CROWN ASSET MANAGEMENT, LLC v. QUILES, RAUL, FBT-CV22-6115705-S, 100.33 (Conn. Super. Ct. Jun. 3, 2022) (2024)

`l, Christi Mackiewicz, fill1 the Legal Document Specialist, for Ctown Asset Management, LLC,
`the Plaintiff herein, and am competent to testify to the matters staled herein, which are made on my
`personal knowledge.
`I further state that Crown Asset Management, LLC has purchased and is the owner of a claim
`against. RAUL QUILES, Account Number XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-6135 originally with Comenity
`Capital Bank, in the nmoutlt or $4,092.68 represetning the outstunding billance less payments received, if
`I further state that I base this Atlidavit on Pl11it1tiff's business records tLS well ns the nccount
`information supplied LO Pluintl ff by Im Assignor at the time Plaintiff purchased Defendant's account. The
`information as to the bulancc due at the time of purchase was obtnined from said account information
`with itlterest being duly cnlculated pursuant to comract or stal1.lte.
`I further certify rhat I am duly qualified and competent to testify to the matters stated herein, and
`authorized to make this AfQrl\lr 1.'f called as a witness would testif1 ther~to.
`Tis Ana«vt execute4 on«
`Subscribed and sworn to before me
`his_//_day ot._rear_j z-
`My corm»tssion tsmires:Z'Ct
`Christi Mackiewicz
`Legit! Document Special I
`[22-1076 76]
`Fllc No. 22-107676 CT
`CT_OI 19 MILITARY AFFIDAVIT File No, 22-!07(,7(,
`1111111111111111 11111111111 IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIII IIII


`Aocouni no.
`rrv louts baVaros
`Othl!f'r- ,orD'rillu
`Olnor (:jC1.1blt11
`cash odvar»
`Du,anoG lror1illfur
`F!!:u:tr.t ohDfCJc,pd
`lnturomt ct,m.rgod
`N•w btalllllilr'll?l:A
`Pn.1t11 durt nmount
`Crwdll lln'llf
`Avnllnbt!:t wF"Vf,jjlt.
`Ct.:u1h C:r'Mclll llrnll
`AvAU,.,t,tt;t otush
`Bl.f\ttttT1en1· oloslng dnte
`i;)r~yn In bllllr,g oyoln
`:i,3,GB7 .45
`¾Q OQ
`po oo
`OS/1 di/20~ 1
`PAOB t OP ii
`P~ • nle-,nt u'llnr1T1atlon _
`tow Balance»
`Mlfl!u'\1.,n't~ pnyn'lnnl du&
`PNyrner1t due da1.()
`1-•t• paym•nt. warning,.
`It we do nc,I rt'ICW,iVV YL.Ji.J r- r--"t-ilpllT1un-1 J.,1Hymtinl by O(J.(131202 1 you mny
`i"tuvtt 10 pay up tc.., n $40.00 IDl!I.I f121v.
`Mlnlmum PD)l'ment war,-i1t"lg; 1r you ,nu.kff only lhn minimum
`~uymonl ror oooh p,c,rlQd, YOL..i wll! p1c■y ,n1,.•r'ff rn lntorunl and It W'III tok.D
`you longor 10 pay urr Y"-"i.Jr' l)Ahllnc:"~' fi"9r- 1u"'i61Tiplu:
`,, y-,-.~ mnke no 11.ddllt'jeif"tal
`Vc::u . .1 w-111 PWV 9Fr
`And VQli .. wnl
`el•u1rie.-• u•ln~ H,1• llii,lllriiliiilll
`th• Dalat'\e• illh!i!IW"MI
`•nd LIP p•Yh"'ID •r'I
`«»r tho wtaatanan»t
`and ••a"" rna-nth ycn.1 P•v:
`••ti rn.UM:i tot.iii
`In abc::111 . .■t;;
`Only lhr.., n,lr,lrr·11, • .1rn ?Qymont
`15 yoartilt
`~or 1nrormn1lu11 r~•-•r(linQI cre,dS1 oour1mollr1g murvlohN,
`CJDII 1-800-284-1 "jl'O,r.,,
`Th-11 >1Jd,. .. ,,...,. rnr- r,-,,.11l<'Jci raayml!llntli l'l.n~ ahf.ln,V.•d. Tt1H r, .. w u..-J<,slrin"'" lfll. r,.flt!ohtd at: Lhu bauc,m rhlK ~1111.,.I!. ~,,.l_,,1T,.,.t1t-,
`t3kip aignung it to fesv and i.isa. Cor11onlty·!I to»Vay. lt' 4afo rd corvonvent. so your arartpstoto trot ot oorJu
`1un, .... h.1t l'C.3 .-4:11n the QR r::;gtJg orlnhu.J un you,- i-,, .. \ftr1N11l ttLWb t;1nk'IW t{_, ~tlil 11,tar L.:tcf.
`rnN ore
`o5/ 13/202 I
`LATl3 l:IIY,11:!1.
`Totml 'f'oe-a o.hfirg_,d 'for 1;tseh11i p•rl9d
`~200.00 I
`'"r-0101 rt1Ha ohorgHcl tn .:2:021
`'Y'o11!11 to»rwont otrgwrt in ?o2 1
`·- --- -----
`rt«ottott .taro tilulat»r»
`our Arr»al Fro»rtr»gs Frt» (arr) la lhiE::r nnnu#ill lr1t~n.:,a:1 n,.le ,r;i, i, your nocounl. B•.>A BAl~NCE COMPUT,A"r!ON MEiTl--100
`on PDQ~~ r,1,. f'lin!"'ti d'::t1olln, Mlnlrnum tntarft11.t chorg11,1 n ... F.liy itf.XOttttd lntern&l chargo br•lovv, puil" yuwia Ql'"HCUI (;l;Ar£J l"1i:J11r~r)'"i~r11,
`rvwr or
`to/AL##ct tatcr
`TO INT 111,R,E&T R.4,...1!
`Ct.1nl1 DC.hlDr"IOUtl
`lrtrt charged
`lnt•rw•t oharga on pure.ha...,
`lntere•t. cha.rue e, r,i CO•t"I advllllnG'•
`tr:10..-.111,1: el'-■arc, .. on bnl11no.e tranarer
`T-..t•I •nt•,...·•t for thl• p•rlocl
`r 202"'1 te,-cat• Y•.111r Ca;, dRt•
`--- -- -- ---
`24 Q~ (v)
`.2(!. t;K>OO'¾, (V)
`[7 Y••• I havo mo,vocl or updm1od my
`o-moll oddroma - aoo 1'av1CJr0ti:;.
`II ii 111111111 lap·t+++I'··r' l••l'I I •111111.' I" I• 1
`;.?:10 ~~VVITT BT
`;'}3}" "us"o«on us v or
`as "= , .... IIJU&l:.J ,11uko Ghock p0,y11blo to.
`COME!NITV • My BJ•A PMr-k,#11 Mn,n.,~r'CJ-1rtl
`PIODGO roturn ttiw portion along with your payrort \Qi
`PO eox ee.0113
`CALLAS. TX 75265-0113
`11 I I•• 1 • 1 • • 1 I 1,I II I I I I 1 • I 1 • 1 • 111 I 1111111 •111 •1 I••• 11 I 111 ••I• I 11 • I
`CT_OI 19 MILITARY AFFIDAVIT File No. 22-107676
`1111111 111111111 11111111111 lllll lllll 111111111111111111

`·--·-·-- -· -·- -··- - ·-·
`Ku1111• 11,1-.. l••f!l•••1 1 ... , y-1.•tH "'' 'l.•roJ•
`w,,.t Tu Du If Yau n1f1pl( Y<.111 F111d d ti»fnh On t'our statrrnrt
`11 \rli I lhir1k f'h,"" 1-. •111 1Hnn 1111 yuur 1't.h·1lnrrit1r1I, "IH111,, 14, \.Fi '-I 1 £~< .. •i11ri!ly
`Cap»tat fisnw Mo t4ow 1Mt»t), "i»turnwtua, t)to +it1
`:,.,1, ... ~l.
`H, VIIIII 1!•11111, ,:,vu IHI. 11 ... f,,lt .. v.,11,t-~ 1,,, .. r,111tl n•111
`.. .l"lr·1·r.1ur,f /11l14'ftNt1t•n. Vuu, ,,1r.u11i.: 1..1,,u 1,.11:Lcuu11I 111-111 1b 11 1,
`• Llufl,_,, .,,,,u,,u,( 111,1 1lnllf, t".oifil(.-"i11I ,.__,1 ll'HJ l,UlliU' .ILlLu•J u,,u ,.
`.. 11,c,;,k, ,,.._,,,t .. , '"' l'rul.•(u111 II yu u 1111,1k. lnl)flf lti, .. ,, -~•!l•I 1if1 v••u• L-111.
`1i--•u;1iltn wllul y,,11 ln,lj1o,," 1-, Y"11•l1ts .11,al wl1y .,.11,1 lo•llnvn II ,,., 11 111u1r.h1k.n
`IILl!'ll L"l;'ll,l•i:1. U& 'WIIILl'\lft Liu ,:J■'flli aHIor ttys marrur at»no»nrn»rd r» oar
`~'L•U IILl!l,l IIUI lfy JPI, st wry potential errors In \Vfl{/,r,.:. Vuu 111L"l"f ten II 11n, l'tlJf If
`\,'lh., •h.• YV1.J 1.111.1 TILi( r'l.',~•··••n~1 1•1 1, ..... , .... 1,Ht•l11 ••flv jo(.•l•l11l111I 1:r•,Jr!'I urnJ YUU /IUIV
`louv11 1111..• l"fJY 11111 UFIIUI.Jrll ilt lfllil-i"llll1
`Wt1ll11 Wrl 1n,11,Hl,t.:,•,1,1 i,i,i1•1ll1111 ••r ,11,I 1,1nrr1 lu1n lH1nr1 nn nr11-.r. IJ\11, l,1ll11'rNlr,S
`HIH lllhl,
`_. Wn r,.,,111,1 1,y , .. , ,,11•11'.I "''' n111111u,1 HI t111nal111r1. fll rn(nl,,. V•II· hi!..
`1Jul111q111u1t nn llual ~•H1•111io1,1
`llano r Hanoa tpu»alias tray ii»runts tar yuni +itatr+piper, +raw vr troy
`11111. 11 w., l11tl,-r1f1111,u 1/W•I
`r- 11 n lu ,11n t .. 11l,,.•1tt,1• )'1111 111lrnn"il un t11nt AHH,11111
`vvn 111n1rln HI rqi><tla•lku, 'JI"'"' INql /1111 111,Y" !1111 IHIY lftn 11111uur1I 111 IJlll1ttl11111 ,or
`1,11y ,.,1ou,,n, "' 1tll1nr 1tn11•, r•1lnlnd 11, Uu-111 r,1111,111,1
`,_. Wt11ln 'il'•II• ,f;·, 111111! l1i11i,11 ft• !H'IY 11111 n11n11.111I ill flllflf'Llhon, y11,,1 ilijU f,fOlolfu"ofo•~j(,Joo
`h11 lhn r111n'11l1utor ,,r y1,,1r t,,.11;, .. q.
`• w., ~ """ h1,,,1.,. 1111)' UltJ1nul ['lllhlllnl fl,-~ltlrt/'11 y, .. ,r I" 10•-•I l1111ll
`Yvur RI.hi• ff Yuu An, Dl•t-Hff,p,fo.,;rl With Yt.•ur ~,rr:rdlr C.,i.l P-.111..·hn•u}/j
`II 'pl.Id lllll- 1f1t,1,Lhli•l.,,,j V"fllll, ll1•.1 11,uul.l• L•I :liUl .... iL·u ... 111.-t lf'UU tlllWII 11ri1 1i..:tu ,i., .. ,_1
`with y«nuns ,no«tit « ait, «and you lover l11•1d 111,?Ll"..1,::J 1,-4411• 1,, ,·,~1r1•,·t ll1i•
`prnl1IP111 'lill ilt1 l11•J l111 ,11•u l1o .u 1I. "LH f 11 1 .. ,y t11 1Vo J U u r fl Jlt,t 1· l. 1 P"'I' H u i 11111 ., ,1 ,11 .. 1~
`I.IIIILUllll tl1u• l"I ll1•J1 ~Ult.:IIU■\l.
`111 1.t••u lt11n n1.1•1t, nll nJ 11111 r11ll1tVvH,t:, flnu•I In• •1uu1
`i.o,;111 , .. I l,1or,~ .. h•ln1••"1I 1111 rtlfW° p1ur:IHllKifllll IIH'llln 111uJ11r '11 If, ...... /\I'll, I q,tAI
`l'nyru1111n1 ,,1 H,ulu"' 1•uy1111111I t;ruLl1I f'l .. 111 lrr1111 lllfl ........ , 1.1 p11n·.h1t"IH
`irtwt r+argue for ah t»tty ft+t., We f,,i:s1J1n 111111 lr1lur111\I 1:f1,1111w.n nr1
`crtlr rt.PO#ri4a. vow wwy rot +torrnt +» nLH.HII VIJIJI nr:r:nu,11 In
`C' ,Htli t1r1Jr~•-t U fo. , I i:IL•l f•my111u11Lft. 1111r.11i•.1d ,,,.:,,,nu11tr,, UI t.•lllnl"' dnluulLA IHI ),'UL.II
`AMl'l(l!Jlll l'll.fiiJ," bA< r,,,1.;uti,i..l Ill yuur l!rt.tdl• rnpurl.
`NO'r'IC.l:i OJI" Cr.HtCUT RliPQR.T C'.1l6PUTESI If Yr,JILt l•ulh,.,,tr 1fl,, A'l.-:C'uLJril
`111!1n1ru,u,,11 .,,vu ru1w1rl1,ul lu ., I.H l1U 1<ill 11 tl '''IH.. •j(lfy. :, t.at01f1Hv flt H ,~n h !11 .. 1 ... 'V I••!
`,nu'f' •ult111II u rlll•U~I dl!t.fuil,1 tu t!on»wi+tty t'at+tail tttk ti #on LM}" LJIJ .
`f.Oul.1<11hu~, l )l11u "'1.t~ \M ;r' 1u,
`ouw witter gr»sin+te trot Lovie ·•ulfl!. lur,I
`1111111111 .. rll-. I l~J lrl,••·~•lv ltl•• h, t nut+f rd »to #lw winy ttz rlotraf«at ta
`- olliiJGtOUl1l lnr0i1111lrllfu11, YtHJI ru·.J1111" m11<1 nta:uurit ,11Jrntnu
`• C:::0nl•ct lnformil\(9'111 Yt•III n.JJr~n•"" 1111d 1,,, .. _,,~11'1.•rn, 11~.111,L-.11
`• Dl■j.Julad l11ful"'n1•Llu1,. lcJ11rtlHy ttu 'i ._. r. o n 1111t 1nt,,rrn"'l•<-••1 ,l!P.flUiAff 1'iii•1rJ
`tnq,IHl/i ... vtl'v 'f'IJiLI .... 11,- .... ,. IL ht l'IU•-r,•J
`• ~u1>1:i,q,rtln11 Dact,lfl'li!trllliill!UOfl1 IJ l:lvallat•I•"· l•fL.•v•,1•::1 ar t.:L•Lj,y ur Ill'!, r;•1,:tl-1•/1 .. ,I
`111,, 1.11.J.J,c. !'U'p1'1.11l allL'Wlllf( l11u LIL"'l.:ULIIII 111l1.u111..ilitu1 't'UU ..i,n 1.J1i.1u1l111ij,\
`VV 'I will IIIYl',liiur:1LH 1111, lfll'llplllnrl 111lur111uli11n JHllt ltlpfl,I 11 11 1 rll k ii ll 'K In y,u,
`w111 .. ,, i~) •lr.y• I.II lllllf'Jll.11 ul ll111 1rilnrrr11<dliHI IUHJlliHt 11,r u J
`llt\l,.Hl•IJWIIIII). ti
`....,.., 111111 !111111 11111 NIHHHIIII 111ll1111u,1,u111 w »rtt i 1r1 .. r1:11ri..l,1, ...., ,n w,11
`'%.: £::%:3;:roar.or»
`Pt\Yfy!IENT'8 MARK~O -, .. AIU IN l"'ULL-. /\II wnllnr• c1u1111u1111r.HIWHl'I.
`routs thnt ir:I uLlu ,.1r1)" «Pat.k tor tot/o r rrnort
`l"l)j"~.t1rdl l'\f? tie»tatod
`intrarnnt rarkd prvrest la fut# or mirier Haran»o, rrt tn met tr»i
`'3' Gr A'UE '' 1.\3°
`W& J"11•V tn.Cu1-~L 1...ay111nr1l ■an11I h1 at totlr at«drno wit/oat long aany ur
`oar rbz'ts.
`Nu IHlv111n11l •fu:111 upnr•ln •• nn n~~irurf npd ,u1t·h1l'J11(;t1,p1"'1 ....... 111-~,-.a,t 1,nnr
`W1lll1!1t1 .-.11111n.1Y•I.
`I2!253:1%5%" %%Y / 11% 1 1 0.
`Mu;,.l,11, r,111) l I i)I >/ I I Y L HM"-1. kl'"~ I ~11>-t.).
`I C:Ll!:-J'"HCJNli! M3irrittG. to it«ovule vow witt tit ·aunt+ty .... irv1111,••• t..!u.""'
`•n•1•11111..11111·nllrir1 W!III 11"- l"I. 11Hilll1Urt111 HruJ/,u 111 , 1,11Jn,J
`~DDITIQ"'l,A.l... ,,.,.P"ORMATION. I ltn 11~1ii.1wu1~ 1.r1n111ur1MI 1L,r111, wl111r1 u111_H1u1 ll1t.l.
`nq tt1r• fTf',oflt or Yvl.U :\.l'Jal~ln.u11l. l'tt•J.f:11' ll1tr fu•l!UWl11n: 'I,/ r11u•1111 v•rlntJID 11111lu
`'A # '7 "% 1 {21,1'%711\41'4%%4%'
`1::12'' TT7"",14/11 44$7% 3%..%
`D[rt:n I Ml CRC8T, EC,1ul\1_ f"A.VMf- NT I ul IN I I OW l'M I 11m1ar1111; ('Jil I I l,t
`I N7'C.11CGT. LOW PI\.VMC-N f Umt U.IW' 1\1 'It I t'l, 1•A..¥ 1mmn" I t'JW Al"U, I q,IJI\I
`f"AVMC.NT. If y1.1u l111vu n v'u1lnbln 1nln nc:rc,,1Lff1l111 you!"' pni-lcHtlr. i-:tilnti, n1i,iy vnry
`'r"~U !1m1y 11t.1y ull ul yuur Ar.:cuur,I Ual1.1n~.n 111 nrty I 1rnn -llhn,•1' IH'Jnnllv
`&;;:!{'Z"{ to cvsrowen service. o eo. 0soo». est0too-.
`li'llnfl all bankruptcy nDl:lca• and rnlml;a,d ccH"'rD■pnnrii11nctt l·n C,,1ni,f"IIIV
`e.,,1ta1 tl•nlll, l:lank.ruph:i, D•par-t,~,,t. PC r.ln■ IJll!I0"1JI. Cnlumhu,r. Ohl1•
`4.fiit LH-JL'>4:t.
`NOTIC.(I Jii[IOLIT IIL llC TRCNIC Ct·H~CI<\ CONVl!H?lilON Wt11111 vu, 1•1uv11l•1 u
`r:l'-lnir.k Jll,'I rw'ljfJ"Ml')nt. vr..-u our.:llvfll.O U"- •~ltl"'\(H l'L• U:.ii,r, l11IL•rr11.:1ll1.>11 IIU!II vuur
`c:h1,i;k. il', 11,11tlr-. fl ,,i,,., tln,"l' •.::ilt:tielrv11I<.: h.1nJ l1.i:11"llilif&r f,ui11 yi,,ur acC:uUr1l ,.._,, ''- ...
`r,n,r.,,._, tt}i!J r,n.,n,,..rnt B• b ohuok l1li1)1ll11t..tlUr1. Wl1u11 wm L1••1 1nrurr11111l,,11 r,u,11
`y1,t1r r:h,nc\i, ,,, rtliiilol-at 111•1 vl•.::ro..;llv11k fur1W Lri11n•lar. lunL.J■, 111.u!r" L,n 'Will1d1•wr1
`t1orn V'O<Ur !liiiCO::L."IJl1il fl. ~,1, tl!ll6 Lf~!l'
`,,,u t.Juv YY D l'I.IL:UIVll yuu, 1•111¥1111'.JIII, 1r:1r1i.J
`you wt# rot teivn yotu lrch t 11. 111•111 'fl.JUI tl11oanL1al 1nn.lllullun.
`11::121.1:71,2:3" .3: {527.3 42%2.
`laHu• 11111111'11' Hara 3 {iutni "oitluar rt tty»ore » ran«non«niy it Y"III 1•1t11·h'""'""
`YY fl'lr. t-O~"'.rd un ft11 ~t.tvarL~l'M"lll1Unl """" IT1Dllnr1 '"' yn11, l'tf" jr W A vwn lh.., f;L .. nf•U l"1V
`that .. 1,:1 Y•,.HJ 1nu 11c..out.J• ur &UI-YIC'Ua.1
`~.Yuu 1111..ial lllhUI' \-ltiU>tf v~·•u• 'l ••J'•J,, 'lt:•1•J ''"" ltu.1 .,..LHL"flDliU 1~u,t.:II.UIHJIII> IIIYLIU
`_,.,, LlfWh u1.fvu11,;,t'ti trot «mo /t Mt 'l'f wlLII ll ct,,.J .. t 1I d(.;LUllllf.U .. yuu1
`L'UILI 111:1:1.t1..1r1I 1h, r11•I IJIH1flfy,
`.I ,,..,.,1 ltt•J'-1( ,, .. , )'Ill l!f.JVl1 lully p 1!,1! lur t1111 ,.11rr·11 .... ~n
`II all L°lt tt,ni ~r,tnrll'I nl;',(ri(IJ ore 111,,L U1nJ yc.ou ar•..:1 11,11/I ..Jia,11-nll•llnr:.I with 11,11
`11111rl111 .. 1. ,·1.111 ... I ,j ... ,,, wrtl•rtL" ,.., (~1•11111 Illy 1;1--,p1IMI 11Nllk l'fl lltHil IH:-0(•.!.JfJ.
`t.:L~lu1111 .. ua fll1tr, ""l."1;7 lA 20?0.
`W r.11,.• ,,.,., l!1Y~1•lluul1.1, 11,,, NiliHliU ,uru ... 1ppJv lj, 11.i, 11l"ti.l• il,ul r,u,;..-.Ll'll u,
`.Jh,uu~'P•,•fJ ,Jl>'L.•vu. /\tl•lf Wll llrlll•h lllU 111vn,,.H~LUil~_111, ....... , ndl t,.1jl Vl■Li it.•u1
`,J,Jlll'o,~,,,. /\L llu•L I..KJl11l, it''"""" lhlnk 'IH\li i.tWII !•'· Hlliltiuil UP•t VIJU du "ut
`'W"lt ,,,~..,. l'l!'ll VUI...I .... Llul1ru11111r1~,
`PAY'lf""rl '""'T~Rl:!81. 'V'!..•L.11 u ... ,q dnlu , .. ••I IUU'lol ";/'".-.- rt.iv ..... ,11,, ~n., t 11,IIJIJ ,,I'"" 11
`IHll11•1;t ,:y,~tn w,,, ...... ,11 1,,,1 I Flh,t;II lf'ltl,I Utlrr111nl 1111 lflllrf, UIOR ., v~u• j,'11,H
`:1,£1%••:1 1 #: :..5.2:
`:2 .%:2:2112.%2%2%.1%.11 3%::.31...
`:.:5 21.27.1 1512,2 231..":.°
`ll1n 11111;,,•nnlnf,! t---.,~11 .... , (•f )"uut UC.l ui.u1I 11ln:l1 :t,..,.. ,nJtJ till)' tHlW PlJI 1:l111n11,.,
`f\llJV,]lrlr'A!", f•J-IJ"- ,t111ll•I l"--JIU,,L .. l1uin11lu11i, ..ar11J 1:1uhlr11'1.;l illrllr' i:1111yn11,r1(11 DI"' c::rorlltA
`(lrtJn.lln1;t Oll'lf n11t Ofu1..lll l•i:1l1111lf.t1 01!1 n ~trllL"' Ut1ln11co). 1t,1-. ulvw-11. 1•1111 th'1 tli,,tlv
`hA l11r,,;,,-
`PAYMENTS. Pny r,t•ur A1:r:uu11I IJ"f' ll1n , .. ,.v,11nr1I rJ1.Jn •IHjo 1,jf tlvt 11n,rt 11,i.l,J~J l•ul••Y'I. It YVl!I du r1ul 1•u:uh,·1'J yn11r f1L'l!f1T1nnl Ir, n 1~,i.irTn1:t lnr1n.<11 (n1dll11, .. r1 lwtl1r.H) •4
`nntv IHJI , .. »
`{", %:2!' '{:.'.2'7.,",Z.::;0+t +sow r«roo t ««·su«no ton M«so s + + st6root«ors tn«es@·rot«+.
`trot nit tis yn#
`t «r#rt ,,., 1.11, lu 11 .... u IIMyK, tJI llh•:-r; bn r11111r;l1ul Ahu,, y,n11 f,H"yjtH,fll lr•ll""' l11J1(1l1 11"'1 ..... ,,,,, ,,,,v11111•1I ~ ,.,,,.,, 1111111 1,,_,, ll~lilll1' Iii
`C n rrwi. r111: Fnnh,rjil l~1p•ru11t lcu 111n l lu, 1J1rlnn111I IIHVIIIIHIL u1nll11wll'I 1111 :l1.11 :t11 ,
`M•flfn'll A--"" Q..wmft,IJr, fh111d ,:ir 1nnnu11rtl ~·l1f"r:k, r11L>r1ny c:tr(tn,, lrnvnlnr-·11 r.hnl""if; r-.r (JAkl1i1,r'fi. 1 l1•l1.~ f,-ay11l•lu lr1 l I .:.r. dvll,.:1,n. 11• Ilia 11a111H r.1111tJ 1:1Lldrr,n!!il ,alu1wr1 nn
`1111"1 ",l1allu11r111I 111 Jl10 r•••'lt'"'"'u i..:l111i ,.,, .. , • 11111,,~-•l!!l•,r~ ~""•· l•11 h 111 1
`iihlllo y11111jl (ani,,+1111,fil ... ,,JL•. ,j .. 1111111 1'1111111••·· "'
`11 •1111J n 1i11 l11 n 111 1 fHl~lllltlll IHIUIIHII ..
`11.1 i'Ulll"I ... 11 11
`1 1%21 .2 % 1:.1%.23' 21 2.31:.1"% ±..:7 "2±:2.3 11"32±.5:%.2' ' ••
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`Mt-1'4111rn1u,1) , ... I M•t,, '4!1 l :I.•• tti Lr,/ly 1.1J·1• t'"urk"lf. Wt.u hJ M■1w~11ri:1t11rt) [ I IJI)/ I
`t;;Jnlln""1 ....... ,, ,,Jl1•1 1,1 ... ~,, 11 LKl)'IIU-lfll ur1ll11u 11I. L:UIIIUllil)' t1u 11n 1 ..
`I Y 'ii ii ii» to ++w o e fl Llll)IIIIUlli l•v luluµ!n>IH", wt,lut, IIIU'I' i11Lh.1tJ•1 U luu.
`TIU.,. f.u-pT1r:u,nlJ
`L.-1 NtH·n ..
`ts trot tta
`l\p..i. Nn
`I ir'9,{ Nll~itt
`N•- Jnla.rrna.llDft
`in> sane: fr
`PO 001(
`.Jlr C:.n.r kti
`CT_IJ1 ltJ MILITARY AFFIDAVIT Filt.: No. 22-107676
`111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 IIIII IIII IIII


`, .. A U\ L a o r- 4
`eynrt addresm mand notatnrrt rrmmag ctr conning
`It you c;;rr-'IQQniaii to man YOUF My BJ1& Fl'e:,r•k.s, Mm.e.tnrcurd payment&. ph:,ast::t t<nuvv thut tt"la pnyrn1Snt ,r.,,dli::;:lrrnam
`I•• ohnnglng. please mall your·r:.u,1.ym .. ntn to Oamsnlly Caplt~I Bani< l"'O BOX 6601 13, l.:>AL.I..AS. 1·x
`rs26s-01 13
`a a friencdly reminder, ptees .,. br> "'ur0- to mo.II youF paymeFH at la~ .. r 1 days bAfore the due date so you
`<;;1on't mlsB ti-ii!> du .. d .. t ... You lro taveo online pytnsrt options ttrougt Account ca-nter. such as
`scheduling your payrsnt up to 3o days in advance.
`Thank you for bing a valuod My Ed' Forks Mastercard cunstoror
`Prot•ct.lng y-ur mccount t'rorn onlln• rr11111.1cl
`If you·~ .. "'hopping on11no v.nd are asked to vl!lrlfy your purctu.\l!.o by conllrrnlng the last rour digits of your
`tY!Oblll!t phon .. numbor. this Is a security ar&p we·v.,. put In plQ.oo on your behalf - It la a.are to p~ovlde rhlu
`lnrorrn ... tlon. Ono" yo1a1 contlrm It, we vvlll u•u• thn rnobOf'o phone number on file- wltl"I your My B.J'o. Perka
`MEUl.lttn::iorc:1 arocllt card account to s8nd you u vnr1fh;:.«t1on code via text me,;
`lmporU11nt Fl•mlndar: If yo,_. rn"l.!<9 a purcl,ns .. vvltn Ihle, ,;:;rodlt ,;,,ui;i u3lng., promotlun&I plan, th ..
`promotlc>nal i=>l&n nxplrntlon QC\te r\nd payment clut> dc..t,.. may be different. This means that If you have an-i,,
`reriring prorotlort plan be.lane& art .. r th» pron"lotlonul plnn oxplrntlon d€1.te. u-. .. .. and any
`acoruna lntnreRt (It applicable), wlll mov .. to your rnia1.11ar revolving plan on u,e n .. :><1 billing ~rtttHn,ttnt.
`How to nvolcl or mlnlmlz:a lnterant charge•:. Be sur-e co ~E1y &ny ~r'or'notlc,nr1,r pln,n bnl,:1.nce tn full c;:>n
`r bsiore tt» plan expiration dates tr»wr In tt,e "Deta.Ua ur yOL.n" s=,lane1a;'' 1".IJ!Qtlon of your st.Rtement Pie.AS@
`R,IBO Keap en 19t)"l:I out tor" r'"lotlrlQntlon:0 pf \Nhe,n your promotional plan(s) aro roaring ttoir piratlor
`Cl"'lte-you'II i!la .. th .. r'l"i In thn, r•d box on Pl'\IJI!!> '1 or your ,;:;r.._t .. rnnnt. U you hnve q••estlone. pl&Rse c._~11 YS
`toll-lr .. e at 1-056-269-1622 ("rDl:l/"I '1-V ,1 -666-8'1 9-191 0) To lnnrn rnoro natotut tow prnrnotlonal plRnB wnrl<,
`visit eon-, .. nlty.con"l/fln,.nalril-i!'!'QUCntlon. VV&'re &lvv&yu httppy to h111>lp.
`IMMEDIATE ATTll!NTION FiEQLIIAEDI Your A,:ac;ounl I~ .,.,<tr.,.n"lnly P'L'3't clue "1nel WIii ba WFltten orr E!.S E!.
`bad elebt tat the» end cot ttuna rnonth "rn <\VOid tl-ils, you c;1o1n P"'-Y thn. Minimum nrnount shown on this
`eta.tem .. nt bnfor111 th• ""d ot tr,ls month If yuu a.r .. r,c,t .. bin to pny the MlnlrnL•f'Tl F'ayrneru amount, we will
`still ts natl» to rimlst ycotu nn<;t prevent YOU!'" aeeount ,,.un"I being written oft CF>,II us e.t 1-865-617-80861
`(TDD/T-rv' 1 -ts-s1po1IE) ncd we will rind .... .:.ult.1b1 .. i:,nyrnent oeh>re ti,e end or 1hli!l n-iontl-i. If wr1u .. n 011,
`'thH bad d ... bt vvUI bG reported lo U"'\1::1, [hfaa n-;l'!I.Jor Cir'rt~lt burf)TIUG n.,nQ OUf" Recove,,y (aA.i-"ft vvlll deletr"r'"l"'llr-.H lht:,
`ttpproprl.-..:i.tll!I 19,teps. ns f'l&Frnltt&d end 8vAllubln und .. r nppllcnhle IA\N, to PFOl8Cl Our" ll'"ICDrl!l~t=1.
`Affnated by COVID-1llil? Com•nll:y Capitol l!lank Otfnrn Bupp-r't
`\s th» bnrk that rnnnags your credit cnrd, our hmonrts go out to those naff»ctscd ty th» cororv»virus
`(COVID-1 G) pnnc:lernlo.
`r he mag>port w're» «xten«air»a to you. It you're experiencing financlt tardstlp boons» of >o ft.1o,
`plel'\88 call 1-0bb-269-1 822 (TDO/T"l"'Y· , -f.'158-619-1 91 6) lu dl .. CUMO> howv w» rway to nablo to help
`ACCOUMlt Cantar , .. BVQlllllblilfl!> 24'7 for you to n'ilnhngn ,ro.ur Nly B~·- P•.-k• Mnot•rcarcl ililCCOUnt
`»rlir. ou ann rakes payments and viesw your tralnco, transactions and statsrnsrts orlirs. Not yet
`rmo glterca? igit mybjsperks.corn, enter your My B.J'(9 l">e,rl<B ME!.l!ltercaFcl et"edlt oe.rd ,;,,c,count nu,.,.,b .. r Hnd
`ZIP <;i<>i;;ie, then verify yoLH' ld1Sor'illty.
`,,,, •. ,.,.. lklr oat tor you. Vo» r»rair focused on th .. 1-i .. 0.ltl"II and 1Null-b11;>lng of our o••stomere l'\nc;;I
`nseoele.h,s, Etr"lld vv »'Hi contiruo to sty on top ot what's 1-ie.pi::, .. nlng during tho pQnd•rnlo 1!10 we can best
`euppvrt yuu.
`c1·_0119 MILITARY AFFIDAVIT File Nu. 22-107676
`1111111 11111 Ull 11111111111 111111111111111 IIIII IIII IIII


`How can yc>t• tcn.k.e Oh"lrg& agall"l .. t ID Thnft? Vl,i;lt lc;;Ut">i!;ior~ gov to find OU('
`I'AME 4 » a
`CT_OI 19 MILITARY AFFIDAVIT File No, 22-107676
`1111111111111111 11111111111 111111111111111 IIIII IIII IIII


`t1"•11n yt)tJr ,J\:l\l -.'i:.,,r·l~'O in s,o il'"ICf"E:"r-TlentS BO V~)lJ c.;.111
`Ni.;;\/\/ _
`,,p,d-, .. ir. ... 1T1 ltua.n1 f-nr,;t~·,.,· vvh,r•n y,-, u m«tor at t J's
`at «mo«ck»tnt in ,lnl»
`or tor»lire
`:t·~u,"l·u·.-,,u.r 11::,,f uc:c,oLJl'lt r1nlivll
`Previous b!!llnnca
`Otl·ui,r orocJHm
`Pu rchctfiftfl
`Otho.r dub,ta
`Cash adVOflCI';•
`Bal.or1ou lt'Dr 11t1rvr
`F1'atttJ ahcrg~CI
`lnloromt c.hDP-Q(a;d
`l t t»la race
`r"n11t dun nmount
`r »tit tirl
`AvutlL\blet c:.ra-c:111
`Ounf"1 o~cJlt ltmu
`Avntfmbln onn.t1
`Gtntamnnl olomlng data
`Dayn Jn bllllng cyolo
`70 1:3
`5:Jl.,:i!B, .04
`1 0/ 1 812020
`NAW bnl.n.noe=.
`Minimum paym-1,t cia..Jiltf'
`rpayrn»rt duo date
`Lwtllll!!!I ptll!!ly-m•nl: w•rnlngr:.
`•" vvt, r.ic.1 ,,v\ rt,oelvB your mtnJmum poymdril by 11/13/2020 yt.Ju !TIDY
`hnvw lu J')i:iy ...,.Jaal' {Q u ~-40.0,0 iute Juu.
`f!Jitntrn1i.1JT1 poym•nl warn~ng: 1r you ma.kV• only thH r,,1n1n,u1T1
`pay»rt for act prod, you will pay morn In lntar.;.At ancl II wlll t.o.ko
`)H.Jl.J l~riliJld',. 1c1 r.:n•y r■f'f your bulonoum. t-:='or uxampl,t>.
`Yig;1,,.1 WIii PIIY otr
`1:Fi;a b-.l•nc• •l,1C1wn
`01"'1 th• .t.t.-rr■-ni:
`,n •JiiJrowt;
`Only tho mlntmum po.yn11onl 1 :'.:I- y~p,...-
`!',i,1 ~1
`3 y1'Wtirf,1
`If yau mak• na- ndcllit:191"HIII'
`oharg,a,a uall"'ia tl"lila oaird
`•ndl ••ch mc.nlt,, ygy pay;
`And you wfll
`art a pmvlra mr
`••ti mat-ad lai·t.i
`t»avg ta770»
`For fnrurn-,.n.,10,"1 r"•E,Qnra1111g c:ru,fllt c..ounno,lli,g oorvlcoa,
`c:llnll 1 -800-~H,"1- 1 7'0~
`--------- ---- ---
`Btdp e.lgnlng 1 .. to pay mar us corn»rity' Essy"Pay tr' a.r.lfo nnd conv111nfanL Uan your rnartphors arnor#a tor otodo
`rwnd1.:1r 1'~ •--=fir• 1hrc, QR ~~da r,,-,1n,ttd ,g,P"r your paymnnt a:tub bmlow- lo gnt r.1tn,-tud.
`;::.wn1 C:.tu•1,.tlc;in»·r N't•d t~ f"T'IHK.., u po.ym•nt? Wont to know 1,ow to co p111p•rh111:&'1li'
`Vl11ill m)'bJ .. p,!ltrk• • .:vm Of' oufl 1-Be.5-:,!t..-f:il-11'..,~~ ( rcorr 1-Y 1 81 g 1. stl, B) Wli"1[ l:O .. , ... y 111 th• knt:.1\N with l;r'ttdit \:IJ7'B
`and rwn? rit uw at tac»book,aorrfonkoorrarity or nt twitter.oorm/nan»k«corn»niry.
`Eit:1.rn 6% a•.1,s.h buok on rnora;,t
`fn-Club nnd BJe.onm pl.Jr<;!,
`v101t BJ•.comJ'•warcl•
`to see how many Awards you have
`avallabr .. to ro,e1 .... n-,,, 11 s .....
`the Addlllonal ln-ipurlant M .. ssag .. .,
`section ror details.
`Vr.:aur ,,vftllubln Awnrd bnJnnoa tm
`i(;a arr»tly jo,to Vnu t'lllao 1,nve $0.0U'
`lr orrirgs tow»rd your rt Avard.
`Duri'l fwiro~• •hfH A\NflnEtit e-Dn bti Ullad
`1111 chvCk1..11LJt I, 1-Club 1:2r- ur■il,,6-"' Sec,
`lho AcSclltlanol lmportn,lt Mw,1!J111111ll11~tt,B
`t:i:ocllon ror cSolollu.
`tor't tor@et oa nvo po. to oft/gnl at
`BJ'& Goffl!P l!t-V~i'")I d,py. Pl1,,1c,, 1i-1nrn 2%
`CUEh book. at r,on-BJ'lfiil ~OJI; !ILDlfona
`wllh your oard. • Sf:HJr tho AdlcSIULJ>nal
`ll"t""lr.JL.>rtt.•••t Mee,msg,e,m s■::tctlon for
`-- -
`Cluf.: 1 ••!ii ot your trii'tnv,,at;:tlnn~
`rrtm arr
`r em
`to~ 1 :1w2020
`LATI:. t-'tdt:!
`Total T...,• ohargeGI 'for thl• period
`Interest ohai"liiiilDd
`rtret ctaroe on parolee
`lnt•r.•t oh11rgai on ao.•h advance
`fn1: .. ,........E Ct-"'iaFg• B, fl; bi11laF\e• l'rlllt'Ulftiilr
`To10!1 ,..,, • ....,.., for Et,I .. ..,.ri.....i
`t,JC>TJ,"',i, ';.~:~::~~;:;'::~ ~•;:;;:,!.l;~a;;:,: :•~';;~mlun
`D V••• I hnvo n"lOV"ocl or upcli111od rny
`o--mc.11 addrooa - 11100 rovar11ro.
`S-ru.1 ~
`S7'0., a
`••••..Ji■"'•*-""lilr*...,.-01 :!lei
`j- Mlr,ilrr•lH1"1 11i"Ymt!nr
`Nif:f'IN hAl,t1,~'1D
`Mfl.lud_po.yn-1ul1lu lf1Lnc1. r11uOl1 ual by Spilli ET
`on 1M/12020.
`• • •11• • • •1111 • 11 •I• II II 1• 1•111111, ii I• 1, II 111u11, 1111111•• •1 • 111
`210 HEV\/ITT ST
`ioua«» tr ial«o ct»ok puyutt» to .
`COME=NlrY - My LJ.Jl'n Porkl'J Mon.lnrcan::I
`Piuu~,u r-otldrl"1 11,1a portion along with your payrnonl lo.
`F'O BOX 659834
`SAN ANTONIO TX ?'8219$•9134
`CT_Ol 19 MILITARY AFFIDAVIT File No. 22-I07676
`1111111 111111111 11111111111 1111111111111111111111111111


`- 1 h la, ro w o. rd a. p ro g ra rn Is P FO v ld e c:1 b y ~J·r. VVl"1ol!'l'r..f..\le Club, Inc. and Jte. 1 .. rrn,. rnsy ci-10,,ngr• iat nny time. For full
`Hnvvz:1,n;,15 Terrns e.,nd GondltJOt"1~. plo,ann 1-1nn e.Js r-ofT\/per-k:elern,a and EJJ!.!S oorn/l:t".1rmn
`Cra<;;tlt card orrers ar ... aub)aot to ornc:111 npprova.l.
`Cash bacl< la In the rorrn or .. ,octronlo A.won;le. leaued In $1 O lne~ .. nu•nt.-. tho,t are YEUJd al checKour at BJ's and
`expire; Bl>< rnonth .. Iron-, th.,. d,;1tq, IOf"Ued , Muet contaet BJ's Ml!truber C,:,,.,, ut eoo-e...i9-CL.UB to reeiuesr e&sh
`1:>acl< In the rurr"tl 01 a ohesck prior to AwE\rc! explratlo .....
`. - - - . ·-. - - . - . -
`- - .. - .... -- - ... - - . - ·- - .
`Ku111t tl1111i. 1-,, 1 I•"" h•t )"l'lfl ,,., ••rdtt
`w,,. f TU l:Jc, II' Yau 'rhi11lil Yau PT11r:I A lllfff''tfll.!!I' (>fJ YUUF &lr11l•rr1r,,l'rl
`II y11,1 th1r,k tt,,•1,t '"' 111• urru1 011 V'-'IJr Hh1l•t111111•I, W'filo 111 un i.l l?1111n,l!l!v
`c..:up1lnl H,t1,..; jJI i- B,ui. \M~"biiLi. C1.J1l•1111ln.11..1, rJf11u il.1:.-' 1 t4 :11,..-'tl
`If! )'PIii lullnr, UIYII "°' tl111 lull111Nlrlt,~ lr,ll,ifl!ar1 .. 1■1
`-. ,lli.:1-·r.u.1111 ,.,,1r,r111,,ut, .. n v~•ur 1H,,111,:, k.l'l•.J 1.n)t.uu11I 11u111L1ur.
`• t.•t•llt1r ur11u1Jr,f I l1u tlnllt-11 i'~Jllf,.h.UI( i,t llhJ '"U~i...nrULu•_j u11vr.
`_. ,.,,~ ... , 'u•r,, .. , .... , ,tul.•lurr, II 'f'I.IU t.l1l11k llHJIP '"' ,111 .,,,1., 4-lf• .,.4.. .. ,1 I.Iii.
`d11111n1lilt11 WIIHI VilU li,nlinvn , ... wr,,r •• ,. ,,, .. f twy you tun#inn it in n trvtnokr»
`VL1u 11l,.t11.l C""nnlar-1 ti wittun 6to dev atter the "l'ltUr 1tl'lJ.1n>it11a1J t'Hl v1 .. 1,,Jr
`• f• I rJ 111"11'1 ~,
`v ... ,~J 11Llll,l 11L"JLII-,. u11 nr nary potential orrorm in »tint, st» tray L:1::1111 ua, 1•11I If
`y,u, ih, vv•..z uru ,n.•I 1111..tLIIIUII lLI JflYU"lill,lH(n 1111\r 1w1l,t4;l.thl •·!•~Un, rJ111.J YUU 1111.l V
`htn1•, l11 ,.,,,v n,,., u1111•u11I 1,1 1111n .. liur1.
`Wl11ln -n lrlVl1iN11f;hlfl IAl"t••~linU ,d In•! ll1•~rn luu1 Lt-Ullrl HII IUflH1 lhn l,1lh i..., lr"lt{
`11111 lr1u-.,
`• Wrt ,·1 .. 11f'lr.1 r y 1,., ,,tt,., J 1t1•• """•11111 ir, •111nntu1n. ru ,np .. ul v,•11 n!I.
`1fr,l111tp1nrtl CHl llutl Jlllu,111,r.,
`ljlq, lirrtlt{n HI l]lJ'Ull!Ol1 IIIEIY 1nr11u1n IHI y1,111 "'···'••fl1Ul"1I, .,,,d w .. 1, •.• .,
`1-:11nll1111n I .. it/it-oft:" y111I t,,111111-tt IHI tt, .. 1 r1111u11rtl. I.hit. jf 'WO dnlo,.11u1roh 1111-.1
`YYJ'I lll''llllhl Jll IIIIH.I.Hkfl y .. 11 Will n,•I hitVU Ii, fi'le1y 11, .. •1111r111•1l In qu1111l1u11 IH
`Hr1\I ,,, .. ,. ..... , IH 11ll1nr l•Hlft 1ulnl111J 11, ll1nl Hll11dll11
`nut «ls rot tnuaonn tis joy
`nrnnmrt tr tptelt»rt nit nano roof»u»resit»t+»
`IUI lflll IUlll 'liln1l111 HI yi.;11 lo.MIFH"lf11I
`W,• l\11fl "1\'lliy 41rt!II tlllllrlllJ n111t11111! HflHi"rtl'LI Vlollr rrn, Ill llfhll
`Yo;,r Rl•ftr. ff r"c.-1., An::o tu»tiatit w tour nit cn Puhones
`II ... lhl ~IU d1+..1,u1t11,!I hJ•J wltti t,, .. , ·~•...-•IJ:a, L'! ~11'Yi'L U'II 11,ut YULI lli .h lll ~hllL"t1.,+..,1,I
`...... 1111 YUL-II (:r.-,11, I .... ,1, ,,1~,j .,,,u ln•Y" h1•J•J 1r1 f!L1".•d lui11, h.1 i.::u1ruL·L ll1u
`µrr,1hlL11n with tro #nut 'watt, van+ tty taro thz 11Jtt1I 11ul Lu 1,•1:t 'I' thu 1111111,j111Ji1t
`fHIILHHII ,1,,1t ,.,, lll•., "'!J1L.ll1e1'11u.
`, .. 1JHt1 li1i'1 rit1,1t, nit 111 11111 hJllu ........ 11"1(! l!liit-..11 ltll '""''
`11:%.#%7'%-3%" 123..%13 1%2
`1 ... u,,, ri1••I•., 11,,.,, :.I•'"'.} (Nuhn "1111111111 111 11111,in f"'I. 111111·1t @ i il ysnt fir ors
`Wf1"" :-.n.w.or-J on tlllf'II l.'11:N~tlllkJi11u.1111 Wt, 1nallud Lu '1'l"H1, 1·;i,r u wn .uW'n tt,l't ~.t;,rru,or,y
`t1,.,rt «..-.1i:1 v, .. :.-l, tl-,o ilt.'04...J:. ur ••:nvl'L'u•.)
`~.Yuu 111u•l l1uvn l,.,l~c.J ... L .... 1:11,rtll ..... Jil h.•• \Ii" 1•~1;l•r,u■u i'u1t:ht.1MU• fllt.lLIU
`w-1U1 t.:ut1il1 uLlvw,1;~1111. l1u1n ~HI ,1\1 M "' WIit, • ,J'll•il k lft «al act'rowers your terudl
`'L"'WrLI .11:1:uur,1 1Jn ,1ul rJl4rifrfy,
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Author: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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Author information

Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.