celestial, this variant has a really strong mix of sustain and hybrid damage:



















The second, alternate gear would be a Power based one centered around Berserker / Build:Renegade - Shortbow Shiro Roamer (7) Marauder stats. Sustain's going to be lower, but the burst will be higher and this gear should be cheaper / easier to obtain:






















Equipment Variants


  • Build:Renegade - Shortbow Shiro Roamer (8)Relic of Zakiros - higher healing.
  • Build:Renegade - Shortbow Shiro Roamer (9)Relic of the Water - better condition cleansing.


  • Build:Renegade - Shortbow Shiro Roamer (10)Rune of Superior Rune of Durability - very tanky choice with extra boon duration.
  • Build:Renegade - Shortbow Shiro Roamer (11)Rune of Superior Rune of the Elementalist - higher hybrid damage.
  • Build:Renegade - Shortbow Shiro Roamer (12)Rune of Superior Rune of Leadership - better boon duration.
  • Build:Renegade - Shortbow Shiro Roamer (13)Rune of Superior Rune of the Pack - good damage and boon duration.
  • Build:Renegade - Shortbow Shiro Roamer (14)Rune of Superior Rune of the Herald - defensive rune with high boon duration.


Short bow (Celestial variant):

  • Build:Renegade - Shortbow Shiro Roamer (15)Sigil of Superior Sigil of Generosity - improves cleansing and potentially increases your condition variety.
  • Build:Renegade - Shortbow Shiro Roamer (16)Sigil of Superior Sigil of Geomancy - adds an instant AoE condi burst to the build that could even proc Sigil of Doom.

Short bow (Power variant):

Sigil of Hydromancy can be replaced by:

  • Build:Renegade - Shortbow Shiro Roamer (17)Sigil of Superior Sigil of Blood - armor ignoring damage procs.
  • Build:Renegade - Shortbow Shiro Roamer (18)Sigil of Superior Sigil of Vision - if you want to make sure that Build:Renegade - Shortbow Shiro Roamer (19)Sevenshot crits no matter what.



  • - great all around stat boost and damage mitigation.
    • and other similar Oyster consumables are fairly cheap on the Trading post if you don't have ascended cooking.
  • - better endurance regen, more access to dodging (and thus better condition cleansing too with Salvation).
    • Budget version:
  • - slightly worse endurance regen than that of the Orrian Truffle food, but the constant healing ensures effortless Build:Renegade - Shortbow Shiro Roamer (20)Unyielding Devotion uptime.
  • or - cheap precision bump and armor ignoring damage procs that also heals you.


  • or (whichever is cheaper) if you're running Build:Renegade - Shortbow Shiro Roamer (21) Celestial.
  • or (whichever is cheaper) if you're running the Power gear.



  • Invoking a legend resets energy to 50 (ideally 75, more on that later), removes 1 condition, and could even trigger the sigils of your active weapon set (if they are not on CD) among other things. Swapping legends is basically the main resource management tool in the build - swap whenever you're out of CDs, low on energy, or need to cleanse.
  • Because of Build:Renegade - Shortbow Shiro Roamer (22)Charged Mists you should always aim to deplete your energy before switching legends in order to start at 75 energy instead of 50.
  • Renegade comes with its own 3 specialization skills:
    • Build:Renegade - Shortbow Shiro Roamer (23)Heroic Command is an important source of Build:Renegade - Shortbow Shiro Roamer (24) Might stacking, try to spare some energy for it whenever you can. It could also be used for pushing your energy below 10 before switching legends.
    • Build:Renegade - Shortbow Shiro Roamer (25)Citadel Bombardment could be a strong burst skill if you need to cleave and the targets are either stunned or immobile (for example when they are rezing a downed) but it's hard to land on moving targets.
    • Build:Renegade - Shortbow Shiro Roamer (26)Orders from Above is a bit expensive but quite strong, provides lots of Build:Renegade - Shortbow Shiro Roamer (27) Alacrity. Being instant cast makes it an attractive choice for depleting energy quickly even when you're stunned before swapping legends.
  • Build:Renegade - Shortbow Shiro Roamer (28)Rapid Flow allows for permanent Build:Renegade - Shortbow Shiro Roamer (29) Swiftness uptime. The easiest way to trigger this is to turn either Build:Renegade - Shortbow Shiro Roamer (30)Impossible Odds (if you chose Shiro) or Build:Renegade - Shortbow Shiro Roamer (31)Vengeful Hammers (if you chose Jalis) on/off every 5 seconds.
  • Dodging removes 1 condition via Build:Renegade - Shortbow Shiro Roamer (32)Eluding Nullification (potentially 2 with Antitoxin relic}}. This is your primary line of defense against conditions.
  • Build:Renegade - Shortbow Shiro Roamer (33)Unyielding Devotion provides damage mitigation for a short while after you're healed. Ideally you should have permanent uptime, which isn't hard to achieve as Build:Renegade - Shortbow Shiro Roamer (34)Wrought-Iron Will and regular dodging should do the trick. Build:Renegade - Shortbow Shiro Roamer (35)Rapid Flow and the Holo cake consumables could also help.


  • Build:Renegade - Shortbow Shiro Roamer (36)Enchanted Daggers is a skill with life steal, which means the damage it deals bypasses any damage mitigation including Build:Renegade - Shortbow Shiro Roamer (37) Protection or even Build:Renegade - Shortbow Shiro Roamer (38)Endure Pain. That being said it still can't go through evasion or invulnerabilities such as Build:Renegade - Shortbow Shiro Roamer (39)Distortion.
  • Build:Renegade - Shortbow Shiro Roamer (40)Impossible Odds can augment any skill and increase your damage output significantly while active. It's quite expensive though, so don't maintain it for more than a few seconds at a time, use it only for bursts. Note that it's only single target damage, doesn't cleave.
    • Always stop maintaining this skill if you're about to hit 0 energy - turning it off sends it on a 1 second CD while running out of energy results in a 4 second CD.
    • With Build:Renegade - Shortbow Shiro Roamer (41)Steadfast Rejuvenation this skill could also boost your sustain, making it that much more of a versatile tool.
  • Build:Renegade - Shortbow Shiro Roamer (42)Phase Traversal is great for initiating fights from range and immediately starting off with Build:Renegade - Shortbow Shiro Roamer (43) Quickness coupled with unblockable attacks. Quickness can be used to do burst damage or cleave downed targets better through auto attacking, while the unblockable attacks could seal the fate of enemies relying on blocking as their last resource option for sustain. Either follow up with hard hitting attacks or a Build:Renegade - Shortbow Shiro Roamer (44)Surge of the Mists / Build:Renegade - Shortbow Shiro Roamer (45)Scorchrazor if you wish to interrupt them (and to cancel their blocking skill).
  • Build:Renegade - Shortbow Shiro Roamer (46)Jade Winds won't be used often because it exhausts most of your energy pool, leaving you defenseless and with barely anything to capitalize on the CC. This should only be used to set up kills for your teammates, or to interrupt very important channels like a rez or a stomp.


  • Most of the damage comes from a combination of Shiro and Shortbow skills.
  • Build:Renegade - Shortbow Shiro Roamer (47)Sevenshot and Build:Renegade - Shortbow Shiro Roamer (48)Bloodbane Path are your primary burst CDs. Use them as often as possible.
    • Build:Renegade - Shortbow Shiro Roamer (49)Enchanted Daggers and Build:Renegade - Shortbow Shiro Roamer (50)Impossible Odds work really well with these skills as multiple hits can mean multiple procs, and stacking several sources of damage at the same time is a big part of Revenant bursts in general.
    • Retribution-only: The dome created by Build:Renegade - Shortbow Shiro Roamer (51)Planar Protection is a combo field. Using Build:Renegade - Shortbow Shiro Roamer (52)Sevenshot after Build:Renegade - Shortbow Shiro Roamer (53)Enchanted Daggers has a chance to proc leeching bolts for additional life steal.
    • Sigil-dependent: Use these two skills right after Build:Renegade - Shortbow Shiro Roamer (54)Sigil of Superior Sigil of Vision procs to make the most of this sigil.
  • Build:Renegade - Shortbow Shiro Roamer (55)Spiritcrush is more of a defensive, area denial type of skill. Enemies are unlikely to stand in it to tank the damage but you can drop this on yourself to discourage melee from engaging, or on stealth fields to punish enemy stealth combos. While it's true that CC could set this skill up, usually you're better off using something more impactful to capitalize on CC like Sevenshot.
  • Build:Renegade - Shortbow Shiro Roamer (56)Scorchrazor is a strong ranged CC, use it to root enemies into your burst combos.
  • If you're out of CDs Build:Renegade - Shortbow Shiro Roamer (57)Shattershot spam with Impossible Odds can still do a lot of damage.


  • Build:Renegade - Shortbow Shiro Roamer (58)Legendary Dwarf Stance is great for mitigating damage for both yourself and your team.
  • Build:Renegade - Shortbow Shiro Roamer (59)Inspiring Reinforcement provides excellent defense vs CC for every ally affected, whilst also mitigating direct damage through the Build:Renegade - Shortbow Shiro Roamer (60) Weakness.
  • Build:Renegade - Shortbow Shiro Roamer (61)Vengeful Hammers is yet another form of damage mitigation, and it's instant. Build:Renegade - Shortbow Shiro Roamer (62)Steadfast Rejuvenation adds to the base healing of this upkeep.
  • Build:Renegade - Shortbow Shiro Roamer (63)Rite of the Great Dwarf is one of the strongest skills you've got in the build, and also the only stunbreak on this legend. It's rather costly though, keep it for saving your allies or breaking out of stuns that could result in your death.
    • Being a stun break with a cast time, that means if you get interrupted while channeling it you'll lose the entire energy cost of this skill without getting anything other than a stun break out of it. Consider using it while standing on Build:Renegade - Shortbow Shiro Roamer (64)Inspiring Reinforcement whenever possible.
  • Build:Renegade - Shortbow Shiro Roamer (65)Forced Engagement also deserves a mention. You've guessed, another skill for mitigating damage but this is a bit more situational as it doesn't work on targets that are immune to CC. It's also just in general a great AoE CC that could either set up kills for your team, or take pressure off of them.


  • Staff is the defensive weapon in the build.
  • The 3 main defensive skills include a block, a condition cleanse, and an evade frame. These skills are not only strong but also cheaper than Jalis skills in case you need to survive but you're running low on energy.
  • Build:Renegade - Shortbow Shiro Roamer (66)Renewing Wave other than being a much needed condition cleanse is also a Blast Finisher - your combo fields are not that great, but you could combo this with whatever fields your allies are using for stronger benefits like Build:Renegade - Shortbow Shiro Roamer (67) Stealth.
  • Build:Renegade - Shortbow Shiro Roamer (68)Surge of the Mists is an instant evade frame which already makes it valuable. Perhaps the best thing about this skill though is the fact that it CC's multiple times in a row, which makes it great at burning through Build:Renegade - Shortbow Shiro Roamer (69) Stability stacks of your opponent and interrupting casts they thought were safe.

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Author: Van Hayes

Last Updated:

Views: 6762

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (46 voted)

Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.