Holiday Express/Evidence (2024)





During any story section in Holiday Express, the player will have access to pieces of evidence found in the Investigation mini-games. Each piece of evidence has its own set of descriptions and/or information needed for the Deduction mini-games. Evidence will also be updated when reaching a certain part of the story. These can be viewed at any time.


  • 1 Chapter 1: Holiday Express
  • 2 Chapter 2: Incident in the Night
  • 3 Chapter 3: Silent Old Jolly
  • 4 Chapter 4: In-tree-guing Evidence
  • 5 Chapter 5: To the Final Stop

Chapter 1: Holiday Express[]


Holiday Express/Evidence (1)

Pamphlet - Suite Map
  • Electrical Room
  • Suite No.1 - Carol Cookie
  • Suite No.2 - Angel Cookie
  • Suite No.3 - Royal Bear Jelly
  • Suite No.4 - Linzer Cookie
  • Suite No.5 - Sparkling Cookie
  • Suite No.6 - Vampire Cookie
  • Suite No.7 - Old Jolly
  • Suite No.8 - Schwarzwälder
  • Suite No.9 - Crème Brûlée Cookie
  • Suite No.10 - Cheddar Cheese Cookie/Macaroni Cookie
  • Kitchen
  • Dining Car
  • Lounge Car
  • Banquet Car

Holiday Express/Evidence (9)

Pamphlet - Itinerary
  • 16:30-17:00 - Boarding and Checking Tickets
  • 17:00-17:10 - Departure
  • 17:10-18:00 - Announcement
  • 18:00-20:00 - Supper
  • 20:00-00:00 - Break Time
  • 00:00-01:00 - Tree-Lighting Ceremony

Holiday Express/Evidence (10)

Piece of Ice Cream Cake
  • A complimentary dessert for the passengers of the Holiday Express.
  • It's made of ice cream. Better eat it fast before it melts.
  • Full of red, juicy berry filling.

Holiday Express/Evidence (11)

Linzer Cookie's Manuscript
  • The manuscript Linzer Cookie is working on.
  • It contains the finished manuscript, but the envelope is not sealed shut.
  • Crème Brûlée Cookie keeps his sheet music in a similar envelope. (Updated in Scene 4-1)

Holiday Express/Evidence (12)

Linzer Cookie's Notebook
  • A notebook used by Linzer Cookie to jot down her thoughts.
  • Myriad of possible themes and ideas are scribbled down.
  • Linzer Cookie worked hard for the perfect plot twist.

Holiday Express/Evidence (13)

Linzer Cookie's Fountain Pen
  • It has a recorder function, useful for note-taking and journaling.
  • There is a recording saying something about switching rooms with Crème Brûlée Cookie, made on Dec 23, 9:15 PM.
    (Updated in Scene 1-4)
  • There is a recording containing sounds of Schwarzwälder’s card-writing agony, made on Dec 23rd.
    (Updated in Scene 3-2)

Chapter 2: Incident in the Night[]


Holiday Express/Evidence (14)

Incident Report
  • Victim: Old Jolly
  • Location: The Holiday Express, Old Jolly's Suite
  • Time of Discovery: 08:00
  • Time of Incident: 00:00-01:00 (Updated in Scene 2-2)
  • Details: Presumed to have been struck hard from the back with a candy cane. (Updated in Scene 2-2)
  • Weapon: Candy Cane at the Crime Scene (Updated in Scene 2-2)

Holiday Express/Evidence (15)

Old Jolly's Suite Investigation
  • Old Jolly: They were found collapsed in the middle of the suite.
  • Evidence #1: A clock next to Old Jolly. It seemed to have fallen from the table. The time is stopped around 00:20.
  • Evidence #2: A book on the table. It reads, "A Piece of Cake! Dessert Science."
  • Evidence #3: A thermometer placed inside the suite for checking the temperature.
  • Note #1: This clock is almost undamaged and there is not(sic) strawberry jam on it. Perhaps, it's not the weapon.
  • Note #2: This suite is warmer than the others.

Holiday Express/Evidence (16)

Old Jolly Incident Investigation
  • Evidence #1: A candy cane smothered with strawberry jam. It was found next to Old Jolly.
  • Evidence #2: Old Jolly's hat... sticky with strawberry jam.
  • Evidence #3: Sugar granules next to Old Jolly have hardened and faded.
  • Evidence #4: A sack containing Old Jolly's gifts.
  • Evidence #5: It's Old Jolly's beard... Was there a physical altercation involved?
  • Evidence #6: Gift boxes that were inside the sack. Cookies names are written on the tags.

Holiday Express/Evidence (17)

A Piece of Cake! Dessert Science
  • It belonged to Old Jolly.
  • A book that explains the science behind desserts.
  • According to this book, sugar hardens and fades over time.

Holiday Express/Evidence (18)

Candy Cane with Strawberry Jam
  • It's sticky with Old Jolly's strawberry jam.
  • It wasn't Old Jolly's strawberry jam, but the berry filling from the cake. (Updated in Scene 4-6)
  • The handle of this candy cane is not worn or scratched... meaning it does not belong to Old Jolly. (Updated in Scene 4-6)

Holiday Express/Evidence (19)

Vampire Cookie's Statement
  • Name: Vampire Cookie
  • Profile: Passenger
    • This Cookie loves juice. He even coveted the fancy grape juice Old Jolly brought.
    • It is true that Vampire Cookie wanted the juice, but he did not steal it. He paid Old Jolly with Coins for a taste.
  • 18:00–20:00
    Noticed an odd look on Angel Cookie's face when talking to Old Jolly during supper.
  • 20:00–22:00
    After supper, he paired Sparkling Cookie's juice with the dessert.
  • 20:00–22:00
    Old Jolly refused to drink it, but the juice was delicious.
  • 22:00–0:00
    Drank grape juice while playing cards with other Cookies.
  • 0:00–01:00
    Watched the Tree-Lighting Ceremony along with the others in the Dining Car.

Holiday Express/Evidence (20)

Angel Cookie's Statement
  • Name: Angel Cookie
  • Profile: Passenger
    • A Cookie with a curious expression. Somehow suspicious too...
    • Had a conversation with Old Jolly about flying before supper.
  • 20:00–21:00
    Drank the juice prepared by Sparkling Cookie after supper.
  • 21:00–22:00
    Practiced flying after.
  • 22:00–00:00
    Played cards with the other Cookies in between.
  • 22:00–00:00
    While waiting for the Tree-Lighting Ceremony, witnessed Crème Brûlée Cookie and Old Jolly arguing over sheet music.
  • 00:00–01:00
    Watched the Tree-Lighting Ceremony along with the others in the Dining Car.

Holiday Express/Evidence (21)

Carol Cookie's Statement
  • Name: Carol Cookie
  • Profile: Passenger
    • This Cookie loves music and poetry. She was looking forward to the Tree-Lighting ceremony.
    • After supper, she saw Sparkling Cookie dejected from Old Jolly refusing his sparkling juice.
  • 20:00-22:00
    She was writing carols in her suite after supper.
  • 20:00-22:00
    She was coming up with a poem inspired by the conversation she had with Old Jolly during supper.
  • 22:00-00:00
    After, she played cards with Angel Cookie and Vampire Cookie in the Dining Car.
  • 22:00-00:00
    She felt bad after witnessing Crème Brûlée Cookie and Old Jolly argue.
  • 00:00-01:00
    She wrote a poem about peace, while watching the Tree-Lighting Ceremony.

Holiday Express/Evidence (22)

Crème Brûlée Cookie's Statement
  • Name: Crème Brûlée Cookie
  • Profile: Passenger
    • A pianist Cookie. He was rather anxious due to his upcoming performance at the Grand Holiday Concert.
    • Have entered Old Jolly's suite to find his sheet music. Searched until dawn, but it was nowhere to be found. (Updated in Scene 3-5)
  • 20:00-21:30
    He practiced in the Banquet Car after supper.
  • 21:30-22:00
    After practice, he realized he had lost his sheet music.
  • 22:00-00:00
    Focused on practicing the piano after losing his sheet music.
  • 00:00-01:00
    He was practicing in the Banquet Car.
  • 00:00-01:00
    With everyone else preoccupied, he didn't run into anyone. No one heard him play in the soundproof car.

Chapter 3: Silent Old Jolly[]


Holiday Express/Evidence (23)

Sparkling Cookie's Statement
  • Name: Sparkling Cookie
  • Profile: Passenger
    • An expert juice-maker Cookie. He offered refreshments to the passengers.
    • He was a little upset when Old Jolly rejected his drink, but felt better knowing they had planned to leave presents for the guests at night.
  • 20:00-21:00
    He was in the Dining Car after supper.
  • 21:00-22:00
    After dessert, he practiced mixing new drinks for the winter holidays.
  • 22:00-00:00
    He played card games with other Cookies and left to watch the ceremony around midnight.
  • 00:00-01:00
    He was mixing juice for Cookies in the Dining Car even after the ceremony had ended.
  • 00:00-01:00
    Halfway through the ceremony, he heard Royal Bear Jelly push a cart towards the Dining Car.

Holiday Express/Evidence (24)

Schwarzwälder's Statement
  • Name: Schwarzwälder
  • Profile: Passenger
    • His infamous reputation precedes him.
    • Since he's not a Cookie, he leaks cherry jam, not strawberry. (Updated in Scene 3-7)
  • 20:00-
    Wrote a holiday card after supper.
  • 20:00-
    This card was addressed to Poison Mushroom Cookie.
  • 20:00-
    The detectives kept a close-eye on him as he's a well-known villain.
  • 20:00-
    The detectives checked if he ever left his suite, and he never did.
  • 00:00-01:00
    He heard someone push a cart towards the Dining Car.

Holiday Express/Evidence (25)

Royal Bear Jelly's Statement
  • Name: Royal Bear Jelly
  • Profile: Conductor of the Holiday Express
    • An avid fan of Linzer Cookie, he seems very interested in her newest work.
    • He seems to have known Linzer Cookie and Crème Brûlée Cookie switched rooms. (Updated in Scene 4-1)
  • 20:00-01:00
    He stayed in the electrical room preparing for the Tree-Lighting Ceremony after supper.
  • 20:00-01:00
    The lights on the tree required expert control.
  • 00:00-01:00
    Cookies attending the ceremony didn't notice anything out of the ordinary.
  • 00:00-01:00
    He moved the cart to the Dining Car to have a snack during the ceremony.
  • 00:00-01:00
    He witnessed Crème Brûlée Cookie entering Old Jolly's suite right before the ceremony.

Holiday Express/Evidence (26)

Crème Brûlée Cookie's Suite Invesigation
  • Evidence #1: Crème Brûlée Cookie's envelope containing his sheet music; found tucked beneath the couch on the right side of his suite.
  • Evidence #2: Crème Brûlée Cookie's piano cloth was on table. There wasn't a single speck of dirt on it.
  • Evidence #3: Crème Brûlée Cookie's glasses were on the table. Nothing stood out.
  • Evidence #4: A magazine was found on the couch on the right side of the suite.
  • Evidence #5: The suitcase is locked with a passcode. What could it be? Perhaps an important date for Crème Brûlée Cookie...?
  • Evidence #6: Crème Brûlée Cookie's books and sheet music, all neat and tidy.

Holiday Express/Evidence (27)

Crème Brûlée Cookie's Sheet Music
  • An envelope containing sheet music Crème Brûlée Cookie will use for the upcoming Grand Holiday Concert. There are some notes written down.
  • The envelope resembles the one Linzer Cookie uses for her manuscript. (Updated in Scene 4-1)
  • Sheet music for this year's Grand Holiday Concert. Wait, the order is all messed up...! (Updated in Scene 4-1)

Holiday Express/Evidence (28)

Crème Brûlée Cookie's Magazine
  • A classical music magazine containing Crème Brûlée Cookie's interview.
  • It reads, "Interview with a Genius Rising Star!"
  • Crème Brûlée Cookie said his performance for the holiday charity event is most memorable.

Holiday Express/Evidence (29)

Organized Books and Sheet Music
  • Books and sheet music Crème Brûlée Cookie carries when traveling.
  • There is a little note written on the sheet, indicating that this is not one of the pieces Crème Brûlée Cookie was going to perform at the upcoming concert.
  • The books and sheet music are organized neatly, a glimpse into Crème Brûlée Cookie's personality.

Chapter 4: In-tree-guing Evidence[]


Holiday Express/Evidence (30)

Royal Bear Jelly's Suite Invesigation
  • Evidence #1: Linzer Cookie's complete works placed on Royal Bear Jelly's bookshelf.
  • Evidence #2: A master key that allows one to access all the suites on the train.
  • Evidence #3: Royal Bear Jelly's list of passengers on top of the table.
  • Evidence #4: A fan letter addressed to Linzer Cookie. It's torn to pieces.
  • Evidence #5: It's locked with a passcode. What could Royal Bear Jelly's passcode be...?
  • Evidence #6: Royal Bear Jelly's personal belongings inside the drawer.

Holiday Express/Evidence (31)

Royal Bear Jelly's List of Books
  • Summary: Royal Bear Jelly's cherished collection of Linzer Cookie's work.
  • Details: Some books have stickers on them.
  • First Book: A book with a sticker. It reads, "And Then There Were No Cookies."
  • Second Book: A book with a sticker. It reads, "The PostCookie Always Rings Twice."
  • Third Book: A book with a sticker. It reads, "The Sign of the Four Cookies."
  • Fourth Book: A book with a sticker. It reads, "The Adventure of Six Cookies."

Holiday Express/Evidence (32)

Passenger List
  • A list of passengers carried by the conductor.
  • It shows which passenger are staying in which suite.
  • Linzer Cookie's suite is circled in red... Perhaps because the conductor is a loyal fan?

Holiday Express/Evidence (33)

Mustache Scissors
  • Were in Royal Bear Jelly's drawer.
  • Seems to be used for trimming Royal Bear Jelly's mustache.
  • It's practically new! Maybe it's a recent purchase.

Holiday Express/Evidence (34)

Twinkle Lights Controller Package
  • Was in Royal Bear Jelly's drawer.
  • Wrapper for the Twinkle Lights Remote Controller and its Manual.
  • It reads, "Equipped with the latest technology, so you can light up your tree whenever, wherever!"

Chapter 5: To the Final Stop[]


Holiday Express/Evidence (35)

Dining Car Invesigation
  • Evidence #1: A teapot on the Dining Car table.
  • Evidence #2: A room service cart used by Royal Bear Jelly in the night.
  • Evidence #3: Sugar for sweetening your tea or any dish, really. This pot is filled to the brim.
  • Evidence #4: The menu of yesterday's supper and today's breakfast.
  • Note #1: Inside... contains things one should not find in a teapot.
  • Note #2: A red curtain that hides the contents of the cart.

Holiday Express/Evidence (36)

Room Service Cart
  • A room service cart used in the kitchen.
  • Some sugar can be found behind the curtain.
  • After examining the color and size of the sugar granules... It seems to be Old Jolly's.

Holiday Express/Evidence (37)

Half-melted Candy Cane
  • A half-melted candy cane found inside the tea strainer.
  • It's slowly melting in the hot tea.
  • The handle is worn, with scratches.

Holiday Express/Evidence (38)

Strands of Royal Bear Jelly's Mustache
  • Mustache strands found in the tea strainer.
  • Seems like it came from the melted candy cane.
  • Judging by the length and color, it belongs to Royal Bear Jelly.

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Holiday Express/Evidence (2024)


What are two pieces of evidence that point at the weapon used in the incident Cookie Run Kingdom? ›

For the third deduction (What are the two pieces of evidence that point at the weapon used in the incident?): "A candy cane smothered with strawberry jam. It was found next to Old Jolly." and "Old Jolly's hat... sticky with strawberry jam."

What is an evidence that can refute Royal Bear Jelly's alibi? ›

All the evidence is gathered. Disaprove Royal Bear Jelly's alibi with the newly found evidence. Show solutionWhat is an evidence that can refute Royal Bear Jelly's alibi? twinkle lights controller package.

Why can't the jam on the candy cane be old jollys? ›

Why can't the jam on the candy cane be Old Jolly's? Schwarzwalder's Statement Since he's not a Cookie, he leaks cherry jam, not strawberry.

Who can use triple cone cup topping? ›

Triple Cone Cup Trio Topping

This special topping can be used by Cookies participating in the Triple Cone Cup.

Who killed Old Jolly in Holiday Express CRK? ›

The culprit in the train is not Crème Brûlée Cookie; turns out, the true culprit was Royal Bear Jelly who is just trying to read Linzer Cookie's mystery novels but instead ended up accidentally took Crème Brûlée Cookie's music sheet and somehow accidentally "killed" Old Jolly.

Is Linzer Cookie a girl? ›

Linzer Cookie is a slim Cookie of average height with rose tinted dough. Her hair is strawberry red, running down to her ankles, and is quite rounded. Her eyes are vibrant red, and always appears to have a shadow overcasting her forehead that reaches just up to her eyes.

What does the red and white mean on a candy cane? ›

In 1847, he made a candy to symbolize Christ. The cane's "J" shape stands for Jesus; when turned upside-down, it becomes a shepherd's staff. The white color signifies purity; the red represents Christ's blood, shed for the world's sins, and three red stripes symbolize the trinity.

Is it OK to eat a year old candy cane? ›

"Things like candy canes or ribbon candy are good for well over a year, up to five years possibly. The sugar creates a matrix that holds it all together," said Allured. This is as long as you store it in a cool, dry place: "Humidity is the enemy."

Why are candy canes crooked? ›

The first candy sticks were made in 1670 by the choirmaster at Cologne Cathedral in Germany. They were a gift to the children attending the Christmas Nativity pageant. Because of the shepherds in the Nativity story, the choirmaster bent the candy sticks into canes to represent the shepherd's crook.

Who voices Gelato Trio Cookie? ›

Joshua David King - IMDb.

Are resonant Toppings better? ›

0), Resonant Toppings are a unique kind of Toppings that can only be attached to Cookies associated to the update in which they released or are featured prominently. To make up for this, any Bonus Stats that they gain from upgrading have a higher minimum stat value than those gained on regular Toppings.

What Toppings for Rebel cookie? ›

Best Toppings for Rebel Cookie

Rebel Cookie in Cookie Run: Kingdom is a front-line ambush cookie with specific recommended toppings for optimal performance. The two favored toppings for Rebel Cookie are the 5-piece Searing Raspberry toppings and the Solid Almond toppings.

What can be matched to a weapon and analyzed to determine? ›

The evidence that can be matched to a weapon and analyzed to determine a weapon's size, shape, or length, as well as clues about the victim or suspect, is ballistics. Ballistics is the field of forensic science that deals with the analysis of firearms, bullets, and bullet impacts.

What weapon does pastry cookie use? ›

Wielding the Fork of Judgment, her consecrated crossbow, Pastry Cookie has set on her next mission to investigate a tainted shrine.

What is the weapon of the chili pepper cookie? ›

When in battle, Chili Pepper Cookie holds curved daggers that have red blades with a singular notch and forest green hilts in such a way that resembles a bird's eye chili pepper.

What is the dark choco cookie weapon? ›

Prior to the events of Citadel of the Frozen Cliff, Dark Choco Cookie would always be seen toting the cursed Strawberry Jam Sword. This medieval-style greatsword has a broad, white steel blade; its ricasso is thin and long and its weak juts out in a diamond shape.

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Author: Melvina Ondricka

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Views: 5919

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Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

Phone: +636383657021

Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.