Infinite Miracles: Memoir of a NICU Mom by Katie Simons McCarty (2024)

Infinite Miracles: Memoir of a NICU Mom by Katie Simons McCarty (1)

Published by Franklin School Press, 2024

Infinite Miracles is the three-part memoir of my journey as the mother of a medically fragile baby, Tim. As a “mature” mom who was going to be a first-time mom at age thirty-seven, I was ready, excited, and determined to perfectly balance my career and motherhood. So when I learned about my son’s rare fetal diagnosis of an omphalocele, I was stunned. I entered the Stages of Grief Club and surrendered the expectations I had held for the perfect motherhood and perfect child.

Little did I know that my personal transformation had just begun.

I had to adapt to a new medical environment and learn to speak a different language, one full of appointments, specialists, and medical moms like me. And then subtler shifts in my mindset began to happen. I began to interpret challenges as blessings and feel gratitude in the smallest moments. I also developed a powerful sense of perspective and new courage to endure. These small, gradual steps out of despair and the surrender of expectations were attributed to one thing: faith.

This is a story of faith and resilience. It is about my son who endured his first years in the hospital: fifty-four days in NICU and countless days on the pediatric floor and PICU. The miracles I experienced during this time were the gift of life for our son and the faithful endurance to survive the journey. I learned that our everyday moments were infinite miracles. I gave life to Tim, but his life gave me life.


“McCarty’s emotionally engaging debut recounts her story as a first-time mom receiving the life-changing news that her unborn son had a condition called omphalocele, a disorder “in which a baby’s organs grow outside of its body.” Starting at the 20th week of her pregnancy, McCarty highlights the harrowing journey of Timothy’s first months in the NICU—and the multiple complications he suffered from endless treatments and surgeries. This heartrending story is a transparent portrait of a life with a “medically fragile baby,” a potent reminder that “everyday moments [can become] infinite miracles.”

As McCarty navigates not only being a first-time parent, but also the myriad medical treatments her son must endure, she’s forced to cope with the well-wishers—or “optimism bullies” as she terms them—and others, who “rel[y] on platitudes and clichés” to make sense of her situation. She acknowledges ways to help as well, encouraging readers to be better listeners and, when all else fails, “if someone is going through a difficult time, give them a small gift” to help ease the pain. McCarty’s advice is a direct line of hope to other parents treading NICU waters, as she offers insight on tapping into God, faith, and prayer for support, while allowing grace when things take a turn for the worse.

This triumphant story of enduring, adapting, and keeping the faith will resonate with any parent, but is particularly meaningful for those whose children have serious medical conditions. In a nod to the exhaustion and time deficits that accompany NICU life, McCarty includes a summary of her main points, along with reference pages, at the end. Her raw honesty is refreshing, and the snapshots of day-to-day living in the NICU invaluable. Readers will immediately connect with this inspiring anthem of a woman who was “utterly broken for a long time… [but] God fixed me… and made me whole by His grace.” — Book Life Reviews

“Few situations are as scary, disorienting and isolated as navigating the illness of a child; this is a moment where having a friend who understands is a lifeline. As a pediatric anesthesiologist, I have seen so many parents struggle in these moments. Katie, drawing deeply on her Catholic faith to frame, sustain and guide her through the journey of her son overcoming a giant omphalocele, does far more than tell a story: she offers herself to the reader as a friend in the darkness. Raw, vulnerable, authentic, and honest – Infinite Miracles is real and it is human. For those struggling to make sense of the desperately foreign world of medical illness, grab a coffee and a comfy chair and find a friend in these pages.” — Amy E. Vinson, MD, FAAP Assistant Professor of Anesthesia Boston Children’s Hospital & Harvard Medical School

“I started reading this book and all my NICU emotions came back but in a way of relief. I was speechless as I read it. I felt every emotion and word. It was as if Katie was inside my head writing all my thoughts down. Our medical journey is very similar: our boys were both born with omphaloceles, spent time in the NICU, both had feeding tubes, and both had bowel blockages. This book is perfect for a mom who knows they will have a NICU baby or a mom who has suddenly found herself in the NICU.” — Corin Dimitruck, omphalocele, NICU mom

“If you’re searching for a touching and inspiring book, look no further thanInfinite Miraclesby Katie Simons McCarty. The book follows a mother’s journey through a high-risk pregnancy, where she experiences a range of emotions from hope to despair, as her child struggles through medical complications that result in a long NICU stay and multiple surgeries. Despite the challenges she faces, she finds comfort and guidance in her faith and discovers that even in the darkest moments, miracles can happen. This book is not only relatable to parents who have gone through similar experiences, but also to anyone who has faced challenges and struggles in their life. While reading, you will be moved to tears and laughter as you join Katie on her journey and discover the power of faith and the limitless nature of God’s love and miracles.Infinite Miracles will leave you with a new perspective on life and the miracles that can happen every day. So, if you’re looking for a book that will inspire, uplift, and touch your heart, this book is a must-read.” —Erica Vozella, NICU mom in 2012 and 2017

“A Great Read – Genuine and Inspirational With An Honest Sense of Humor – Katie McCarty’s Memoir Applies To Any Life Challenge – highly recommended” — Claudine Wolk, Author It Gets Easier! and Other Lies We Tell New Mothers

“As a new Mom who felt extremely alone during my son’s 210-day NICU journey, I wish that I would have had a resource like this book, while I was dealing with this chapter of my life. Katie’s writing skills have a way of gently bringing the rawness of her experience to the forefront using words that move you to feel many things, as each page is turned, and new thoughts are shared. While reading Infinite Miracles, many times after completing a paragraph, I closed my eyes, nodded my head and thought “YES! That’s exactly how I felt”. It was so relatable. Although our stories and journeys are different, connecting through the NICU experience means so much to me. Stories like hers are so incredibly important to share and I am honoured that I was given the opportunity to read her story. If you are currently in the depths of your NICU journey, or it’s been years since you walked through those doors- this book will help heal your heart.” — Danielle Morris of NICU Experience, Micro Preemie, Medically Complex Mom

“As a mom to a special needs child and previous NICU mom, Infinite Miracles was so relatable to my experiences. Katie accurately portrays the raw emotions felt during the entire process from the surprising diagnosis, the anxiety during pregnancy, and the traumatic hospital experiences. Her book offers realistic life experiences in a way that brings hope and encouragement to parents going through an unexpected medical journey with their child.” —Michelle S., Omphalocele & heart mom

“Infinite Miracles by Katie Simons McCarty is a thought-provoking memoir that gracefully exemplifies the struggles of having a medically fragile child. In her book, McCarty describes her shocking diagnosis, fear throughout pregnancy, determination to educate and advocate for her family during her birth, and throughout her NICU stay, as well as the importance of faith throughout her journey. She further explains the difficulties of raising an immunocompromised baby after she is released from the hospital, and the complications that exacerbated their time in the Pediatric ICU. This story provides a unique perspective of complicated pregnancies with parents who are aware of what difficulties are involved and who will be responsible for their care. She thoughtfully acknowledges the strain on relationships and the loss of normalcy throughout her postpartum year. The reference pages to Biblical Scripture for the mindset and emotions a reader might experience provides a thoughtful touch to help all who read it. As a mother of three NICU miracles, I appreciate the raw honesty that Katie uses as she shares her stressful experiences. The loneliness of navigating this difficult time resonates with me and I adore the warmth she uses in her writing with describing those who helped her family survive the toughest days of their lives. This is a must read for anyone who is looking for understanding, guidance, or camaraderie in motherhood.” — Sarah Ward, author of Our NICU Journey and One Step Behind

“I am so thankful I’ve had the opportunity to read Infinite Miracles. As a former NICU mom, I would have loved to have had a book like this when my daughter was in the NICU. It would have been so helpful to know I wasn’t alone with many of the feelings and thoughts I was having. Though we had a very different NICU experience, there was still so much that was the same. Reading this brought up so many emotions and it helped me reflect on my experience. Katie’s storytelling brings you along on their journey in such a beautiful way and I did not want to put this book down until I was finished! I would also recommend this book to anyone who knows someone who has/had a baby in the NICU. If you haven’t experienced the NICU personally,Infinite Miracles can help you understand more of what it is like and how you can be there for someone experiencing the NICU now. I loved this book so much!!” —Nicole Gordon, NICU mom

“Having worked with numerous families who have experienced life in the NICU, I was struck by the raw honesty shared in Infinite Miracles. The emotional turbulence is unlike most other “newborn” experiences, and painful to think about, never mind go through and then, revisit! Thank you for sharing your story so authentically and giving us a window into the strength it takes to raise a medically complex newborn.” — Julie B Cullen, LICSW, Ed.M

“Infinite Miraclesis so, so well-written. I feel so close to Timmy now. All this trauma he went through, and he’s come so far.The ending – I had tears in my eyes when I read it. It was the cherry on top of such an amazing, unbelievable story.Infinite Miracles is a story of strength. And not just regular strength – JOAN OF ARC strength.” —Kristen Murawski, mom

“It may be hard to believe that a story full of challenges and terrifying moments will leave you inspired, joyful and spiritually fulfilled, but Katie’s Infinite Miracles, the story about her NICU baby Tim, will change your perspective on life in many ways. Katie’s reflections on her experience from pregnancy, to months in the NICU, and eventually to a more typical “mom life” (think endless hours of sports and milestones), is far more than an emotional, medical journey, but it’s also a lesson for all of us to invite God into our lives and accept that perhaps, He is already right by your side through whatever challenges you face in your own life. Even if you do not have children, any reader can benefit from Katie’s profound self-reflection on dealing with disappointments, setbacks, and wavering hope and faith. Katie’s laugh out loud inner dialogue tempers the seriousness of the topic of an ill child, and her boundless positivity and reliance on God and Mary are instructional to all who desire a closer spiritual relationship with the divine. In a world where we can all easily become hardened, frustrated, and distracted with our modern world’s fantasy of a “perfect life” or being the “perfect mother”, Tim’s story reminds us to focus on what’s truly important. For those experiencing a similar story, Katie provides guidance, empathy and hope. Witnessing Katie’s miraculous journey guides the reader to appreciate the miracles in their own life; God, family, and health.” — Ashling Besgen, mom

“I was overwhelmed with so many emotions reading this incredible story about a mother dealing with life in the NICU with her son, Timmy, the little Viking struggling to survive an omphalocele. It is a story of faith. It’s such an absorbing and honest account that my heart rate actually became elevated in places and I realized I was holding my breath. This beautiful story is worth telling and should be read by mothers everywhere.” — Lisa Bernard, NICU mom in 1971

“The cover of Infinite Miraclesprovides a feeling of comfort. It’s warm and inviting, evoking a sense of peace and tranquility. Reviewing the book from a reader’s perspective was challenging for me because I lived it. Your story and experiences bore many similarities to my own journey. Every page ofInfinite Miracles felt deeply personal, resonating with me on a profound level. It stirred up a multitude of emotions that I believed I had already overcome. It touched my heart, my soul, and my gut. Your story is truly remarkable. It prompts introspection, encouraging readers to look within themselves and at the people around them. It fosters an appreciation for life in the present moment.” — Katonya Trent, author of22 and 6: Born on 11/26

“Reading this book brought back all the emotions and uncertainty when we were first told our first son was diagnosed with an omphalocele. The sorrow and questions and how could this happen, what did I do that my baby has to suffer. Pouring over all the information we could find regarding it and just clinging to faith and prayers to have him beat the odds. I gave birth to my rainbow baby, Oliver, on February 26, 2024 and he has been in the NICU at CHOP since his birth. He has been a rockstar and constantly shows me what strength and love looks like. This book has been an enormous help with everything that we have gone through and what we have yet to face. If you find yourself facing a long NICU battle or uncertainty, give this book a try. Well written and encouraging.” — Heather Hunsicker mother of giant omphalocele son currently in the NICU

“I am an Early Intervention Developmental Specialist who works with children from birth to age three and their families, many of whom have had stays in the NICU. I appreciated Katie sharing her story and gained new insight to the impact on families when their baby needs NICU care. While not an easy subject, this book was a quick read; like spending the afternoon talking with a friend.” — Kim W., Early Intervention Developmental Specialist

“I was immediately overwhelmed with emotion as I started reading Infinite Miracles. Having lived a very similar story as a mom to an omphalocele and NICU miracle, all of the feelings flooded back quickly. But this time, Katie helped put words to my NICU experiences and heal some of the most tender spaces of my heart. Slowly digesting this book has been a healing balm for my soul. Infinite Miracles is a book I will treasure for myself and always share with the next NICU mama! I think dads could benefit from reading it too!” — Shannon F., omphalocele NICU mom in 2020

“Infinite Miracles is the friend I wanted to talk to during my NICU journey. It’s been therapeutic to relive my journey whilst reading yours. From one tigress to another, thank you for sharing such a vulnerable time in your life. There wasn’t an experience or emotion I couldn’t relate to from my own journey with two NICU babies. My courageous warriors to your Viking baby. Thank you for this gift.” — Annie Keeble cardiac and omphalocele NICU mum

“Infinite Miracles is an inspiring and emotional story that follows new mom, Katie and her son, Tim through their long and difficult NICU journey. Faced with a life of uncertainty, Katie proves just how powerful faith, prayer and perseverance can be when faced with life’s greatest challenges. This book will tug at your heart strings.” Jen Roche, NICU mom

“Katie’s story gave words to feelings that I have had rolling around in my head for years – I just didn’t know how to articulate them. From ‘optimism bullies’ to medical jargon guidance, there’s so much that moms can relate to. If you’re a NICU mom (past or present), know that you will feel seen and comforted by Katie’s experiences. If you are looking to support a NICU family, you will find endless ways to do so here as well. If you’re parents of or close to a medically fragile baby, definitely give Infinite Miracles a read – you will walk away with understanding, empathy, and hope.” Emilija Saxe, omphalocele NICU mom in 2021

“Infinite Miracles is an emotional re-telling of a story that is both unique (as every NICU story is), and truly encompassing of what can be expected with a medically complex child. Katie’s story will take you on her journey from discovery, through the processing of all the medical information, the turmoil and triumphs of NICU life, and all the emotions that come with it. Whether you are a NICU parent, preparing to be a NICU parent, or looking for an emotional roller coaster; Infinite Miracles is sure to be a wonderful read.” — Anthony Fernandez, NICU dad

“Reading this story brought back everything I went through with my own Omphalocele baby in 2017. I felt every fear and emotion as Katie. This was so well written and any mom of a NICU baby can relate! Thank you, Katie, for writing something so raw & sharing your experience with us!” —Kristin Byrd, NICU & Omphalocele Mom 2017

Infinite Miracles is an amazing resource for all NICU moms. I am both a NICU mom and NICU grandma. This book brought back both my experiences with such clarity. It’s taken me years to learn that it is not a question of why you are going through this struggle but rather It’s WHO is always with you. Thank you for this gift.” — Lisa Clark, NICU mom in 1991 and NICU grandma in 2021

“Reading your story each time has been a real gift, Katie, and it’s been amazing to revisit it on an even deeper level now as a mother, since I wasn’t when I first started working with you. And I’ve gotten even more out of it now, been moved to tears so many times, and also truly inspired by you as I walk my own spiritual path.” —Skye Levy, Developmental Editor

“I read Infinite Miracles in a day. I couldn’t put it down. I laughed. I cried. It is heartbreak and it is resurrection. It’s so inspiring. A story that needs to be told.” — Sister Angela, Diocese of Providence

Infinite Miracles: Memoir of a NICU Mom by Katie Simons McCarty (2024)
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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.