Loneliness is too cruel of a sentence for you - Chapter 1 - ItisIAlex - 崩坏:星穹铁道 (2024)

Chapter Text

Sunday gave a small hum as he moved his wrists once again. The tight, cool cuffs around them tugged uncomfortably. He hated that whenever he would try to move either his wrist or wings around his waist would ache from the weight. It was so unlike the touch of ...... His heart ached as his insides twisted at the thought of the oh-so-hated cigarette smell and alcohol taste.

His golden eyes dazed around the darkness of his prison. There were just a few rays of a (probably artifical) sun shining through, he hated it. He was sick of being here. He had long forgotten how he had gotten here. All he knew was that he needed to get out of here...somehow. These people keep talking about him as if he were a monster, and that is right in front of him.

He rested his head against the backrest as he looked up. His eyes burned yet again but he didn't know why he would shed tears...not even who he would shed tears for. Maybe his sister? Maybe. All he could remember from when he fell was his wonderful sister who held onto him. She was a true charmony dove, beautiful not just from the outside but also inside with her lovely voice.

He heard steps from the outside. Though this time they were not the known heeled steps of arrogance and elegance. He would recognize the step pattern of that witch...this one was different. It was softer and way more careful and calm, almost like a teen walking down somewhere with confidence but lightweight. The ease of youth...he did not feel it after his fall. Everything just hurt.

He was violently shaken out of his thoughts at the sudden gunfire. His body twitched at the loud explosion as the sets of wings around his head moved against his ears and around his head. The darker wings would have loved to press against his waist...but they couldn't, not with the chains. It made an angry huff come out of him as he tried to pull together some thoughts.

He had been told again and again that no one would save the Head of the Oak Family. He was a traitor in their eyes, the one who had crashed the Charmony Festival and caused all their wounds. When that was just not true! He wanted to help humanity! He wanted..he wanted to keep them safe and close, protect them. He could not think any further as his head rang from the loud shots and explosions.

Normally he would have tried to escape, but he had tried so many times already. He was sure the IPC had placed even more shackles around him...the one fallen from grace. A bitter taste formed in his mouth as everything turned silent. There was no way for him to escape, he would have to face even more consequences.

It looked like it was time for him to ascend once more, just not to aeonhood this time or even an emanator. That was long gone for dear Sunday.

The Halovian just sighed as he adjusted his posture. At least here he shall remain graceful, even if it were his very last bit of it. He straightened his back and crossed his legs while his hands were placed in his lap. After a moment he looked forward as he heard whoever was there fumble around with the number pad to open the door. They did not know the code since no beeping came from the door. Then it crashed down and the man froze, ready to face a gun to his head and speak his last prayer.

But instead of a final shot that was meant for him there was silence and then a small chuckle from a woman. "Why so scared now? We didn't even do anything?" The other opened his golden eyes after a moment. "You are not here to send me on my last journey?" His eyes gazed upon a woman in purple standing before him. She gave another, almost lazy chuckle as she placed the two guns around her waist and stepped closer. Her bright lavender eyes stared into his soul as she wore a warm expression. But he only felt a shudder wander down his spine.

"Oh why would I?" She spoke in a gentle voice, but unlike that IPC woman...it felt more genuine, somehow. "You are not ready for that, your script has not finished," she stood before him as her dark cloak almost blocked all the light. "The Stellaron Hunters invite you to join them. Elio has foreseen it in your script," she smiled as she looked on Sunday. "Would you like to join us now or would you wait?" She asked.

The man looked at her as his golden eyes moved from side to side. This mysterious woman...was from them... she must be Kafka, he had heard about her. "What about my sister?" He asked only for her to give a knowing nod.

"Elio told me you would ask that. And I should answer you that currently it is impossible for you to ever see her again. Though you may be able to change that, you'll have to ask Elio. He just sent me to ask you to join us...or to do the first step. After all, your script has been written and you are a part of us Stellaron Hunters," the woman explained as her eyes seemed to glow in the dark.

He didn't know what to answer her. He would never see her again? Never? He couldn't let that happen! She needed him, he needed to protect her pure soul. Robin would just get killed on a battlefield. His precious sister, "Can I speak to Elio to ask about my sister?" He looked at her as his halo brightened up for the first time since his fall.

He only received a chuckle from Kafka. "Elio knew your questions would be centered around your sister. And he wants you to know that he invites you to come with me to him. Though he may not give you all the answers, he can only give you an outcome. Not the way," she clarified this as her eyes studied his expression. According to Elio, there was a bigger chance that he would come with them than refuse at first. But he told her the man would eventually join. He seemed to be especially enthusiastic about his script.

Sunday was quiet for a moment. He could leave now..the guards were down, judging from the gunfire. He could just...go. The chains seemed to feel especially heavy now as his wings begged to be freed from the chains for once. He would leave Penacony behind and...and then? Didn't she say he wouldn't get to meet his sister? Never! He can't let that happen!

Not after everything he had done for the two of them. Not after everything he had gone through to make this life as peaceful and safe for her as possible. Not after..not after he had given it his all...his everything. He wanted...he wanted his sister to whisper a song to him. He wanted to feel her hug him and joke about his obsessions with her health and wellbeing, as she hid the scars on her neck.

Never again would he let that happen! Never again would he allow some brutes to hurt his sister or innocent peopleyy. The IPC can't stop him. The Trailblazers won't stop him..and no f*cking Stellaron nor Aeon can stop him! He bit on his inner lips as he lifted his head up harshly. The six wings around his head flapped briefly before they got back into their position.

"I will go with you, though I cannot guarantee that I will join you Stellaron Hunters," he spoke as he looked at her with a new flame in his eyes. The wings around his head moved to the side to decorate it instead of hiding it. He gave a small hum as he watched the woman's lips remain in a gentle smile.

"Great choice. Now please remain calm," she spoke and then turned around. He was about to comment on her behavior before he spotted a smaller woman behind her.

She chewed gum and adjusted her grey ponytail before she stepped forward. Her movements relaxed and almost lazy as she crouched down beside him and placed a card against the chains. They immediately cracked open and released his wrists.

He took his wrists and rubbed them as he took them into his hands. They were so cold and they even had marks. His skin had turned red where the chains had been. He just signed when his wings were finally released. They immediately snuggled themselves against his waist under his coat. It made him hum again as he finally felt the most familiar touch of his life once again.

A warm feeling spread in his chest and stomach, replacing the cool numbness that had taken over before. "Thank you," he whispered before he stood up. He only received a thumbs up from the woman as a reply before she joined Kafka's side.

"Alright, I am sure our escape ship is ready to take off now," she spoke idly as she exited the room just a moment later. The other woman followed her.

Sunday remained where he was for just a second longer. His feet were numb before he forced himself to stand up. His joints cracked and he immediately used the chair as support. A groan almost left his lips but he pressed it down. He needed to meet this Elio and ask about his sister.

Every step hurt as he moved forward. A burning ache moved from his feet to his legs and then his abdomen, chest, and shoulders. It made him hiss as he took in deep breaths to relax before he took a final shaky step forward. He had been way too long in the dream, it had messed with his body, and now it felt like there was even more pressure on his shoulder.

Eventually he walked out of the room, he of course had made sure to keep a proper posture as his eyes wandered around. They took in the corpses of the guards and the blood around the walls. A massacre. He closed his eyes for a moment as he send a prayer for these souls to Xipe, though he doubt that the Aeon would listen to him. He had betrayed THEM.

But then again...didn't Xipe swallow Ena the Order. Didn't that make THEM one and the same? Didn't that mean he never even betrayed THEM? He paused in his steps as he looked back again. His wings twitched for a mere second before he hummed. Just in case that he was wrong, he had asked Triple-Faced Soul to forgive him as he asked Ena the Order to maybe forgive those souls as well. And if not, then forgive his failure. Forgive his sin..forgive the sinner. He only wanted...wanted to help.

He followed the two women for a while. He never knew that the small prison the IPC had for emergencies was this big. It was only supposed to hold criminals for a small while before they would be brought somewhere else...but he guessed since Pencaony wasn't their prison anymore they had to find alternative places.

Soon he saw a small oval spaceship that was in the harbor of the big one...or planet? He didn't even know where he was, just that he was under the IPC. The smaller woman opened the ship and stepped inside before it was time for Kafka and him, they had been silent the whole time. There was nothing to talk about..nothing to say, these weren't his friends.

He thought for now, though he did not know that the script had other plans for him.


He had slept through the entire flight. The older woman had given him a blanket and told him to get some proper rest. And so he had been sat to a chair and given a pillow and blanket. His sleep had been peaceful beside the seemingly disgustingly alluring smell of cigarettes and alcohol. He hated it, but at the same time, it constantly tingled his tongue and filled his senses. No matter how hard he tried to tune it out, it bullied its way back into his mind. It must be a curse, a punishment for his sins.

He woke up after they had landed since he found himself in a bed. When he did so he felt almost unable to move since the bed had sucked him in. His body ached as it did not want to move out of the comforting warmth. But no matter how good he felt...the bed still somehow felt a bit weird. Like something was missing, he didn't know what but his body seemed to know as the two pairs of wings around his waist laid around his body, almost opening his body for something.

After a few minutes he managed to lift his head up, he rubbed his eyes as he gave a small sigh before looking around. To his surprise, the room was empty...no guards. He was still in his old clothes, however his coat hung over a chair. His head felt empty as he sat on the bed with his feet dangling off it. He lifted his hand up as he went through all of his six wings and adjusted them and took care of his feathers. His thoughts soon didn't run in a circle anymore...thankfully.

He took his coat and wrapped it around him. To his surprise, there was something in it, a black feather. He paused for a second as he inspected it. It looked like a bird feather, but...way smaller and fluffier. It must be the feather of a fletching. It made his heart ache as he pulled it closer and smelled it, expecting a sweet and warm scent. But he pulled back immediately after he was met with the biting scent of alcohol and a bitter undertone.

It burned on his mind like an all-consuming fire as he forced himself not to gag or cough. However, the second he tried to think a pain went through his body. Moments later his hand was in his hair. What was happening? Why? Why! His nose inhaled more cigarette scent and then there was nothing. And everything! There was warmth, a husky voice, a laugh, a pinch, the taste of warm soup, it was...gone a second later.

What was that? What happened? Oh...a feather

His eyes widened as he looked at it. Why would he have a black baby Halovian feather on himself? That did not make any sense! He couldn't stop a small and angry grumble from coming from his lips, something inside him twisted and at the same time warmed up. He decided to place the feather in another pocket since he couldn't make any sense of it. And he somehow...couldn't throw it away. When he had tried his body physically recoiled and fished the feather out of the empty trashcan again.

The man walked through the hall and in no time met the silver-haired girl again. "Hello, I am looking for Elio," he spoke to her in a calm tone.

She looked up and removed one of her earphones and placed the phone down. "He had been waiting for you. Please follow me," she stood up and opened her phone again to continue her game as she led the way.

Sunday decided not to comment on her behavior as the two got to a door in no time. He inspected the back door with a cat on it. It made a small smile form on his lips, his sister always liked animals. Robin thought they were the cutest. He corrected his posture once again before he knocked politely. He was about to thank the woman when he noticed she wasn't there anymore.

Instead he walked into the room. At first, it seemed rather dark but then he noticed candles all around the room. Along with that he noticed the big window at the end of the room which was closed with deep blue curtains. The longer he looked the more his eyes got used to the darkness, along it his halo also had a faint glow. But before he could fully focus on the purple walls and the weird stuff around he heard a soft and surprisingly young voice. "Mister Sunday, it is a huge pleasure to meet you."

His eyes darted around and then immediately had to look down at the other. Elio...looked no older than a teenager with bright blue eyes glowing in the dark. He chuckled as he held his gloved hand out. His white hair reflected the glow around them perfectly and his eyes had a certain...glow to them, almost mischievous.

He wore a white button-up with a light blue stone around the collar, connected by a black string. It almost looked like an eye, it made something twitch inside his brain. Maybe...maybe... He had grey shorts and a long purple coat to go with it. But what stood out was that smile of his, it almost made him take a step back.

"Elio, I assume," he spoke up to try and fight himself. A part of him felt like he needed to decipher what the hell the other had on his mind and all about his script. Another part was way too tired to analyze every bit of the situation before him. He was hungry.

"Yes, you are very correct. I am Elio, the leader of the Stellaron Hunters," he smiled and sat down on a couch nearby. "I have expected your arrival, of course, I knew you would come here. I wrote your script after all," he spoke with a lighthearted and happy tone. His eyes glimmer with something unfamiliar to Sunday...or not?

"That's why I am here. I would like to know about my script and what it says regarding my dearest sister," he sat down on another couch nearby before he took the other's aura in. He had something calm and happy about him...childish but in a good way. Positive and happy as well as honest. Something inside him tugged at the realization and he couldn't help but give the other a more gentle look.

"Right right, I have to say I am quite impressed by your script. It's a poem. Even if it is not the best nor the worst. That had not happened before. So I am especially excited to tell you about parts of it," he jumped up and started to shuffle around and then rummaged through dome shelves.

"Why only parts of it?" He inquired as he felt his wings twitch in dissatisfaction. But somehow he couldn't stay mad or even disappointed long. He was more curious about what the other had to tell him.

"Because some parts are rather unclear. It is difficult to receive scripts sometimes," he spoke and Sunday did not catch the slight lie in it. Because Elio was only telling him half of the truth, the other half was for later for him to discover later.

"I see," he stayed calm as the young one came forward with a piece of paper. He cleared his throat as he sat down. "Now let me start,"

From the light of grace and sky he fell
Kept once deep, chained, in the dirty well
The golden dove thought to have escaped
Thought a grave mistake would be made

Crawled out of darkness with wings cut
The light abandoned at its dying fall
The kin of the sky now in the mud
It's time for the hunter to take it all

Revival, Revival the Choir sang
Guided by a feather and a fang
The crow shall take another leap
And bring the universe another feat

Seven feathers spread in trial
One heart in the depths of denial
Connected through the string
Of one being's wing

Forgotten and vanished will it all be
At the end of fate's spiel
But there shall be family
On a path of cruelty

(It could be less on the nose, but I swear my German poetry is better!)

Sunday was quiet as he listened to the presented poem. He then gave a small hum and acknowledged it. The last verse gave him hope. He would be with his family again, with his dearest sister. It would all be okay. He just.. he just...

Elio looked at him and smiled. "So? Do you want to join us? I promise it will be lots of fun, we even eat pizza every Friday and have a game night," he smiled at the other as he folded the piece of paper. His smile was as bright as ever, he knew the script foresaw him joining the Stellaron Hunters. So why would he say no.

"May I have the poem?" The man asked as he extended his hand towards the other. It took the poem immediately and then scanned it once again. Every line read a bit weirder than the last. Some passages were rather clear...while others were weird. Like yeah, he did end up in prison and escape...but what feathers are on trial? And the path of cruelty?

He shook his head and folded it to put it into his coat pocket, Elio didn't protest. "Can I have a few hours to think about it? I want to eat something." He explained as he stood up once again. His head and thoughts were already more focused on food as his body craved it.

"Sure, I am sure there is some Instant Ramen we can eat. Blade will surely be back from his mission with Firefly, then we can have some nice food for dinner. Maybe fries," Elio started to blabber as he focused more on the food than his guest.

Sunday took it as his clue to leave. He wasn't sure what he wanted to do. But a part of him hung at the words of the poem, he wanted to be reunited with his family. He missed his dearest sister already and he missed to hear her happy voice talk to him. He missed his simple life...even if it was difficult, he had his sister.

At the thoughts of his sister a sudden shiver ran down his spine. A warmth spread inside him as he thought about cigarette smoke once again. This damn smoke! It was disgusting, he wanted it to leave. But...but no, he wanted it to stay, to embrace him and gift him warmth.

He shook his head, he must be going insane here. His fall must have hit his head pretty hard.


After the man had slurped his lackluster noodles he took his time to inspect the poem a bit closer. It was weird and at the same time, it was rather clear. He knew he had fallen from the sky and had been kept in prison...so now he... he sighed as he placed the piece of paper down again. This was a mystery to him.

He remained seated until he started to pace around the room. The only thought in his brain was how Robin was and his dearest sister. He would not see her again, ever. At least that's how it stands now. He didn't know why or who did that, but if he had to guess then it was the IPC. And that just made the man's blood boil.

He groaned as he seated himself again, his wings flapping up and down with a displeased groan. "Ugh," he then finished the food and stormed out of the room. He felt his steps fasten with every single one he took and his wings fluff up and twitch. He did not know what his body was trying to say or do, but all he knew was that he needed to protect his sister again. His precious sister...she needed him! She was just a little one!

He could barely bring himself to knock before he bursted into the room. Elio gave a short scream of surprise before he quickly shoved pieces of paper into his desk and closed it swiftly. "Hello! What do you need?" He asked cheerfully before a small smile formed on his lips. "Have you made your decision?" He asked as if he hadn't already foretold it.

"Yes! I will join you, under one condition. You guys will help me get my sister! My family, back!" His lips quivered for a second before he paused, it almost felt like he had forgotten something. But that was impossible, he never forgot anything. He looked at the other who only replied with a small smile.

"Of course, so you'll be a Stellaron Hunter from now on. You will be under my supervision as I am the leader of all of Destiny's Slaves," he grinned as he stood up and skipped over to him. "But you need a new name, Sunday is gone," he whispered to him and then paused for a second. "Luckily I have thought about that for you. From now on you shall be known as Corvus Ovidius Cassus. Corvus or Corvs for short." He grinned as he pointed at him.

Sunday was silent for a moment to take everything in. It felt like the other had been waiting the entire time to say that name...his new name. It was weird in a way but he accepted it. Now Sunday was gone, Corvus, a Stellaron Hunter would bring back his sister. Corvus may as well protect humanity from future Stellarons...since Corvus is strong. Corvus will be stronger than Sunday. He will protect the weak!

"Yes, I accept. I will be Corvus, the Stellaron Hunter. And I will protect the weak and my family," he declared as he felt his chest fill with a certain warmth. He could not understand it as his lips curled into a calm smile.

The other gave a small chuckle before he inspected him for a second before turning around. "Perfect," he spoke and Corvus could not see the mischievous grin that spread over his lips before he turned around again to face him. "So, I have chosen your outfit already, it will suit you very well," he smiled as he folded his hands together. "Tonight we will have a meeting in the common room and I'll introduce you formally to everyone," he smiled brightly.

Corvus felt his wings twitch for a second as if they detected danger before the small guy went to his closet and opened it. It was a walk-in one and he immediately presented him the outfit that had been neatly placed on a mannequin. It was a completely different color than his own. There were no light colors. Only black, royal blue, and a dark violet.

He inspected the suit. It was almost like his own. There was just no long coat. His trimmed wings would not be hidden from plain sight. Though the top coat was black and sometimes a dark blue around his arms, the coat under it, facing himself, was a vibrant dark purple. It had golden details that looked like the rays of the sun..or a star. And they were going from him to the outside.

The trouser was a bit tighter around his waist and looser around his legs. It was comfortable somehow, especially since the fabric felt nice around his body. It was soft but not silky and therefore weirdly smooth and watery. He adjusted the pants with golden stars around the waist and sides before he went to put on the dark blue button-up which was rather simple.

He gave a small hum as he moved his waist wings around himself and then placed them around himself. It felt nice to no longer hide them under his coat. The man felt himself smile as he put on more jewelry that had a dark copper shine to it. It was a pearl necklace and the other one had pearls out of silver. A pair of earrings which were long feathers soon decorated his face along with clips for the collar of his button up.

He adjusted the sleeves and found himself looking in the mirror. The outfit was a bit different from his former. But it had a beautiful dark crow with spread wings around his back. From one shoulder to the other did their spread wings go, he swore he could see every delicate stitch that formed every feather. The crow's eyes were a vibrant gold as they stared into his soul.

He only felt a little embarrassed as he saw the leather strip over his chest. It was part of a harness that went around his chest and then down his back and around his waist twice. It had its reasons since he could place a secret gun around his waist with its help. He sighed as he adjusted the strip that laid over his bare chest. It was unusual that a part of his chest was exposed.

Though the little window was decorated with thorns and ranks it still...showed his skin. And it was not small. The button-up was opened from above his belly button to his neck. The collar could not be closed but decorated instead. He gave a small him before he averted his eyes to the black cane with a silver crow head on top that laid to the side. It was his as well.

He came out of the room and Elio cheered for a second. "Perfect! Perfect! It suits you even better than I had imagined," he chuckled at the end before he jumped over to his side. "Let's go! I have to introduce you to everyone around you. They'll be so happy to meet you," he started to lead the way, "though I am sure you get to meet more members later. They are just currently a bit busy," he smiled at him.

Corvus gave a nod as he joined his side and moved along the other who now played with the strings of his bow. He hummed as he adjusted them and then walked into another room. There the two women he had seen previously were there as well. Along with another young girl with white hair in a light dress and a man dressed in dark clothes who hugged his sword. So currently they were 4. 6 including Elio and him.

"Hello, looks like someone has joined us," the older woman walked over to them as her glowing eyes focused on him. Her gloved hand placed along her chin, tapping against her lips from time to time as her knowing gaze rested upon him.

"Yes, it's Corvus Ovidius Cassus now. I am now a part of the Stellaron Hunters, though I will only be a part of this organization for as long as you help me achieve my own goal, of protecting and finding my sister. In my script it tells me that I'll be reunited with my family," he spoke as he looked at Kafka and then the other figures. The white-haired girl seemed to try and disappear behind the man as she shielded herself from his view from time to time.

"Wonderful, what do you say, Script Master?" She asked him with her usual calm voice as she took a step back to let the two properly get into the center of the room. It seemed to have a couch, TV, a snackbar and a real bar as well. So basically a room for full relaxation.

Before he could give anything a deeper thought the shorter woman spoke up. "The name is Silver Wolf! It's good meeting you companion. I heard you were a priest once, right?" She asked as she leaned forward and looked at him.

"Yes, that is correct," Corvus nodded as he looked at the woman. "Though I don't think that I currently want to hear any confessions about," he was interrupted mid-sentence.

"Pf, as if. I only need you to bless my phone. I am currently working very hard to wish for this super-strong character. So please bless my phone with luck so I'll win the 50/50!" She held her phone towards him and he paused for a second. He had never gotten such a weird request. Still, he gave a small smile as he let his halo glow and drew some sigils onto the case.

"Now it is blessed for the near future. Though I cannot be certain that it will help you," he answered. However, this felt a lot easier and more lighthearted than the stuff he used to do in Penacony. He wasn't opposed to doing this as much as he opposed the confessional after a long day of hearing people bring half-assed apologies.

She thanked him quickly before she continued to explain that she was the hacker of the group. She could take down any system and find all the information they needed. She was also a master in the manipulation of databases and information preserves and the manipulation of holograms and data. Besides that was she a gamer at heart and proudly told him she would teach him everything...though it sounded more like a threat.

Next in line was the man, his name was Blade. He did not tell a lot about himself other than the fact that he was cursed and out of 5 people 3 people had to pay a price. He did not tell him what it was about and from his looks, Corvus could tell the man was a fighter but also someone who might adore swords, judging by the way he cradled his own.

The last one was a girl named Firefly. He had to squint his eyes to try and think about something. He swore he had seen her before...somewhere.. somewhere. He decided to focus on that later and her words first. She seemed to be able to transform or at least control a robot, his name was Sam... their name was Sam?

He did not understand it fully but he didn't bother the young-looking girl anymore. He just gave her a smile and told her that he would try his best to cooperate with them. He looked around the group for a moment before he turned to Elio. "Do I get a room?" He asked as he stepped towards his new leader.

"Yes yes, just left from this room is a small bulletin board with all the keys. There are a few rooms still left. So just take the one you like best," he smiled brightly as he explained before he walked to the bar and plopped down on a chair. "We'll meet you here tomorrow. Sleep well, Corvus," he spoke in a sing-song voice before ordering something to drink.

The man gave a small hum and a tiny bow before he left the room and went to grab his keys. He was happy about the fact that he could fight the IPC and get his sister back. He knew he would have to support the Stellaron Hunter's goals but as long as he got his family back that was okay.

Blade turned to Elio as he gave a small sigh. "Does that mean you'll stop threatening us with your weird fantasies? Or is the, how do you call it? Ah.."mpreg" thing still on your list. Because I don't want to do it, I have already participated in your last weird fantasy...sadly," the man commented as his tired gaze moved to the Script Master who held a milkshake.

He just laughed. "Ohho, don't think I have forgotten. It is all going perfectly my way. Just see and wait, I'll have my enemies to lovers and MPREG script soon enough," he chuckled as he kicked his legs from side to side.

This made all of them freeze up for a second before they turned to Elio. They knew he had weird...preferences to wrap his visions into. And often they were more than unholy abominations, but this...scared them in a way they didn't think was possible.

"If I may ask Script Master," Kafka was telling first to speak up as she upheld her calm aura, "why now? Why not before, did something happen that alternated the script?"

"No! Nothing can alternate the script. But now we have Corvus, and he is very very special," a grin formed on his lips. "Soon everything will be in place for the biggest showdown of drama and passion in history!" He declared before he took a big sip from his strawberry milkshake.

The younger one laughed as he looked up and just let his howling exit his mouth. His coworkers froze up as they took a step back and looked at their leader, terrified almost. The lights flickered as the young leader continued laughing maniacally as if the boy could influence them to fit the mood. Scary, right?

What they did not know was that Elio had hidden a few verses of the poem and kept them for himself. He didn't want to ruin the surprise for Corvus. He was sure the other would be delighted to know that a part of his family was quite close to him. Though he had to make sure not to randomly blabber about his excitement. Now he could do more accurate research, he was so excited.

Corvus lay down on his bed as he stared at the ceiling, a weird feeling surrounded him as he thought about the bar again. The idle smell of alcohol that would usually make him gag now formed a warm feeling inside him. He wanted to go back and take in the atmosphere, all the smells, and the soft clanks of glasses. Maybe the music from the gramophone or the warm and cozy lighting. He had already a picture before his face. And along with it, there was a gentle husky voice asking him what he would like to drink, the shaking of the metal shaker, and the pour.

It sounded like a dream at the moment, one that was warm, welcoming, and caressed his face gently.

What? What was he thinking? He must be insane to enjoy a bar, he had never had alcohol. Why would he go there? Why was he craving the presence? What...was he craving? It was not the alcohol. He must be turning insane...or it was probably not that important anyway. He would never forget something important, he had a perfect memory.


"Where are Mama and Papa?" A little girl in a red dress and loose red bow around her neck tapped at the older man's pants. It was her uncle Welt. She gave a small hum as the wings around her head flapped just like the ones around her waist. "Welt!"

He finally looked up from his papers and then down, a small smile formed on his lips as he picked up the small Halovian girl and sat her on top of the table. "You know they are both traveling Monday," he explained as he sat in his armchair. "Your Papa gave us the mission to take care of you and your siblings until he found your Mama and they can take you back," he explained once again.

He was sure the little girls had asked him the same question again and again. Though he could understand that they do worry about them or miss them. But Gallagher had instructed the entire Express to not tell his children what really had happened. At least not until they were adults or older teens and could understand everything. He didn't want them to hate their Mama for leaving them nor did he want them to grow up feeling like they are worth less.

He can only guarantee little since he knew how children were. And they had barely passed the 3-month mark. Though the children were about the age of 7, he wasn't sure how much mental development they had. Though Trysday seemed to be aware that something was not right. But she was different from her siblings.

Unlike her siblings she did not have light blue, white, or light brown hair. Her hair was a wonderful chestnut brown, much more like her father's. And her eyes, they had something ominous about them. He felt it every time the vibrant violet eyes stared at him. The immer iris glowing in its beautiful golden form. He was pretty sure they could glow in the dark. But he never commented on it.

She must have been the egg that was different from her siblings, Gallagher told him so and instructed him to be especially careful with her. He suspected that maybe his powers as an Emanator or something related to the Dreamscape Meme might have developed with her. He had also told him that she had a preference for "eating history" which must be from his Emanator powers.

He sighed as he pat Monday's head, being very careful with her still dainty halo around her head. It had a purple glow to it just like her wings. Small purple flowers and ranks decorated it. It looked quite cute with her red dress. When she is older she would also receive the tie. Gallagher had given him a list of the gifts for his children once they were 12, it included one of the letters he had left with the children.

One was for the Astral Express, it had all the information he knew currently. He guessed that the second letter was the one mentioned in the former. A letter to his children. It probably contained a watered-down story and some hugs and kisses. From what he could tell from their interaction in the dreamscape Gallagher does care for his children. He had even brought them to the Express and entrusted them with their lives.

It was quite nice to see him care that much, even if he would have to leave them for the near future. He had told them just a bit of information, but he is most likely looking for Sunday currently. Whether or not he could do that did Welt not know, but the way he wrote his letter sounded like he had a plan...somehow. He only wished for the best since the Astral Express had taken the 7 children in.

His attention traveled back to Monday who sat on the table still, her arms now crossed as she puffed her cheeks. "But I want Mama. I want Papa!" She cried out as she looked at Welt as if he could make them appear within the next moments.

The older man sighed as he went through his brown hair with sprinkles of white and then adjusted his glasses. "Monday, you know that is not possible. We cannot do that. You are the oldest of your siblings. You know that this is not something we can do. We are Trailblazers, we travel around different worlds and help them from time to time. We are the Nameless and you are currently on our ship. You all may not be Nameless, but at least you should know our principles."

The girl gave a hum as she opened her arms for the man to take her into his own. He granted her her wish and took her into his arms. She immediately gave a small whine as she pressed herself against him. "I miss Mama...I miss Papa," she whispered as there seemed to be forming tears in her eyes.

"It's okay," he comforted her. "I know you do, but currently there is very little we can do. I am sure they both love you guys dearly so they wouldn't leave you behind," he went through her hair. "Do you want to go to March 7th and get your hair braided?" He asked to try and cheer her up. All the girls liked to get their hair braided by March, Caelus, and Stelle.

She remained silent for a small while before she nodded. "To Stelle," she whispered and the man stood up, supporting her with one of his arms. In the next moments, he left his room and walked down the hall. For all the seven children they had made 2 rooms. One for four of them and one for three. Once they are older they'll get 3 rooms 2, 2, 3. Maybe until then, they can fix the train a bit more and each girl can get their own room

When they reached the lobby with the couches he immediately spotted Stelle and Cealus on the ground with Tuesday, Saturday, and Thursday. Trysday, Friday, and Wednesday were on the couch with Wednesday and Friday laying on the couch and sleeping while Trysday played a game of cards with Dan Hen. Though he let her win every time, Welt was sure this inflated her ego more than it should.

He brought her over to her sisters as he placed her on the floor on the small blanket that had been laid there. Tuesday looked up immediately as she smiled. He was glad that Tuesday and Wednesday were not bickering and fighting for once. The two girls easily found a way to argue with one another.

The older man felt a wave of relief wash over him as he placed the little girl down. Tuesday immediately showed of her French braid which was decorated with an orange ribbon along with one along her wrist. She wore a cute baby blue sundress. They didn't need to color code them too strictly, the ribbons were enough.

Saturday gave a toothy smile as well as she waved her sister over. Her suspenders were a warm brown along with colorful patches of rainbows, flowers, and fruits. Two purple ribbons were in her low piggy tails. Her smile was one of delight, she was best friends with March after all. They both had very colorful and happy personalities.

Thursday currently got her light grey hair braided and she smiled as well when Welt placed her sister in front of her. March quickly finished her hair and placed a big blue ribbon into it. Now it was Monday's turn which she happily took while Stelle placed some glittery clips with flowers and butterflies into her hair.

The man decided to join Dan Hen and Trysday on the couch. He looked at them and gave a small smile. "So, how are you young folk holding up?" He asked as his gaze moved to the other. He chuckled and placed a few cards down only to make the little girl scoff. She adjusted her black skirt and played with her deep purple shirt with stars on it deep in thought. It was adorable to watch the two.

The little girl moved her head as her deep purple eyes seemed to stare into his soul...it wasn't even less scary now that her inner iris had turned golden. He just smiled at her and gave her head a small pat. "You can do this, I am sure you will win," he looked at the teen who gave him a small hum. He wasn't playing seriously, he was playing just good enough to challenge her a little bit.

"How are the sleeping girls?" He asked as he looked at the two little ones who had been covered with his jacket and cuddled with each other. Their hair was everywhere and they could only be separated through their bows. Blue for Friday and yellow for Wednesday. They were the most adorable and luckily easy to take care of since they had a calmer personality..at least Friday. Wednesday could be a little beast but got tired easily.
The older man sighed as he closed his eyes for a second. They reminded him of his own children when they were younger, but they were adults now...they did not need him anymore. And he had given them most of his belongings when he had decided to join the Astral Express..so they wouldn't need to worry about anything in the future.

Still he couldn't help but worry a bit about Gallagher and Sunday. From what he knew Sunday, their mother had been put into jail by the IPC. They would not let him go in the near future, he was sure of that. He was sure that they would use him as a leverage or keep him there until he would join them. It was a cruel fate for someone like him, especially now that he left a trail of destruction behind him along with a broken family. Gallagher had one hell of a job right now.


Corvus gave a small hum as he heard the newest order from Elio. He was supposed to travel to a planet of water and take care of a Stellaron there. It had been ages since he had seen his sister, he had always made sure to draw her face. Though the longer he did that the more...it did not look like the first drawing. It felt like a fog had placed itself over his brain.

During the day he worried about his sister and during the night he was haunted by the feeling of warmth. He wanted it. He knew that now. He wanted the warmth around his body and he wanted it to fill him up fully. He wanted to become a part of the so-hated cigarette smoke. He wanted the alcohol scent to take over his brain and numb him. He-

He gasped as he placed his hand on the table, a sharp feeling traveled through his body and he felt his hair stand up, just like his wings before they quivered. That had been going on for the whole day, sometimes worse sometimes better. But he couldn't help but get a weird deja vu. A feeling of familiarity..one that hurt.

"Are you okay Corvus?" Firefly asked with her normal gentle voice. She inspected him but did not dare to place a comforting hand on his shoulder, the man had distanced himself from such gestures. "Do you need anything?"

"No...just sit," he sighed as he walked to the couch and sat down there. His hand moved from his back to his stomach. Somewhere there was the pain, he hated that it did not feel like one from the outside...but inside. "And a glass of water," he added before he took in a deep breath. Though he couldn't help but turn his head to Elio's almost gleeful expression.

"Are you happy about my suffering?" He grumbled to him as his wings flapped up and down the feathers flared up out of anger. He knew he was usually the calmer one..but this pain. It took his senses away slowly and he didn't know what to do. He wanted it to stop.

"Nothing, maybe you should go to your room and rest there. You should be in good health if you want to help us. And I won't push my soldiers into a dying battle," he elaborated before he gave a small smile. "There is no need to worry, you have helped us plenty with gathering information and access to everything. Your powers with that mind control are awesome," he smiled as he took another sip of his milkshake.

"Alright, since I am excused I will leave. I am going to update you guys later about my condition and whether I need medical attention or not," he took the glass of water Kafka gave him and finished it up in one sip before he slowly got up and moved to the wall. He only flinched once before he was out of the room with his wings twitching.

As soon as he was a few steps away Elio jumped up. "It's happening! It's happening! Oh my goooood!" He yelled as he jumped from his chair. "It's happening! I'll have more birthing and pregnancy research!" He laughed as he played with his bow. "This is perfect!" He turned to his group who immediately took a step back. "Kafka, I have done some research on Halovian pregnancies. And since Corvus doesn't seem to be aware or may not be able to, we have to provide him aid. So a bowl of warm water and a towel please."

He gave multiple instructions and some with more enthusiasm than others. Blade was not happy that he had to get the blankets from the spare room and wash them. He thought it was a waste since the Halovian already had requested an extra blanket and three extra pillows a while ago. But Elio could not be persuaded, not now when he told Firefly to make a warm tea for the other and Kafka to make sure there was enough hot water.

From the very limited research he could do the man would most likely surround himself with plenty of fabrics for his nest and try to take a warm bath to help him open up and to help with the pain. He also knew that the other probably wouldn't want them around for too long, since Halovians can be super protective parents. He had even read one horror story of a Halovian mother killing their mate when they came too close to one of their eggs.

So he had to be smart about this. And so he told them to bring the things to his room within the next hours. The bowl of warm water was the last thing since after that had been delivered they should stand back and let him give birth in peace. Though if he trusted the poem, the little one should be here around the moon high. And now it was early evening.

Corvus gave a small groan as he closed the door behind him and leaned against his wall. He didn't know where this pain had come from, he wanted it gone. He how it made him feel. How it tracked him and traveled down his spine and through his body. Along with the pain, he felt a bit warmer than before.

Without thinking a lot he pulled his uniform apart and threw it everywhere before he dove into had want and soft bed. He disappeared under the blanket with a small whine as he curled up. He hugged himself as he tried to focus on something, anything. The bed felt so cold. It should have made him feel better but it just made it worse. The bed was cold..he was alone.

A small gasp escaped his lips as his body twitched. A pulsating pain formed in his stomach....or lower? Yes lower! But what was there? Nothing! His thoughts jumped around as he let his hand move down, it was surprisingly cool against his hot skin. But when he applied pressure his vision went black. There was something rather hard inside him. Something roundish.

A flash went through his mind before he gasped again. There was an egg inside him! Him! Corvus! He had sworn chastity! How?! He...he had a fertile egg inside his body. And...was he giving birth? How would he give birth?! He looked around as his body suddenly straightened up. It made a painful whine go through his body as he held his belly. There was barely anything there that could have indicated his pregnancy.

He took in a few breaths as he tried to focus his mind. He held his stomach as he first tried to figure out how he got pregnant. He didn't know anything!...wait.....he didn't know anything? Nothing. No matter how hard he cramped through his brain there was absolutely nothing inside there. Only very little...very vague. But every time he tried to focus on something, be it a person or place or event...nothing.

Though he knew he had worked his ass off during the Charmony Festival he didn't know f*ck sh*t he did. Nothing. There were absolutely no memories. He could barely remember anything. The newest memories were from a while ago...he..he didn't know much about anything.

He fell down on top of his bed again. A whine escaped out of his lungs as he pressed his face against the pillow. He took in a sharp breath before he grounded himself again. "Okay...okay," he whispered to himself as he held his belly.

Maybe he had broken his chastity vows in Penacony. Maybe there was a real explanation for why he was pregnant. Maybe it was love. Maybe it wasn't. All he knew was that he was pregnant..and giving birth. He should first focus on pushing the egg out before he would worry about who the father was.

Yeah...right...if he was having an egg. He had sex with a man. He had sex and got pregnant in Penacony. Corvus...oh...no when he was Sunday. Sunday had had sex with a man, and now...Corvus needed to give birth to whatever had come out of that. He had asked himself too many questions. Who was the guy? Was it love? Was it force? Where was he? Did he not care? Was it a one-time thing?

Before he could focus more on the fact that he was carrying a life he yelled from a sudden pain again. His wings wrapped themselves around his almost naked body as they seemed to try to protect him from the pain and suffering. Oh what suffering he was feeling, he was stabbed...stabbed and shot at the same time. His insides seemed to fight on whether they wanted to keep the egg inside or push it out.

What was he supposed to do?

He spent the next hours in pain..with every wave of pain his whines, winces, and yelps got louder. He started to gasp and groan along with quiet screams. The Halovian was more surprised when there was a knock at the door and suddenly he was surrounded by more soft blankets. He didn't know what had happened as everything seemed to be happening at once.

Firefly had come in somewhere between and had given him some tea. He had wrapped a blanket around himself when she was near. She couldn't..see him in this pathetic of a state. He was more pathetic than just some wet cloth hanging over the sink. He was absolutely... pathetic and weak.

He tossed in his bed from side to side until he sat on it with spread legs. Sweat traveled down his back and legs, he would have been disgusted if he hadn't gasped and cried every moment. His wings quivered and trembled almost the whole time as he tried to gather all the knowledge he might have about birthing.

Very soon he found himself reaching out for his phone to find help. First, he did some breathing exercises and then he somehow found himself on a bird-keeper website again. There he read that a bath should help. He would have loved to roll his eyes...but his body hurt, his mind was numb. He was strictly against the idea of getting up, but he forced himself. Even if his legs quivered and he spent most of the time holding onto the wall, shelves and table. Corvus eventually found himself in the tub as he let in warm water. It made him sigh even if it didn't help with his high temperature.

He just had to hope it helped more than it hurt him. And so he spent the next hour in the tub between dozing off and gasping from pain. It got more frequent and worse, so according to the website, he should be close to giving birth. Carefully he let one hand travel down to inspect himself.

He almost cried out as he tried to figure out how much time he needed, he needed to be stretched out. And he can't do that, everything felt closed off. Almost as if his body tried to force him open and bully the egg out of him. He needed to pull this dagger out of his stomach of he wanted to continue his work. He needed to get this dammed egg out of his body.

With new determination he bit on a towel nearby as he tried to get into a comfortable position. His knees shuffled from side to side until he was on his knees and in the water with his upper body leaned forward. He needed to last for the next hour...then he might be dilated enough to start pushing. Oh Aoen, this would hurt.

He didn't know how much time had passed as he passed out. He just knew that the last thing he really thought about...was the warmth..the bath was cold. And..and he wanted something. Something was missing in this moment. He wanted something.

When he found himself awake with a scream of pain he was in his bed again. He was about to do something when he noticed a bowl with warm water and a few towels near him. A warm feeling nestled into his chest as he got onto his knees again and placed a towel below him. He closed his eyes as he took in a long breath, he looked absolutely graceful and pretty at that moment, someone certainly would have commented on it.

When he had gathered his thoughts he focused them fully on giving birth. His body seemed to know this whole thing better than him, so he decided to trust his biology and press with every wave of stabbing and tearing pain. He kept most of the more violent screams inside him as his nails dug into the sheets, blankets, and pillows.

He placed his head against the headboard and screamed into the pillows as he tore open a pillow. He hated how he could feel himself opening up and his c*nt twitch at the cool air near it. His body shook when he felt the utter discomfort from the pressure inside him. That's when he knew it was serious now. Now he had to work...work hard and not scream the whole time.

He clawed himself into the small mountain of pillows and pressed his face into it before a scream violently erupted in his lungs. His wings twitched and flapped from side to side as he pressed with every wave. Each one felt worse than the one before. The staggering pain pressed against him as a volcano of pain and fire exploded inside him. Before he could regain his calmness it started again.

Again and again did he have to push through everything. A pulsating pain had formed between his legs as he pressed his sweaty body against the blankets and pillows. There was something wet...and-

His brain blanked as he yelled and cried out. He thought he was skinned and gutted alive as sharp knives moved through his body and a hammer smashed his face. His body twitched and bent as his head emerged from the pillows to let out an unblocked screech. Then a gasp and then another scream.

Hot tears traveled down his chin and cheeks but he didn't have time to wipe them, he didn't have someone to clean him either. He wanted to curse and punch something but then there was a cool sensation against his c*nt. He pressed again and bit down with a yell until he felt something plop out of him. Just a second later his entire body collapsed.

He gasped and fought to get air into his lungs, a fire burned itself through his ribcage and chest cavity as he quivered helplessly on the bed. His muscles twitched every second and he didn't know whether they wanted to tighten or loosen up. So he laid there like a pathetic, wet cloth for a good while, gasping and crying.

He managed to sit up again and move his head to where the towel was. There was a red splatter on it but in the middle was a beautiful pearly egg. It had beautiful sky blue and deep magenta swirls on it. He wanted to think but his heart just melted. His whole body filled with warmth as he turned to lay down again, this time facing his egg.

A smile formed on his lips as he extended his index finger toward it and then gently caressed the outside of his egg. A sudden calmness washed over him and magically made all his woes disappear as he pulled the grapefruit-sized egg closer to his body. He turned himself on his side as he placed it and the towel against his stomach.

It was so beautiful. The shell of the egg was the prettiest thing he had seen in a long while, and he had made this! This little beauty came out of him and was now in his nest. He could no longer focus on the question of his egg's father or how this happened. All he knew was that he loved this little thing already. It looked so gorgeous, with bloodstains all over it. It was his little baby.

He closed his eyes as he took in long breaths. He didn't care if the blood stained his own body or how his c*nt was still demanding attention after it had been ripped (once again) but he only had eyes for his little life. His halo started glowing as a deep purple swirl along with gold and blue formed around him. A soft feeling wandered through his limps as they tickled.

He smiled as he opened his eyes once again. "Hello, you have been a naughty one, but you are my dearest daughter. So beautiful already," he smiled as he pulled the egg closer to place a kiss on it. "I love you...I love you so so much," his soft voice lulled as he curled up once again, protecting his precious daughter with his body and his wings as he fell asleep.

He woke up multiple times in the night, not just from pain but also from the cold. But no matter how many layers he put into his nest it didn't feel right. Something was missing in his nest. It was cool and even if he filled the nest with love for his daughter...where was the love for him? There was none.

He decided to not focus on it and spend his wonderful night with his little girl. His pretty, little daughter.

The next morning he woke up with a groan as he felt his limbs ache. It was to be expected, but he just felt like the worst as he tried to move his shaking legs. He felt horrible as he sat up and grabbed his button up and put it on. His egg then picked him up and pressed against his chest. He smiled and kissed her shell again before he closed his eyes and relaxed.

But peace didn't last long since there was a knock on the door. "Mhm.., come in," he hummed as he placed his egg in his lap as his eyes focused on the door. His black wings moved to the egg to hide and shelter it. He gave a small hum as he smelled some soup and tea.

When he opened his eyes again he recognized Elio. He came here alone which was rather weird. "Hello Corvus," he smiled as he stepped closer and placed the tablet with his food near the table. "Do you feel better now? Is your daughter okay?" He asked with his polite smile.

The man froze up for a second before his wings twitched and he lifted his head up. "You knew the whole time?!" He asked with a bitter tone in his voice. It was almost a hiss as he held his daughter close but he made sure he didn't crush her. His heart wouldn't be able to take it.

The Script Master gave a small hum as he swayed his head from one side to the other. "Maybe just a bit. I knew that a small dove would join you on your travels later on. I just recently got another whisper that told me you were expecting to have a little dove," he smiled at his subordinate. "But besides that, I have a lot of questions, for example, what happens if you were to s-"

"Stop! Not now." He hissed at him as he held his egg close. "She is my daughter. And I haven't even given her a name and you start to blabber. I respect you Elio, but not now. She is my daughter!" He grumbled at the end as he turned his body away from him. The wings around his head twitching and flapping in displeasure.

"Okay, okay. I will but I do have one question," he gave a small hum as he looked at him. The wrinkles around his lips and eyes disappeared as he stared at him with a blank expression. Corvus thought for a second time had stopped and he had stopped breathing but then he heard his voice again. "What will her name be?"

He paused for a moment as he looked at the egg. After hearing Elio's words and having his own thoughts he was pretty sure he knew what to name her. A soft angelic smile formed on his lips as his wings calmed down as warmth spread around his body. "I know what I'll name my little dove. Her name shall be Columbina."

"What a wonderful name," the man clapped as a bright smile suddenly formed on his face. "I will make sure you'll have enough food to relax and recover from birth. We hope you can join us soon on our mission," he turned on his heel as he left the room. Though he stopped at the door for a second. "Oh, I almost forgot. Who is the father again?"


He doesn't seem to remember anything, this could be troublesome. But I think we should help him regain at least a bit of his memory over time. Though we should refrain from using any harsh methods. His brain is currently dotted with pregnancy hormones and I do not wish to ruin this bonding time with him and his daughter. We do not want trouble, we want to help. We want to reunite the two to cause the downfall of the empire of these last Ember-eras. So let us free the crow fully so it can finally leave the ground and dance with the hound on the paradise of heaven.


Trysday gave a grumble as they looked at the building before them. It looked like some kind of ancient Mediterranean temple with its high columns and decorated front. They could tell little figures apart at the front, some holding spears while others held shields and some even held...something that looked like pencils. They weren't sure if their eyes played tricks on them.

"Are you coming Trysday?" Himiko asked with her usual soft voice. She had adjusted her coat due to the warm climate, along with the fact they had to travel by foot the whole time since the main city loved their horse rides and hated technology that destroyed the simplicity of life.

Trysday gave a small hum as they adjusted their messy, black lace skirt and picked it up with their gloved hands. Now their big and chuckle black boots were visible as they took the stairs up to the main hall. They were supposed to meet the leader of this whole planet or something. They didn't care that much but Himiko asked specifically them to join. So it had to be something regarding their history. They were sure they would get an awesome snack out of this.

Himiko gave a small laugh before she moved up the stairs as well. Her feet moved light like the wind as she reached the top before Trysday. She looked down at them and waited until the teen had joined her. It was almost adorable to watch, knowing she had watched them and their sisters grow up.

They panted as they were at the top and fapped their eight black wings to fan wind to their face. They wouldn't want all their work to go to waste, they had spent hours on that colorful and detailed eyeliner with black roses and rhinestones. Sadly their halo could not emit any cooling glow. Only bright or dark. Well as bright as the silver halo could.

It reached around their head and compared to their siblings was a little messy. It may not be behind her head but it was around it, just not straight but lopsided. It was lower on the left and higher on the right. They had also adjusted it to be more at the back so the front has more space for hair clips or jewelry.

They sighed as they looked at Himiko. "Do we have to do this? I mean I can just fly there if I really wanted to," they pointed out as they felt the tips of their wings tingle from the thought of flying. They could fly, just not for very long. They could train their wings...but who would need to do that when they have a train literally jumping through the universe?

"Yes, and you know what I said about that. I already allowed you to dress like that even if the people here won't approve of it," she shook her head as she took a red veil out of her pocket and placed it over her shoulders. It went until her waist and as soon and looked quite elegant with the golden rose brooch that held it up.

They gave a small nod before they adjusted their black waistcoat with chains and the deep blue button-up they wore with it. It was fancy with all the frills along the cutout and the long and decorated sleeves. They had even put in some work themself with rhinestones and stitched black roses. It looked adorable in their opinion.

Trysday gave a small hum in reply before they adjusted their fit and made sure all the silver necklaces and rings said perfectly. They then pulled out the silver bottle from their side and unscrewed the paw headband drank a sip of water. They truly adored the gift from their father they had gotten. Especially since they could barely remember their parents.

Though it seemed like Welt was more ready to tell stories now that they had gotten older. So they know that their parents were from Penacony and that their Mama was a Halovian while their father was supposedly a human. Trysday knew a bit more than their siblings since Welt had to explain to them how their powers seemed to function and that they should be extremely careful. So they knew their father was an Emanator of Enigmata, a History Fictionologist.

However, they knew more. Their father had left a letter behind for all of his children. In it he proclaimed his love for them and that he was so sorry that he left them with the Astral Express. Though he explained that it would be too dangerous for them to follow him since he was a hunted man himself. The Emanator of Enigmata did not have the best reputation. Just like their mother.

Trysday swore that at least half of the letter was their father just dreaming and swooning about their "mother, as beautiful as a thousand sunsets and a thousand-night skies. Even if one were to travel through the whole universe and see every sky, he would still be the most divine thing one could gaze upon," they recalled from their memory. A few lines did they know by heart, this was one of them.

Their father also described their "heavenly beauty of a mother," to them so they might be able to recognize him. Though Trysday thought that he wildly overestimated his beauty. Who would have "a face as soft as delicate as poppy flowers. Eyes as golden and vibrant that every treasure in the whole universe would dull under their graceful gaze. Hair as soft of an ashy blue that even the sunniest and brightest day can not come close to its beauty," their mother is also supposed to have an affinity for light-colored clothing and had a big heart for every human and living being.

Their mother sounded like a wonderful, gentle soul. Perhaps...their father was just lying a tiny bit.


"You filthy mutt!" Corvus hissed as he dropped the dead body. His golden eyes did not give it more attention than it deserved. It was pathetic, it couldn't even defend itself when the human asked for a fight. It didn't even take the Halovian three punches and a smack with his cane from the other to go down. Dark crimson blood leaked from their head as their eyes were wide, fear. He loved it.

He turned to the little child in the alley as he crouched down to them. "It's okay, he won't hurt you anymore," he cooed as he pulled out a tissue and held it before them. His wings flapped cheerfully as they took it and used it to wipe their face.

"T...thank you," their tiny and soft voice whispered. "I...I,"

"Shh," Corvus interrupted the child. "Take a break, you don't have to explain anything you don't want," he whispered sweet nothings to the child as they relaxed. He extended his hand to them and carefully pat their head when they didn't twitch or flinch away. "It will be fine, trust me," he whispered as the child's gaze softened and then froze up.

A dark halo was behind Sunday, it erupted in dark blues, violets, and golden tones. "Shhh, now tell me little one, do you have somewhere to stay?" He asked as he wrapped them in a piece of rather clean cloth and picked them up. They didn't fight back, how could they, he had given the little child the sweetest dream they could wish for.

"No. I don't," their quiet voice replied almost in a monotone tone.

"It's okay. I'll give you a place to stay. It will be warm and comforting. You'll never have to starve or feel pain again. It will be a new beginning," he comforted them as a beast exited out of the dark space behind him. The multiple glowing eyes darted from side to side as the sharp wings twitched in excitement. All their eyes focused on Corvus as their claws opened and closed. The Halovian gave the beast a nod before he adjusted the cloth over the child's head.

The Stellaron Hunter hummed softly at first as he started to walk out of the alleyway before it turned into beautiful singing. It did not have any words, it did not need them, and the melody shall carry THEIR will. His orders are THEIR order, wrapped up in a gorgeous, everlasting symphony of life and death. Where life was there was death, where life wasn't, there wasn't death. It all ended and began, the beginning is a new end.

His halo vibrated as the hole behind him widened and darkened, though the edges stayed in their beautiful color. And maybe if a living soul had had the chance to look inside, they would have been awed at the bright stars and beautiful clouds of the cosmos hidden inside.

Corvus avoided big piles of rubble as well as places that seemed like they would collapse at the slightest breath. Even if people fell to the ground and accended from all sides there were no screams. There was only peace, it was the only thing he could grant them after such a disaster. They had lost this city...but they had won the war.

He traveled to the outskirts of a small hill. "You know, the two Suns are beautiful today. You should really see the sky," he looked down and felt himself smile at their resting face. No twitch of an eyelid. No scrunched face from pain, just the peaceful sleep of death. He sighed as he crouched down and wrapped the child fully up in the cloth, hoping its blessed fabric could contain the curse held within.

He made sure to cover their face with his graceful movements. They would no longer suffer. No painful death, just a beautiful dream was waiting for them. "The end is also the beginning. This chapter might have ended for you, but your story is not over yet," he whispered to them as he drew an eye over the cloth.

"THEIR gaze will rest on you and protect you. You have suffered enough, now sleep. Sleep and dream beautifully," he whispered as he closed the small grave with dirt and then placed a stone slate on it. It had no name. No date. No family connection. "I wish you a beautiful dream," was the only thing written on it.

The monster came back as it lowered its head next to him. The Halovian gave a small hum before his hand went to pet the creature's head. The Memory Meme had been awfully loyal to him, like a little puppy it followed him around. It had no problem killing and then cuddling with his daughter. It was truly an enigma.

He hummed as he took his hands back, their head moving up before they floated again and flew back into the dark shadow world he carried with him. When the hole closed so did his powers. But the job had been done (it was never).

Corvus remained by the grave as he looked to the city from time to time. The cleansing fire that had been ignited consumed the last traces of the Stellaron's curse. Now no one shall ever die such an agonizing death again. It was over for now, and yet it was the beginning of another hunt. They would hunt forever, and still it ended.


Corvus stepped into the spaceship and smiled when he spotted his little daughter in her small nest-like bed. It was a floating bowl that had been modified with pillows and blankets to be a very comfortable nest for his child. It was quite big, big enough for the little toddler to lay in. He stepped over to the bowl and took off his glove before he reached into it.

His little Columbina had dark luscious hair and soft, fair features. The Stellaron Hunters told him she had his soft features, which just made him more proud. Especially when they would point out how pretty her soft pink eyes looked and how cute the six snow-white wings were. Even the wings around her waist were a soft white. She looked so innocent as he brushed through her hair.

Still, in all these years he hadn't really had a clue who her father was. However, one thing he did find out with the help of the Stellaron Hunters was that the IPC had taken away his memories. And that his sister was safe and they made sure she was constantly under their surveillance. He even got a picture of her and they made sure to gift him her merchandise.

But..he knew in a way who the father was. There was a certain smoke lingering in the back of his mind, a certain warmth and comfort. A scent that bit at first but then softly caressed his skin and face. He had first ignored it and just scratched it off as an illusion, but when he found out about his memory loss. It was clear that this was not an illusion. This person was real, this man had been his lover.

And yet, he couldn't remember a thing. He could only feel the sweet love embracing his soul, warming his guts when he thought about them. However, there was hurt. There was pain as well. His heart would ache and the scent would turn bitter once again. Did they have a fallout? Did they break up when Sunday had turned into Dominicus? He wasn't sure.

All he knew was, that he loved the result of their love so dearly, that it made him forget all the wrong that had been done to him.

Corvus removed his hand and he closed the capsule off again to protect his little one. He would have to wash and cleanse his whole outfit and body before he would fully interact with her again, it was too dangerous. "Where will we go next?" He whispered to himself as he opened his logbook.

Since he had started participating in the work of the Stellaron Hunters he had risen up the rank pretty fast. Now he was given single missions due to his capabilities of manipulation and convincing people. He was often sent if Elio wished to do a job calmly but efficiently and fast. It was what he could do best. He read the new order from Elio.

Hello Corvus, I hope everything went smoothly. I am sure it did, you are so poggers after all. Anyway, I have received a new whisper. It's sadly not a poem but I wrote it down.

From the past chained to the ground. The future is gone and lost. It shall be swallowed all, by a little dove. The sleeping will no longer rest, as fate will laugh and cry. The columns reach into the sky, of the Planet frozen in time. The wheel will turn once again, at the tragedy in the skies.

That's all I got. I already did some research on where we should go to. Apparently the planet K. 539 is affected by a Stellaron. The IPC had locked the planet up to make sure their curse doesn't spread, but ever since that the civilization has not advanced.

I have included the coordination. Make sure to take care of Columbina, after this mission, we will meet on the mothership. I want pizza and I have a new story idea.

Good luck :>

The man hummed and made sure to calibrate everything accordingly. He made sure to help the ship start before he let the autopilot do its thing as he went to shower. He already dreamed of taking his little girl into his lap while he researched the planet and then deciphering the writing from Elio.

When he stepped out in his black bathrobe he lifted his daughter out of her bed and placed her against his chest. She gave a soft hum as she buried her head into his exposed shoulder. It made him smile as he grabbed his tablet and laid down on the comfortable grey-hanging couch. It looked like a big baby crib. Just move pillows and blankets into it.

He smiled as he swayed from side to side with his little girl on his chest. Her wings flapped happily as she rested with him. Her small body was so warm, it made a soft smile erupt on his face as he brushed his hand over his back. "Hello, I hope you slept well my beautiful girl," he kissed her head which made her wings twitch as she lifted her head up.

Her soft pastel pink eyes blinked as she yawned. Her wings stretched as she did so, it was absolutely adorable. She rubbed her face with her hand as the wings flapped happily. "Mama....mama," she whispered in her soft voice.

"Yes, Mama is here. Do you need anything? Hungry? Want me to preen your wings?" He asked as he placed the tablet away and fully focused on the little one. She was his little dove, his star, moon, and sun. He waited until she was done with rubbing her face for her answer.

"I want....want..wings," she smiled happily as they lifted up and spread as far and wide as they could, it made her Mama smile.

Corvus' chest swelled with pride at his little one before he focused on gently pulling her closer do that his fingers could go through his wings and hair. He made sure to check all her feathers for imperfections and closed them up once again. The small fletching feathers closer to her head were still as fluffy as ever.

The two spent a good time together as Corvus took care of her feathers. He smiled the whole time and even more when the little girl lifted her head up and nibbled at his feathers to try and preen the wings of her mother as well. He let her try his best as she used her tiny hands to try and fix everything up. It was adorable to watch and to know that she was trying as well.

After about half an hour the little girl rested again and he focused on his research while brushing over her white dress and adjusting and playing with it. He let his fingers caress her hair and her back. The way her little silver halo glowed and vibrated from time to time told him all he needed to know about his Columbina.

The research helped him understand that the Stellaron might be involved with the leader or the planet. Though he was not sure how far intertwined the Stellaron was with it. He also figured out that the planet had quite bountiful resources and lots of rare metals. The IPC sure would love to have their fingers in their business again. He was sure of that.

The man got up after a while to make some food for him and his daughter. He held her up with one hand as as she sat on it and held onto his clothes and long hair. Her eyes moved from one place in the kitchen n to the other. It was adorable. Especially when he sat her on the counter and gave her her own apron. It was one with colorful birds on it on a cute purple background. She smiled as he put her hair into a bun and then put a dark blue apron on himself.

She looked so cute as she sat on the counter with a wooden spoon in her hand and she stirred the noodles in the water. He made sure to watch her and make sure she didn't do anything stupid. Though he trusted her motions. They had practiced after all, and she was a big girl already.

He cut some vegetables as he made sure they were small enough that she would enjoy eating them, she was a pretty picky little girl after all. He remembered the struggle of feeding her food when all she wanted was baby food from one specific brand. He had cursed the entire brand when they "optimized the recipe" and she wouldn't take it anymore.

He had busted into the headquarters and convinced the people there to change the recipe back to the original. It was pretty easy to convince then when he had two guns in his hand and the powers of a Stellaron Hunter behind him. So he could continue having a rather peaceful time with his daughter and her beloved strawberry, apple, and carrot puree.

He mixed the vegetables into a pan with some seasoning to soften them up and make them taste good. He added a few pieces of meat into the mix to make sure his daughter would have anything and everything she could need. His lips were in an everlasting calm and happy smile as he started to mix the noodles with the rest.

He placed the little girl down in her chair before he focused on bringing her her plastic plate with the food. He also placed a plastic cup with water down near her. She giggled as she grabbed the cup with both hands and drank the water. He brought her her plate and placed it before her. He also made sure to put her napkin on her to stop her from messing up everything, though he had a good washing machine.. so it would be fine.

He gave her a small fork as he sat down next to her. He smiled as he watched her pick up the first noodle and then shove it into her mouth. He closed it after a second as she ate with an open mouth, that was still a little problem but she was doing better. He took his hand away as he focused on his own food, a watchful eye always on his daughter.


The two spent their time together and ate dinner before Sunday brought his daughter to the bathroom to clean her up. Or she cleaned herself and he supervised her, he wanted to make sure she did everything right and brushed her teeth for 3 minutes. He wanted to make sure she could soon do it all herself. He already could dress herself, even if she needed a bit of help with tying a bow or pulling up zippers for her dresses.

He gave her a washcloth to clean as he brushed his own teeth. It was adorable to watch her as she washed herself how he did, it was cute to watch her mock his expressions and ways of moving around. The way her wings spread spread when his would and the way she scrunched her face when brushing her teeth.

When it was her turn to brush her teeth he pulled out her small chair so that she could look into the mirror. He turned her little timer on and then patted her head before he left to change into his bedtime clothes and pull out Columbina's. While his were rather plain shorts and a shirt hers were a cute purple with bows on them.

When they were changed he braided his hair loosely as well as his daughter's before he went to their bedroom. He looked into the small room that had to bowl-like nests built into the wall. One oval-shaped nest was smaller and obviously Columbina's. It had butterflies and flowers drawn on them by both the girl and the man. Next to it was another, bigger nest.

The oval-shaped nests were closed into spheres almost everywhere except at the front where there was quite a big opening for each of them to crawl into their dark nests. It was dark and comfortable with all the blankets, pillows and plushies.

He picked her up and helped her up so that she could get into the nest. She giggled as she climbed into the nest that was above the ground. It had a ring to make sure she wouldn't accidentally fall out of her pillow and plushie heaven. She could open and close it herself which was super adorable.

The two were connected through a small tunnel that the girl frequently used to get to him in the morning for cuddles. Corvus woke up some nights with his little dove against his chest as she held her favorite grey bunny close to her. He would make sure to always comfort her and kiss her head to help her sleep. The wings on his waist would always try to wrap around her and protect his fletching.

When he got into his own nest he was welcomed by the warmth and the familiar feeling around him. The second he curled up he once again wished for the bed to be less empty, it hurt to know that he used to have someone. That this someone gifted him his precious daughter. He missed this mysterious man with the cigarette scent and alcohol taste. No matter how disgusting it should be, he wanted it. He wanted it to consume him.

But then it hurt, he was left alone. He wasn't there...he wasn't...he. Corvus suppressed his thoughts as he sighed. This was useless, he would continue searching for this person and his memories. But there were none for him to find. He hoped he would find his memories...at least then he knew who he'd have to thank for the gift of a daughter he had.


(Dadadada! Gallagher prime time is here! Whooo)

(This part is where my own theories about Honkai Starrail heavily influenced the story, so yeah. Be prepared >:] Muhahahaha)

Everything was cool around his body. The sensation of the smooth and viscous cool around his fingers and legs made his body float. There were only dull voices around him, he couldn't recognize them. He didn't know what they talked about nor what language they were even speaking. His lungs felt weird, they were weirdly empty, despite his whole body being submerged.

His breathing was calm. In and out his breaths went with absolutely no effort. But something sounded wrong about his breaths, they sounded usually hard despite being so easy. His mouth was...full. It tasted metallic and the odd sensation of a plastic straw was in his mouth...God, he hated straws.

The eyes opened bloodshot. Red crimson orbs darted from side to side, though the only thing they were able to see was the deep blue and purple around. When he tried to move his arms they were heavy and almost stiff. His body ached as he moved his legs, the liquid holding onto him as if it held him in a tight hug. A hug of coolness and detail almost...everything was so indifferent and universally blue.

He didn't know what had happened but suddenly there was something else. A red light...or shine. It blinked and then everything happened so fast, everything around him warmed up. His arms were able to move more as the liquid turned more liquid, almost like water. His vision got worse, however. Then he sank.

The next thing he knew was that he was sitting on a cool metal floor as the liquid lowered in the tank and displeased somewhere, he could not tell where. Then a warm wind tickled his skin around his face as he closed his eyes. The voices got louder...well one voice. Their words were still weird and sluggish to his mind but he didn't know what else to do.

A warm hand was on his head as it removed whatever was over his mouth. Then something was pulled out of his mouth. He gagged as he leaned forward and continued to cough. Slowly the pipe came out of him and he took in a harsh breath. His eyes opened as he held his throat and coughed as well as gasped for fresh air. This air was...difficult to take in. Every breath felt like an exercise.

He didn't know how long it took. Or where he was., but eventually his breaths calmed down. The voices cleared up until he could hear the stern and gentle voice of a man. "Remember to breathe in for 3 seconds, hold it, and then breathe out for 3 seconds," the man then started counting and he followed suit.

It really did help. He opened his eyes again and looked up, his vision at first blurry as he blinked and his face scrunched into an expression of discomfort from all the artificial, cool lighting. Then it cleared up slowly. Until he recognized deep amethyst-colored hair with eyes as bright and fiery as the sunset. And an expression as calm as the waves on the wise and wide ocean, knowledge in his gaze as wide and deep as the ocean itself.

"It is I, Doctor Veritas Ratio. Do you remember?" His voice spoke in a calm and monotone tone with him. He gave him time to think and reply. Meanwhile, he took his breathing tool and put it away, he was patient as always and caring.

"I," his voice was even raspier and drier than before. It scratched at the back of his throat. He tried to say something again but instead, there was a glass of water before him.

"Here, drink that. Make sure to do it slowly and carefully, we do not know how good your motor functions are," he explained as he took a seat before him and his knowledgeable gaze rested on the other.

He took the glass of water and drank it carefully. The cool liquid immediately clenched his thirst and freshened up his throat. It seemed to help his thoughts as well, his mind cleansed by the water and whatever was in there. It cannot just be plain water. It felt magical almost.

"Do you remember who you are?" The voice asked again as Ratio had pulled out a notebook to write everything down. Still, he would need to bring him the chip later. At least, that's what he had requested before the whole thing.

The brunette squinted his eyes before he gave a small hum. "I...am Gallagher, a History Fictionologist. I...I..," he paused. There was something that tingled in the back of his mind. He...there was something but he couldn't place his finger on it. This....shouldn't be.

"I see, I have thought about that. I will give you the memories back you put on a chip. It has your consciousness since you did not want to risk anything," he explained and then stood up. "Would you like to come?" He asked and held out his hand to help him up.

Gallgher took his hand as he tripped almost over his own feet. "Aoen...." he sighed as he was handed a crutch. He thanked the doctor as they slowly moved through the room to a table nearby. He collapsed onto the cool table and was given a towel.

At first he gave him a weird look but then he spoke up again. "You are very much perceivable to all. So please give yourself at least a bit of dignity, you deserve it," he pointed out and Gallagher became acutely aware that he was completely naked. Quickly he placed the towel over his crotch area before he laid down on the cool metal table.

"Please remain calm and focus your thoughts. I will insert the memory database into your skull and then seal it up, therefore it cannot be opened again. You need to stay calm, this procedure can take up to 12 system hours." The doctor reminded him and he just answered with a nod.

"Okay, then I shall proceed. You may wake up somewhere else but please do not be afraid," he elaborated before his skilled hands moved to his head and dug through his now wet but clean hair. He parted it until he found the small space that had an uneven feeling to it. "Okay, I will open it. 3...2...1," on the cue he did as he said and a small dispenser came out of his head. It was a blank disc, it only had the two facts the man spoke earlier.

He removed it and pulled out the real disc. Gallagher had given him a bit of information before his consciousness had been fully transferred. On this disc was his entire self, his memories of the Astral Express, Sunday, and their children. He talked about them in a soft tone as he told him how much he cared and that he needed to make things up with Sunday. That his birdie might need a little more help with flying since he had only been falling.

As Dr. Ratio worked on closing the gap so it would never be opened again he heard the other pant and saw his fingers twitch just like his head. He tried to not touch him whenever he twitched his head, but after a few times he just sighed and held his head in a stable position and he finished the job within 10 minutes. He brushed his hair over the stitched wound and then went to grab a blanket for him.

He was uncertain how long it would take, but he would remain by his side for the whole time. He was a good doctor after all, even without a membership in the Genius Society.


Gallagher gasped as he was surrounded by colorful pictures. Everything happened so fast and yet so slow. It was like he watched a movie from his own perspective. He kissed Sunday and praised him. He did his job as a high member of the Bloodhound Family. He had been brought closer to the peak of Harmony and whatever the best drugs were.

No co*cktail he could make would come even close to the perfection that were the bedroom eyes of that Halovian, his angel. Nothing could be that sweet and bitter, so sour and yet so sweet. No mixture could go down so smoothly and could cloud one's eyes with the sweetest dreams and wildest imaginations as fast as Sunday's soft kisses and gentle touches.

His soft face and fair skin were the pinnacle of beauty. The multiple wings decorated his face in the most gorgeous way possible, framing him like a perfect painting. And the eyes...on the eye along his chest and lower back, they were so hot. A shame he hid them. Just like those damn cute black wings around his waist, as dark as the night but shiny as a million-credit gem.

And their beautiful children. All 7 of them were the prettiest and cutest things alive. They all took after Sunday's divine grace and mercy. His malicious, ugly and deceitful self, covered in mud and maggots found something this gorgeous. And their union created such cute little birdies. None of them were ugly or malicious...only his little cuckoo may be a tiny bit mallicious. Oh his little Trysday, they took after him. This little rebellious birdie, he loved them.

He did not know for how long he lay there, surrounded by the soft waves of memories. He loved everything. And then he hated it all. The way his divine, from heaven's gates, sent angel scrunched his face at him in hate. The disgust that was written all over his eyes and lips. The way his wings twitched in distress and anger. He hated how he could see everything.

He hated how he could see the fall. How his everything fell with such grace and peace. The wind softly touching his body, making the man jealous as it was closer to him than he himself. He screamed to run, to catch him. He yelled at himself. Tears ran down his cheekbones and down his chin with his stubble beard.

Then he took a step. And another. His body exploded with energy as his lungs burned. A fire spread over his whole body, from the tips of his feet to the tip of his nose. The electric and burning feeling burst through his muscles and organs. His vision got blurry, though it was focused on only one thing. Sunday, the mother of their children.

He panted and gasped as his arms went with his feet. The wind in his ears was so loud he didn't hear a thing anymore. His eyes turned towards the sky, Sunday, and the falling platform. There was little he could see...but his eyes immediately focused on the figure of the golden ray. "Sunday!!!" He screamed out as his feet flew over the destroyed ground.

The beautiful dream was falling apart all around him. And with it Sunday. But despite all that, he never felt more alive, the air burned in his lungs as the hot teats flew in the wind. His limbs screamed from the pain as his heart pounded in his chest, but the only thing he could care about was the falling figure.

He needed to be faster. Faster! Quicker! He promised! He couldn't disappoint them. No! No! NEVER!

f*ck the family! f*ck THEM ALL! f*ck them! Hahaha! f*ck. They couldn't limit him! Never! He is beyond that!

He speeded over the dying Dreamscape. The fake Golden Hour may crumble...but he felt faster. He was quicker. He was beyond it all! He didn't care! He just needed to catch Sunday! His Sunday!

His body moved even faster as the breaths burned, but the burn brought satisfaction. He was fighting for it, he was winning. His feet took bigger steps, he took faster steps. The wind around his head messed up his hair as his crimson eyes took in the figure, he was close...so damn close. He would even see that it was Sunday and Robin. And the woman desperately spread her wings to aid their fall.

His eyes focused on them, his mind did. It stopped worrying about his form, his body was disposable. He wasn't real, this didn't matter. He just needed Sunday. Everything was tuned out as he speeded up a hill and then jumped on a building. His muscles didn't ache, and even if, who is to say that's true?

He pulled himself up and then he continued running. It felt like he ran for forever and then just for a fraction of a moment. He jumped and held his arms out. Did the rain hit his face, or was it sweat? Who knows, it may as well be a lie.

But what wasn't a lie was the warmth of Sunday. One arm wrapped around him and pulled him closer while the other grabbed his sister and pulled her in as well. For a second everything was perfect. He had his lover. This would be burned into his memory. A moment of infinite perfection.

Then he hit the ground and buildings. He yelped in pain as he held them both close and rolled around in the rubble. Then it stopped before he could even bring himself to care for this deceptive body he looked at Sunday. His head...crimson colored his beautiful light sky blue colored hair. It formed streaks and then a puddle.

"No! This is not real!" He gasped as he laid the sister's body down and pulled Sunday closer. As soon as he held him to his chest the red faded away. Now his beauty was as impeccable as before. His resting face was undisturbed and peaceful. Something he wanted to see for eternity. He wanted to wake up to this and fall asleep to this. It was-


His eyes opened as he gasped and took in the fresh air. Where?! Oh...yeah..he was with Dr. Veritas Ratio. He had requested a new body from the doctor. And...then he would get to Sunday...his precious Sunday. He already knew where to search. He knew where his most precious man was and their little children.

His eyes traveled around until he was met with intense glowing lavender orbs with turquoise in the middle. They had a certain playful mischievous hint to them. The expression of the blonde was relaxed and then turned into a smile. "Veritas," he sang as he lifted his head, "he is awake!" He got up and he waddled around the room. Bandages were around his arms and legs as he moved to the other man who sat at a desk.

His head lifted up as he sighed, "Kakavasha, sit down. You should rest. You have been through a lot," the other stood up and met him halfway, only for the other to chuckle and give his shoulder a soft punch.

"Aw look at you, it's not like I fully obliterated myself," he paused when he saw the serious expression of the other. "Almost," he added before he yelped when he was picked up by the other.

Ratio would have almost thrown his over his shoulder like a potato sack but he ended up carrying him over to the bed again like a princess. "Now stay seated, damned gambler," he scolded him and turned his attention to Gallagher. "Is there something you need? I would like to check your vitals as well, this body may not be perfect currently. However, it will surely assimilate with your powers soon," he explained.

The other just nodded as he tried to focus on listening. "Yeah, sounds good. I have to find Sunday as fast as possible," he hummed as he sat up and let Ratio inspect him. He was sure that the man was trying his best, still, it felt a bit awkward as he sat there and the other just did his thing, he didn't even know half of the sh*t the other did.

"So, how has time been treating you?" He tried to make some small talk, his years of bartending should have given him enough experience with that.

"I am doing well, though now I have this gambler and 3 cat cakes hanging at my legs. But that is nothing I can not deal with, patience is the path of success," he spoke in his usual calm voice as he checked his reflexes. He could tell Kakavasha was looking over.

"Am I really that much of a bother? Didn't you take me in yourself?" He asked with his usual playful tone, one that was almost always reserved for the casino halls.

"You know my answer to that, you are an idiotic, careless, and almost suicidal gambler. Your stakes are way too high and you risk it all with no care," he then turned around to the man. "You know you should be more careful, right? Your last stunts had me seriously worried about you. If I did not have the resources I did, I might have thought you had died," he paused before he turned back to Gallagher.

The brunette looked between the two. The Sigonian man was quiet for a second before he lay on his side as he watched the two. For a second he might have thought those eyes were beyond creepy, but they were surprisingly warm as they gazed over.

His eyes then traveled to Ratio. The man was as stoic and dutiful as ever, the man couldn't help but chuckle as he moved away and wrote down his findings. He'd gladly be another experiment if that meant he could see his beautiful, divine Sunday again. His golden eyes were as bright and gentle as the evening sun.

He slid down from the bed and followed him to the table. "Look at you, the ever so detailed researcher. First human experiment?" He joked as he leaned against the wall. He now wore one of those hospital gowns, they must have put it onto him to save some decency.

"You know I don't do that usually. I am a doctor. I help people be it in a medical sense or a psychological sense. I am an educator just like I am a learner," he paused as he looked up to him. His gentle gaze hardening for just a moment,"If I were like them, THEY wouldn't have gazed at me in Schadenfreude."

"Now all I am is a tool for THEIR personal amusem*nt. A jester to the king, powerful and with privileges but still...never one to be taken seriously by anyone but the king THEMSELF."

The other fell silent as he looked down for a moment, the scribbling started anew as Gallagher's thoughts wandered once again. His crimson eyes moved to the other again. "I apologize, I didn't mean to bring it up." He started. He felt a bit stupid, but if he knew something from dating Sunday then it was that, an apology may sometimes be the only right thing.

"It is no problem, after all," his calm expression moved from the paper to the Sigonian, "you were the one that helped me and him. I can not thank you enough for the gratitude you showed me, even if I still think that that drink you made me was way too sweet," he commented at the end before he finished his noted and closed the book.

"Come on, it fits you. Grey, unsuspecting and bitter looking, but a soft and sweet core once you let the flavor settle on your tongue," he chuckled as he watched the man stand up. He could tell his joke amused him at least a bit, his lips weren't scrunched in disapproval. "Next time you can stay alongside that dear gambler of yours, instead of just picking him up."

He joined the two as Kakavasha told him he had chosen a new outfit for him, something more fashionable. It was also necessary since he had given most of his accessories to his children and well...his outfit was just part of his disguise in the dream. But now...now that the lie was over, he shall be more truthful. Though...what could a new body do for his deceitful soul?


Trysday hummed as they sat down on one of the big couches in the lobby. It was luckily comfortable as the two pairs of wings around their waist relaxed and laid casually on each side of the messy skirt. Their eyes wandered around the room as they took a sip of water out of the golden goblet with green gems that had been offered to them.

Himiko seemed way more relaxed as she nonchalantly talked to one of the guards. She knew that Trysday probably wouldn't want to stay for the negotiations, but she had to be present at the start to make sure they knew the Astral Express meant it seriously.

Though they couldn't care as much. They couldn't probably guess what the problem was and how they would solve it. Eat the history of the place and rewrite it into something beautiful, releasing them from the chains that strapped them to the ground. Release them from the burden of their past so that they could spread their wings into the future....bit boring, ain't it?

So they stood up as they adjusted their small head that decorated their messy chestnut locks. "Where is the bathroom?" They stepped to one of the guards as they asked them.

The woman gave a small hum as she pointed in the direction with her lance. "The left chamber is for the men and the right for the women. You will have to walk a bit though," she explained before she placed her lance down again. Her expression was just as cool as it was before.

Trysday's wings around their head fanned up as they groaned. "No other choice?" They asked as they needed to bite back a snappy response. It was always the same problem when they went to such places. Ancient culture is beautiful and all, but really? They would make sure to eat some extra history to make up for such a lack.

The guard simply stared at them before they turned and calmed their wings down again before they went down the hall. Despite what the woman had suggested, they went down the left hall. It was a way shorter way, who wouldn't want that?

Their gaze always rested on their surroundings. Just like they had guessed, no guards near the bathrooms. So perfect. A small grin formed on their dark-colored lips as they looked at the window that had been built way up there. Impossible to reach humans, but they had wings. So as easy as pie.

They jumped up and only needed a few flaps of their wings before they crouched in the big hole in the wall and looked outside. It was rather peaceful during the early evening. Luckily not as hot anymore as an hour ago, the days here were shorter after all. They felt their wings twitch and then flap up and down from excitement as they jumped out the window and glided down the wall.

It could have been more elegant, but who cares? They landed harshly on their feet and stumbled from one foot to the other for a couple seconds before they were sure they had solid ground under them. Then they patted some dust off of them and adjusted their wings before they traveled out of the alleyway and down the street.

It was painfully obvious that they did not belong here. Though they had hoped they wouldn't be such a thorn to the eye. It felt like a thousand eyes were on them at the same time, pressing every bit of oxygen out of their lungs and carving out their eyes.

They shook their head before they jumped up a stone roof and walked along the edge, half hidden buy the shadows of the night. Only their glowing eyes might have been an indicator of their presence. And so they waited.

Once the crowd had calmed down and gathered on the main Plaza like usual they gave a small grin. They extended their hand as an eye opened in the palm of their hands. A violet golden eye stared at the crowd and they stared at them too. One and the same. Slowly colorful bubbles formed from the robes. They were small and were carried along with the winds up to them.

They opened their mouth and caught one of the iridescent purple and golden bubbles to swallow them. As sweet as those were, they had a sour side taste to them. But that only made Trysday shake for a second before they craved more. One tasted as sweet as the candy from a carnival while the other as bitter as red gummy bears.

(If you get the reference then I love you, the school system sucks :>)

When the sun had finally set they jumped down from the roof. They had brought out a long black coat to hide their appearance, beside everyone who was out now wore one. Perhaps to stay one, but maybe to not get caught by friends as they visit their mistress. They chuckled at their own thoughts as they moved down the road.

They made their way down to road until they were near the outskirts of the city. It was peaceful here, thankfully. They needed this after all the haste around their and Himiko's appearance and the questions and the legal documents. It was a bureaucratic nightmare.

They sat down on a stone as they took of their hood and let the fresh wind go through their hair and wings. They opened them and stretched them to get everything out of the wonderful night. The stars were as clear as they could be. It made them wonder once again, was their mother really more beautiful than this? Was their mother really such a divine being?

"Hey sweetheart, what are you doing out here so late? You know little ones shouldn't be out here, you could be in danger?" A taunting voice came from behind.

Trysday sighed as they turned around. The wings fanning to appear bigger and fuller. "I am alright, and no. I am not little nor in danger," they corrected the other before they turned their head back to the sky.

"Aren't you one of those weirdos from the sky train? I saw some of them, ugh."

"Don't you dare talk about my sisters like that!" They hissed as they fully turned to the human. Their eyes glowed in the dark as they stared directly into their face and probably soul. It was a group of four..but one was clearly the leader...the others may as well be just some yes-men.

"Oh look who is pissed now. Think those candlelight eyes can scare us?" They howled before they took a step closer. Their group meanwhile split up to surround Trysday..

"Mhm...this was a warning. But since you ignored it I shall engage in this unfair figure," they declared as they stood up and turned towards the leader, "you won't stand a chance." They felt their fingers twitch as they got into a fighting position, their legs stable and strong onto the ground.


Corvus Ovidius Cassus walked along the freshness of the early morning sun. His minded rested peacefully knowing his daughter was safe in the spaceship that he had landed. He would have loved to leave the very obedient Memory Zone Meme there...but he knew it could only survive with a dream. And he was the only one that could provide such an environment, so he had scratched the idea.

He tool in another breath of the fresh air as he let a smaller version of the monster investigate the place. It had turned out to be quite useful with his missions as it was able to spot danger earlier and pick up differences in aura. So it was a great pet to accompany him.

He was lost in thoughts until he heard the smaller version hiss before it flew back to him and placed itself over his shoulders like a scarf. It must have found something. Evidently, he heard gasps and yelps as he moved out of the alleyway and into the crowd of early-morning shoppers. Though he did not need to pull his hood over here, people here have been isolated for too long. They probably didn't even knew who the IPC or Stellaron Hunters were.

He was a criminal after all, that was one thing he was acutely aware of since he had joined the Stellaron Hunters. His bounty may not have been that high compared to the other Hunters, but even they were impressed by how high it had gotten in just a few years.

Besides prison escape, being a wanted criminal, terrorism, assassinations, money laundry, or mass murder he has quite a list of things he did. He was always proud of his ability to leak government information and therefore get blacklisted. Destruction of IPC property and robbing of their banks, he loved to do those things anything that hurt the IPC really. He was sure he was one of their most wanted at this point. It made his chest sweet with pride.

Corvus Ovidius Cassus or Corvus had a bounty of 5.7 Billion on his head.

When he reached the source of the noise he stopped. There was a teen sitting on a bench as they proudly consumed some glowing bubbles. They giggled as the other kids their age stoked around. Their parents didn't seem to be in a better condition as they were passed out or either looking around absolutely confused.

There was a pause in the moment and then they turned around. The hood fell down their head as it then stuck to a silver halo. Violet golden eyes met his pure golden ones. For a moment he thought he needed to blink but he couldn't. He was frozen in place as he looked at the little teen before him.

His heart instantly melted as he looked at them, why was it doing that? Why did his body suddenly feel so soft and drawn to this random black-winged Halovian? He was about to say something when a flash entered his vision.

From where it was, he did not know. But when he looked he still saw the child. Now before him, they looked up at him. His wings flared for a second but calmed down immediately as he caught a scent again. A biting smell of alcohol underneath it. But it didn't bite...it caressed his senses.

He took a step back as his wings jerked around his waist, he froze as he looked at them. It couldn't be...how? How? This...this wasn't true! How! Why?! Who is this? Who! He doesn't know them! This wasn't a child he kn-

A loud pang and then a high-pitched noise formed in his head. A flash of memories flooded into his brain. It was a firework of lights, colors, emotions, and pain. And there were faces, so many faces. And...only one at the same time. He was drawing in all the information that flooded over him..he couldn't accept this! Who! Wh-

A soft embrace around his waist and then a cigarette smell in his mouth. The next thing he knew was that he was looking into droopy crimson eyes. "Birdie? Don't be mad at me. I haven't even said a thing?" A husky but calm voice rang in his ear and then a soft warmth on his lips.


A kiss was placed on his chest as the man gave him a gentle look. "You know you are quite divine Sunday. Even if your feathery highness is always demanding sh*t," he whispered and the other felt a shiver wander down his spine.


In a soft nest was he met with those gentle eyes again. He was about to say something when he noticed eggs all around him. The shiny shells with either purple or red swirls on them. 3 had beautiful red swirls while 3 others had gorgeous purple swirls. His heart melted as he saw them against his stomach and chest.

He looked up when he was met with the man again. He cradled a multicolored egg in his arms and smiled at both of them. "Here, our special baby," he whispered as he crouched down and handed the warm egg over to him. Sunday took it with a warm expression and half-closed eyes before he pressed it against his chest. "Thank you, G■■■■■■■■."


He laid on the warm and scarred chest of the other. His arms were around him as they held him gingerly. His eyes focused on the face of the man. His beard stubble and defined facial features. Those puppy eyes and the lazy smile on his face. The messy chestnut-colored hair was all over the place but looked to be awfully fluffy. "You know what Sunday, this might be a dream. But if it is so beautiful, then how could I ever wake up?"


His eyes widened as the man turned into a flock of birds. He was surrounded by seven little children 6 light-haired ones and one chestnut-haired one. They laughed and blabbered happily and called him Mama.

Enough! This can't be!

His head exploded as he found himself suddenly in reality again. He felt sick as he looked at the child and turned his head away. It...this... he couldn't stop his golden eyes from slowly wandering over again, making his heart melt as he felt his body warm up.

His thoughts could no longer say a thing as they were tuned out. A sudden love filled his body, one he had previously only felt for one other someone...Columbina. His features softened and warmed up instantly as his wings slowly flapped with tiny motions. He wanted to take them into his arms. He didn't care..

His heart knew it. This...was his baby, his little child.

The teen looked at him as their eyes inspected the face of the Halovian before them. It was an awfully gentle and caring expression as he looked at them. His wings fluttered and flapped happily as his golden eyes moved to them.

The golden eyes were as bright and warm as the sun would be during the hottest hours, filled with love and admiration that they thought only existed in movies or books. The long hair was as soft as the clouds in the sky and as beautifully colored as the brightest day itself. Was this...the heavenly beauty of a mother..?

Corvus stared at the child as their first dooming and dangerous eyes softened as they gazed up at him. Their wings flapped slightly as they took just a small step closer to him.

"H....how," his soft voice trembled as he looked at them. His little baby...but how? They were all born I'm the Dreamscape. His little babies had only ever been there...he... this couldn't be? Was this a dream? A beautifully cruel dream?

"M...Mama?" Trysday's suddenly soft voice spoke, the word was almost lost in the whisper of the winds as they looked at the face of angst and confusion before them. It can not be? Where is Papa? Didn't he want to come with Mama?

"I...it...this isn't real," he gasped as he turned around. He was going insane! Corvus stepped away and dove into the next crowd as his thoughts turned louder and louder. An uproar from within yelled at him pleaded with him and defended him.

His thoughts were too loud for him to catch the desperate yell of pain behind him. No sane mother would have ever had the strength to turn a deaf ear to their crying young. But Corvus-

It simply couldn't be. He wasn't real. He knew that wasn't their baby, in no way. He tried to reason with himself as he suffocated in the crowd he pushed himself through and new memories.

More loving and soft looks between him and that man of his dreams. And then a harsh pain erupted in his chest. The soft eyes widened as he stepped back. Worry and concern blubbered up in them as tears seemed to swell in their crimson eyes.

A burning took over in him. But it didn't leave welcomed ashes and fertile earth behind, it scorched every bit of life out of the ground. No soft flower, delicate leave of strong tree could last against the black flames. He would have screamed in pain, cried at the suffering, and yelled in anger. But his mouth only opened for a silent scream.

The ground opened up and swallowed him whole. It dragged him into the cold darkness without any care for his pathetic attempt to fight back.

And he wasn't there.

He wasn't there to catch him. He didn't save him. He didn't tear down his cage. He didn't kiss his woes away. He wasn't there for their children. Their children aren't real! He is hallucinating. He....the man.. didn't show him freedom! He was a mangy liar! Liar!

That man! That...that.. GALLAGHER!

He gasped as he leaned against the wall of an alleyway. "Gallagher! Gallagher you wretched hound! You mangy dog! You...you dirty man! Disgusting, wretched, hellbound ugly maggot!" He cursed under his breath.

"Gallagher?" A tiny voice whispered.

The man's wings twitched as he looked around but there was no one, when he heard a small sob he looked down. The Memory Zone Meme had poked its head out of the cloak with tears in its multiple eyes.

"Gallagher? Gallagher.....miss him. Gallagher," it cried out as it snuggled against Corvus. The Halovian froze up as it looked at the beast, now with tears in its eyes and a tiny trembling body.

He was silent as he looked at the small thing. "Why are you crying? He left me! He left you! He left our children behind! He does not care," he argued as he looked at the little black beast sob over such a pathetic and deceitful man. He wasn't even real! He was played like a damn cheap kazoo by the man in his dreams!

"B-but...he...he cares. For the Dreamflux Reef. He care for me. He care for you. He...he smelled like you. He saved people. He...he is no liar. He...Gallagher... Miss him," the little thing snuggled against his neck as it cried into him.

The Halovian was lost for words. He had guessed that the man and the Memory Zone Meme had some connection, but that it was that deep. That the beast was crying and sobbing for such a man? He couldn't have guessed that.

Still, after a few moments of hesitation he placed an arm around the little thing. "It is okay. It is over now, you are with me...I won't give you a reason to cry more. It began and shall end...just to begin then once again. Mourning is a process, it is everlasting. Sometimes it will be worse, sometimes it will be better. But the sadness will never truly be gone."

"You can cry but it won't bring him back...he...he was just a dream,"

A cold solemn feeling spread in his chest as his limbs got heavier and colder. His knees gave away under him and he couldn't stop his body from sliding down the wall until he sat on the cold and harsh, cold stone floor.

His head placed itself against the wall as he looked up. He blinked as his eyes traveled to the sky which had more clouds formed on the sky as the white blinded him. A high noise crept through his mind as the clouds got bigger and turned blurry from the welling of his grief-stricken tears.

"Just....the man of my dreams," he gasped as quiet tears found their way down his cheeks. The words were barely audible, swallowed by the sobs that racked his body as well as the sobbing of his companion. His wings covered his face fully, no hands would hold it to comfort him.

The pearly tears were warm and salty, they almost clung to his face in an attempt to comfort him. His lips trembled as his breathing turned harsh and uneven. Just the man of his dreams, he told himself over and over again. It made the ache of his limbs, the twists in his stomach, and the aches of his head just worsen.

He gasped for air, his lungs coughing out the saving oxygen again. The pain in his chest was sharp and unyielding and stabbing. His vision tunneled until he could only focus on the wall on the other side...the oh so cold, dark and lone wall.

"Why! Why did you leave me? Our children. Did they mean nothing to you?" His broken voice scraped at his throat while his body trembled. Each new breath he took was harder than the one before, his lungs were on fire...or drowned. He didn't know...he couldn't tell the difference.

"Why...Why did my script doom me? I should have died! I should have joined you, Gallagher. I should have broken every single damn bone in my body, I should have choked on blood and tears..then you could have taken me in your embrace. You...you damned hound," he cried.

Time didn't pass- at least to him, he didn't know how long he had held onto the little Memory Zone Meme and for how long he had quietly sobbed in some dirty corner of the city. He was cold and exhausted when he placed his head on his knees.


Trysday looked at Himiko after they had apologized for running away and explained what had happened. "I swear! That was my Mama! I saw him, he is here. Mama is here," they looked at Himiko as they jumped from one foot to the other.

They knew Himiko didn't fully trust their words, they didn't trust their own vision. They had stayed awake all night and now...they thought they had seen their Mother. They swore they knew it for sure, it was better safe than to be sorry.

But it sucked when Himiko just gave her a small glance. "I understand, I will make sure we'll look into that," she spoke as she gave them a small smile.

They knew she was trying to do her best...and that she meant it, but they couldn't help but worry that their issue was brushed under the rug. Trysday couldn't help but wonder if it may already be too late if their Mama was already gone. Or if they had just imagined it all...

Himiko sat the teen down and gave them a glass of water to drink before she focused on forming a plan. First she'd have to contact Welt and discuss what to do with the planet's issue. They had to get rid of a Stellaron and then Trysday would have to change the history of the place to make sure the Stellaron had never been there and the civilization could proceed.

But not that she heard her words she was unsure how to proceed. If what she said was right...then Sunday was here. She didn't know whether that was good or bad in itself, she hadn't heard any news of the man since his supposed prison breaks and since then the IPC has been hunting him down without luck.

Trysday drank the water as they adjusted their black hat before leaning against the couch fully. "Okay...what do we need to do now?"

"First I'd like to talk to Welt. Then we'll probably do some investigations and later we will try to eradicate or capture the Stellaron. We have to decide on how weak or strong it truly is, moving on from there you'll change the history of this place. Understood?" She asked with her calm and inviting smile.

They just nodded as their wings flapped, they wanted to see their Mama again. They...knew it was him...be it truth or falsehood.


Corvus sighed as he took a sip from the water from a golden goblet with Sapphires and rubies worked into it. The golden gems had been carved into the shapes of fruits, it was very fitting he thought. He took a purple grape from the plate and popped the sweet orb into his mouth.

"Now, what shall we do?" He asked as his golden eyes averted before they looked down at the people lying before him.

Some had slit throats with wide eyes and opened mouths. Warm crimson blood pooled on the floor, it was the same color as the wine that used to be in their glasses.

Their chests had been stabbed, their heads rolled on the floor and only one was left, kneeling as tears threatened to fall. His silk robes were dunked in the blood of his friends and acquaintances. Maybe one was even his brother.

The Memory Zone Meme behind and above him as it drooled over him. Its wings and claws twitched as they waited like an obedient guard dog, all it took was for Corvus to signal his companion to kill him...and it would be over. They both knew it.

"I think you now know that I am very serious about my wants and wishes. Though, I think the blame is on you. You could have cooperated earlier," his calm and almost bored voice spoke. There may have been a certain hint of taunt in his tone. He sighed as he inspected his nails for a second before his gaze focused on him.

The man looked down before his eyes carefully lifted themselves. "Mister..please, I have already told you, I do not know-" the gagged.

The beast as wrapped his tails around him and lifted him up. The man twitched as he tried to pull away and get some air.

"Now now, didn't your parents teach you not to lie. It would be awful if the closest friend of the King did not know where His Majesty had hidden the Stellaron," he gave a small hum as well as a flap of his wings as the grip tightened.

"Now either you tell me, or I'll just ask the King Himself. It is entirely your choice if you want to survive or not," he sang as he played with the expensive good as if it were some cheap trinket he found on the streets.

There was silence for a moment, only interrupted by the choking or gasping of the man. Until a weak whine came out of him and Corvus instructed his companion to place the man down, but not let go.

"I...it's in the crown! I swear! The King cradled the thing as if it were His firstborn," he whispered at the end before he tried to take in more air. "That...the King is possessed by it," he hissed as his gaze fixated on the Stellaron Hunter.

He smiled as he settled his legs down from the couch and placed his feet onto the floor. "See, that wasn't do hard now, was it?" He reminded with a happy hum as the end before he looked at his companion. "Now, die,"

"Wha-!" He yelped as he was lifted up once again and now choked. Tears now rolled down his face as he gasped and his nails dug into the dark flesh of the monster in a last desperate attempt to survive.

"I can not let you live. I am not that stupid, you would just run to the King to warm Him. I can't have a snitch, so your life has no purpose anymore. Your cycle has ended, another one shall be birthed," he hinted as the Memory Zone Meme opened its mouth and bit down.

The body went limb as the monster moved its head away, now flesh and meat suck at the corners of its mouth while blood ran down the clothing of the nobleman. The cracking bones left an eerie melody as the monster chewed and then let the lifeless prey fall to the ground.

He slipped off the couch and walked out of the room until he was in a hall with countless columns. "Good job, now we will proceed, breaking into the palace will surely take some time. I don't want this mission to take too long. Columbina will need some attention and food soon, I can't keep her in the artificial sleep for too long," he reminded.


Corvus looked around as he inspected the guards around the place. Their blood leaked out of their bodies red and blue as their eyes were closed. If one were to ignore the bleeding wounds around their chests, arms, legs, and face they looked like sleeping people.

His golden eyes turned away from those on the floor as he idly stepped forward. One hand was behind his back as he relaxed with his beast flying around near the ceiling. The dark hole behind him with colorful edges had turned just the size of his head and halo combined as it rested there, almost peacefully.

"Your Highness? I know you are here," he spoke loudly as his eyes traveled around the throne room. The walls were decorated with multiple paintings of Kings and probably heroes. They had gems and golden paint as details. They were just as beautiful as the golden throne with big armrests and velvet pillows on the seat.

The painting behind the throne showed a veiled person that had a crown of leaves and light dancing over them, they seemed to be glowing as well. And rays were drawn from the person around to the edges of the room as if they were a sun in the murals.

It did look quite comfortably to Corvus, but he had to focus on the task at hand. "Your Majesty you cannot hide forever," he smiled as he turned around when he heard steps behind him.

To his surprise a woman was on the other side. So this was the King of this planet....or His planet.

Her dress may have looked simple to the normal eye, but to the man's trained ones it was indeed made out of soft material and gold was weaved into it to place beautiful flowery details around her chest, shoulders, and the bottom of the dress. Tiny crystals were also woven into the center of the flowers which gave them a certain godly glow, almost as if the sun wished to kiss all the details on her dress.

On her head was placed the oh-so-desired crown. He had expected a bit more than just a cluster of golden leaves with small green gems, but it was indeed fitting. Each leaf reflected the beauty of the sunlight which was almost as golden as the crown itself.

His eyes almost dulled at the yellowish beauty of the golden crown, too sad that he'd have to destroy the house of the Stellaron. He would love to keep it...even if it would be a bloody trophy.

His eyes then fell onto the sword. "You you plan on using this on me Your Majesty?" He asked as he stepped forward, her caramel-colored eyes following his movements as she lifted the sword up. Her eyes had a knowing and almost wise light in them.

"Do not try anything. You have breached this palace's walls and I will not let you win. I am their King and I will protect them from your evil doings," the brunette declared as she lifted the long sword with ease and pointed it at him. The metal reflected the ceiling perfectly and he could have sworn he saw his own face in it like a perfect mirror.

"There is no need to fight Your Majesty, I am a Stellaron Hunter. I am here to seal the Stellaron that had infected this planet a long time ago. It froze time up here from what I know. I-"

"I know, you do not need to explain my own history to me traveler. I know of the thing you call a Stellaron. Though, I do have to tell you one thing, I do not allow you to seal it," she explained as her gaze turned cold. "Turn around Hunter and leave this planet," she ordered.

Corvus looked at the King as he took a small step back, "If I may ask, why would you desire to keep a Stellaron on your planet? They are known as the cancer of all worlds and cause chaos and destruction where they land."

She sighed as she looked at the Halovian. "The cancer of all worlds? Are you sure you give this description to the right thing? Doesn't the so-called IPC deserve this wording more? They are the ones who went from planet to planet and destroyed culture, civilization, and families. And that's all for what?! Resources. To force their currency onto us and exploit every single soul."

"If a Stellaron is supposed to be so evil, why are they protecting us from the suffering and pain of the IPC? I am a proud King, I would never let my people suffer under these monsters who only have money and profit on their minds. My people deserve to be free, to live without fear, angst, and worry."

"Therefore I shall protect them. The Stellaron and the royal family have always taken care of them. They are happy here, and I can not accept failure."

Corvus was quiet the whole time. His mind wandered as he gave a small sigh. In a way, she was right indeed. He had experienced firsthand how cruel and unfeeling the IPC could be. But one can never escape from their grasp fully.

3 things are unavoidable in this universe. Death, taxes, and the IPC.

(German version: Es gibt 3 Dinge im Leben denen du nicht entkommen kannst: Dem Tod, dem Finanzamt und Tchibo.)

His wings quivered for a second as he thought before he focused on the woman again. "You know you can not avoid the unavoidable. The IPC is cruel and unforgiving, but no matter what resistance you might have built, their greed will always get the better of them. They will find a way to breach your walls frozen in time. They will find a way to poison your minds and traditions. They are cruel, I should know that."

"But what I also know is that humans are way stronger than they might look. They might seem inferior due to their short lifespan, due to their inability to calculate as fast and accurate as the Intellitro or due to their simple ignorance or their emotions. Though in those also lies their biggest strength, their mindset and hope allow them to stride further than any other lifeform."

"They want to spread their wings even if it would mean destroying them. They would try to fly through the hottest flames that could eat every last one of their feathers if that meant that after the fall there was something. Humans would willingly fall down and break all their bones if it meant reaching new heights their curiosity, hope, and determination are their end,"

"They keep on fighting. They keep on trying even if it were the last thing they'll do because they are stupid creatures driven by their unsatisfied thirst for knowledge."

"But how would that be a bad thing?" The King asked Corvus as His gaze focused on the Halovian. The sword now tilted downwards as he had His attention.

"Because humans are cruel and deceitful as well. They could never be truly happy with their achievements. They'd always want more and more. They are liars. They want to know both the past and future and lie left and right about everything. All they care about is to play their little game."

"They do not care for your feelings. You could have the best intentions, you could love and nurture them and they would hate you suddenly. You could shield them from all the bad in the world, you could kiss each one goodnight and proclaim your love to them.. and they would throw it all away in the face of their own greed. They would promise you sweet things and praise in one moment and then let you fall to your death in the next."

"Ultimately their biggest strength is their biggest weakness. They will throw your hard work away once they are no longer interested in neither you nor what you HAD SACRIFICED FOR THEM!" He coughed as he caught himself.

"Because the end of your cycle is just the beginning of theirs. You cannot stop the wheel of fate from turning, no matter how many stones you put in its way."

He paused as he felt like the King was thinking Himself. The woman had pulled the sword back and put it in the sheath. "So what do you want to tell me? That all efforts were fruitless? That all the years and generations of suffering meant nothing?"

"Ultimately, yes. At the end of the beginning, it would only be a tiny speck of dust. However, I believe you see things a bit too nihilistic or cruel. The IPC will not be the end of all. Everything has a beginning and end, a future and a past, it is just uncertain when and where that is. Is this their past or future? We do not know, but maybe the past/future will."

"The future and past will begin, it will end and then begin once anew. The future of it all will happen/has happened and can not be changed. THEIR whisper is the only thing that carries the certain knowledge of that, only a handful of people can understand it." He looked now directly into her face and the expectant eyes.

"It's not worth running from fate. It may be slow but is a persistent hunter. It will catch up with its prey eventually. It's not a question of if, but when."


There was a long pause between them as both seemed to think about what had been said and what could be added. The silence was not thick in the air though, it was light as the breeze of a late spring evening while raining. It was warm and had a pleasant and fresh scent to it.

"Mister Stellaron Hunter. Can you answer me one question?" The King asked as He stepped closer to him.

"I will try to answer the best I can Your Majesty,"

"If humans are so emotional, so manipulable..so weak, then to whom should they turn for shelter, for solace? Who should protect them from falling down? How...how should you proclaim your love to them for them to understand?" The woman asked as He looked at Corvus.

The Halovian was silent. Was there really an answer to the question? He knew he had tried to answer it before...but that failed, so there was no option. Who should...they turn to? Who? Who would he turn to? How would he-

He turned his head to the side as the wings hid his face. "I do not know the correct answer to that. I only know that keeping them in a golden cage...no matter how beautiful it may be, no matter how much food you put on their plate, no matter how much happiness you might offer them..is a wasted effort. They'll force open the door and jump down. As soon as they leave the cage, there is nothing one can do,"


"I see, so you have the answer to your question on my I won't give you the Stellaron. It is the least I can do to protect them, to shelter them and to love them. Even if they may turn on me and all my forefathers...at least I'll know that I have loved them all to the very end," the King smiled at him as He stepped closer.

"Stellaron Hunter, please leave my palace. You have attacked my guards and will disturb my guests. I will not go against you with weapons unless you force me to," the woman stood before him with His perfect posture as He looked down to Corvus before He smiled. "Please take care, once you can answer that question...I'll let you seal the Stellaron."

Corvus was quiet. He looked down to the floor. It was a beautiful marble floor with swirls of different shades of brown and pearl. The streams flowed endlessly over the tiles. "I am so sorry Your Majesty, this is for your own good, and the one of your dying planet. You cannot protect your people if the planet you live on is poisoned," he closed his eyes as he heard a sharp whistle.

Then there was a gag and gasp. A loud thud...and then nothing.

He took in a deep breath as his eyes lifted up as he looked at the sunked figure on the ground. Blue blood blubbered out of her throat and stomach as the dark wings and claws of the Memory Zone Meme still hung onto the King. The way His head looped to the side with calm eyes was beyond eerie, they were not widened in fear like usual.

He took in a small breath as he came closer. The hole behind his head widened as it spread over his entire back and his wings. He crouched down as he picked up the crown. His Halo vibrated as he closed his eyes once again. Yes, there was definitely something Stellaron liked or connected to a Stellaron within it.

He held the crown gingerly in his hands as he sighed. It was over, now he needed to go to the ship and seal the crown away in a containment box. Then it was over. He walked slowly down the hall and to the front door again. He held his breath in anticipating as he half expected more guard to come. This felt easier...or maybe he had just gotten better.

When he had stepped outside he looked up at the sun that shone down on him and the crown. Now it sparkled even more beautifully as every bit of it reflected the light of the sun. His eyes widened as he felt a twitch in his hand. He looked down only to see the crown shake in his hands.

What the he-

At that very second it shattered into tiny specks of dust, every bit of the crown was pulverized within the blinks of an eye and disappeared out of his hands. His head turned.


He flew down the case of stairs but didn't fall long as the Memory Zone Meme caught him with its claws and settled him down. Hissing at the golden light in front of them.

When the man looked up while his wings sheltered him his eyes widened. A veiled figure floated before him, at their core the golden light of a Stellaron as they looked down at him. "You dare steal me from my land?" Their booming voice spoke down to him. "You dare steal their wishes and hopes?" They asked once again as he felt their glare on him.

Corvus was about to answer when they lifted one of their hands. "I have asked you nicely to leave. Since you haven't obliged to my wishes and hopes I shall proceed to get you to leave with force. I will not hesitate. I will not show mercy, as you haven't either."

He jumped back and ran through the side as a golden laser whispered past him, he swore he felt the heat against his cheek for just a second. His heart pounded in his chest as he lost his breath for a mere second, he needed to fight, now!

Corvus jumped down the stairs and he ran to the side of the stairs. He took in a deep breath as he jumped high up, floating for a second before he looked at the figure. The hole behind him expanded rapidly as it swallowed everything around and took them in. "Feel the power of the everlasting, whispering harmony," he hissed with his teeth half closed as he closed his eyes, visualizing the moment of his previous defeat.

A train speeded down from behind him as it crashed into the Stellaron. The figure evaded the attack, but their veil was scratched and dirtied as the metal train disappeared mere seconds later. Then they returned to reality, he couldn't hold this space for too long.

He landed near the figure as he panted and took a moment to catch his breath, he had not been prepared for this, it would eat at his body and strength. He could already feel the strain in his limbs.

The Stellaron chuckled. "Not bad.. but bad, you are not as weak as I first assumed," they answered as the golden lights around them brightened up and a cascade of golden sand swirled at the man. It formed into daggers, sizzling through the hair and at the other.

His lips pressed into a thin line before they adjusted into a serene grin. He waved his gloved hand which had red pearls adoring it as a black barrier formed with white sparkles inside. Strings speeded out of it as they swung with the wind towards the enemy, their joints being the goals of their hunt.

The daggers turned midair as they flew to the stings, cutting through them to cut the connection between the two. But as soon as they cut one white string both exploded into a cloud of black dust, just to disappear seconds later. Only one was able to attach itself to the being's leg.

With a soft whisper, he sent a wave of energy towards it through the string. He pulled it into another dream as the edges of the reality around him started to blur. They turned first pink then golden and lastly an ominously glowing purple as they seared into the tips of their veil.

"You have to try better than that Stellaron Hunter. Pulling the same trick twice never works," they giggled idly as they extended their finger to cut through the string with their nail.

"Who said this would be a dream?" Corvus answered as a black hand with long nails and cracks speeded up to them. Countless magenta eyes appeared around the figure as the claw pulled its finger away from the string. The slitted eyes all turned to the being as a hiss came out of the bloodied mouth of the beast as it growled.

Their wings opened fully before they crashed down on the Stellaron. The being gasped for only a small second as the glow from within dimmed in the blink of an eye, and then a pulse of golden energy was unleashed as it robbed them of their sight. They shone brighter than the sun for a mere second, but that was enough to blind the enemy and cut through the puppet string.

Corvus barely managed to escape out of his dreamscape before something would have happened. His wings had luckily jumped between him and the light to shelter his eyes from most of the damage. He used the few moments of confusion to regain his vision as his golden eyes blinked and the 6 wings around his head sheltered his sensitive eyes from too much light from the real sun.

The Stellaron looked at him as he could see that their veil was torn and golden liquid leaked out of their supposed body onto the floor. Though it looked like a figure was behind the full body veil...it was still very vague. There was no way he would know what was behind it without pulling it down.

"You are a mere mortal! You have no power here!" Their voice screeched as a golden ball formed between their two visible hands floating in the air. A clock was visible a second later, "You think you can just play with me? Now it's my turn." They declared as the clock turned into a little star itself as the needles ran counterclockwise.

The man's eyes widened as the columns around the top of the stairs turned into blacks of stones and the green vines that had adorned the sides of the palace withered and died. One block glowed up as it was thrown his way.

It felt like his world had slowed down as the wall of white speeded towards him. His throat dried up as he took in another breath to clear his head before he placed both hands before him.

Strings came out of them as they attached with ease to the rock. He took his heart into his hand as he commanded his legs to run. No matter how much his mind yelled at him he took a leap towards the bolder.

His hands grabbed the strings as he used them to throw himself over the bolder before he detached them. There he flew. His golden eyes stared at the Stellaron as the wind whispered into his ears. His feathers filled with a sudden energy as they finally felt a real breeze between them, it was almost as if he were flying.

But he wasn't.

He landed before the Stellaron again as he gasped to fill his lungs with the oxygen that he had forgotten he needed.

"You...you can't win this battle mere mortal! I control the flow of time here!" The Stellaron declared as their clock turned again.

"But don't the dreams shape reality? What is there to manipulate?" He asked as he opened his arms laughing as nothing changed around them. "You fool! You believe in your own superiority and completely gloss over the strengths of your enemy! I! Corvus! Once almost accended to Aeonhood."

He chuckled "And I didn't EVEN try to."

The figure chuckled with him as he felt his strength slowly leave him, maybe he should have eaten more of the breakfast. Now his body was paying him back.

"Little mortal, then, let's see," the figure laughed as another pair of hands formed around them. They formed into a bowl as a burning light formed in it.

Corvus sheltered his eyes immediately but that didn't stop his body from heating up and his legs from almost giving up from under him. He felt sick as more pressure was on his shoulder out of nowhere. He gasped for air as his head lifted up to see the Stellaron have a column floating beside them.

"Wanna try again?" He weakly mumbled as he moved into position. His legs screamed as his knees felt like giving up on him. However, he kept himself up straight, even if his blurry vision made it almost impossible to see things clearly.

He took in another ragged breath as his chest burned with pain, it felt like he had swallowed a dagger that now poked into his ribcage. He swore that there was some fog around here...or dust that made him unable to see everything clearly.

Just a bit more...he would just need to weaken them enough to seal them in his little travel box. He repeated the mantra in his head as his words echoed through his empty mind, getting lost somewhere along the way. His eyelids felt like they were trying to glue themselves closed while he struggled to keep them open and not tear up.

He would not stop. He had to survive. For his daughter. For Columbina, she-

He gasped as he felt his body fly across the stairs. His golden eyes widened as his breath was lost in his lungs. His wings twitched before his breath halted at the figure before him. He crashed into a column nearby, the air being pressed out of his lungs as he swore his whole back broke.

His eyes shot open just a mere moment later as his mind yelled at him to get up and fight, though his body protested almost immediately. The first thing his tired eyes gazed upon was the handsome figure of a brunette. He blinked as he froze up fully in place, a handsome face with beard stubble, and broad shoulders that were hidden by a dark sheet of cloth.

His eyes immediately focused on the dark button-up the man wore. The sleeves were rolled up as they exposed his hairy and scarred arms. Both his hands were adorned with black gloves which were fingerless. What caught his attention instantly was the harness over his back and chest. One strap over his chest as two crossed over his back. He would be lying if he said this didn't look good.

He couldn't stop his sinful eyes from wandering lower, no matter how much he tried to protest. No matter how much he hated it, no matter how dirty this sin felt. They moved to the brown belt which held two guns and a small silver flask, along a thigh gathered on one side and then down the surprisingly straight but flowy pants.

His hair was still a mess as it was a bit longer now and in a low ponytail again. He had been glad that his face was way more attractive than other parts of him. He was truly a handsome man, even if the cigarette hung from his mouth lazily and made his wings shudder in anger.

Those droopy bedroom eyes that dared to gaze over to him with their crimson shine. There was no doubt left in him. He reached his hand out as a yell, a scream, or maybe a cry formed in his throat. But a golden dagger had been faster.

It pierced the man before him, from his chest through his body and then out the back. Though the other did not seem to react, Corvus was about to yell and do something when the body disappeared into an explosion of pink fire and silver dust, speeding toward the Stellaron.

The eyes followed the flames before he caught the silhouette of Gallagher, standing there proudly with a sly grin dancing over those lips. "Missed me," he teased before he jumped up and pointed the gun at the Stellarom which had been engulfed in his pink flames. "Now please die," he ordered as a colorful burst came out of his gun.

A bullet reflecting the sunlight in all its colors and beauty shot through the sky and at the thing. He swore all the colors that had ever existed or will exist were in the tail of the bullet as it speeded at the Stellaron. He almost felt his breath get stuck in his lungs.

The Stellaron yelled when the bullet hit its veiled body and thousand colors exploded at that very second, he was blinded by the shock of colors and light. It was the most beautiful thing he swore he had ever seen. His eyes were about to travel to the figure again, but Gallagher was already on his way running towards the figure.

"You shall no escape! I will protect these people, even if it's the last thing I will do," their voice sounded through the sky as they let the clock disappear before they flew towards the man.

Corvus felt his body explode with a sudden burst of energy as he tried to get up. His limbs burned as he gasped and groaned while he tried to command his weak body. He needed to save Gallagher, that stupid hound was going to get himself killed. He needed answers!

He gasped as he finally managed to get onto his wobbling legs but when his eyes averted they could only watch helplessly as the golden figure and Gallagher had entangled into a close-ranged fight. Though Gallagher had the flames that both protected and attacked him, he was still only...only..

His mouth let out a scream as he watched the man get pierced again by the daggers. His wings twitched and they fanned up as they shook while he tried to get a glimpse at the man. The...man...

Exploded once again into an inferno of flames as they burned the angered Stellaron. "How dare you!" They now looked at Corvus again but another Gallagher immediately threw himself between the two.

"Hey hey, attention here Goldie," he taunted before he let the flames take over again. Though this time the beast did not take kindly to his attack.

The veiled golden figure groaned and then the clock appeared again. "Die! Disappear! You shall never exist again!" They yelled as a storm of golden sand formed around the two. Though the golden sank and pink flames did not mix well as an explosion erupted.

Corvus covered his ears as he cried out in pain at the loudness and brightness of the denaturation. It was like for a mere second a sun had struck him. The shockwave rippled through his body and caused him to be pressed against the cool column again before he fell to the ground.

His eyes felt heavy as he gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. His surroundings blurred, and the darkness from the edges threatened to take over fully. "No...no..," he whispered, his weak voice trembling as it was almost lost in the wind.

He gasped as he tried to move his legs, every joint and muscle in his body screamed in protest. His mind demanded rest and some food...maybe water as well, but he pushed the urge away. He had a way more important mission now, he needed to focus on the path ahead. He can't give up, he had to be strong enough.

Corvus was stronger than Sunday.

He forced his golden eyes to open and pressed his lips into a thin line as he pulled himself up once again. He didn't care for how many times he would do so, he had done so in the past/future and he would do so in the past/future.

He coughed out dust as his wings flapped around while his eyes darted around in search of the chestnut-colored hair. Or the broad shoulders...or the pink fire. "Gallagher," his exhausted and dry voice gasped as his body ached from each breath. It threatened to fall over at any second now, scumming to his exhaustion.

The midday sun blazed high and unforgiving in the now cloudless sky, burning his skin and insides. He tilted his head back as his beautiful hair fell down his back and moved out of his face, his eyes squinted as he saw a lone bird in the sky. He was about to look away when it plummeted downwards. His heart stopped in an instant when he gave his eyes the chance to adjust and look closer. That wasn't a bird.

Time seemed to freeze up once again as his heart lurched in his chest, his breath stuck in his throat as it threatened to suffocate him. His eyes widened in disbelieve as the person's rapid descent was such a stark contrast to the beautiful clear sky with a golden and maybe pinkish hue.

"Gallagher!" The scream he didn't know he was holding escaped his lips and throat as he let go of the column supporting him. "Gallagher!" He yelled towards the sky, holding onto the string of hope that it was just another illusion...but there was no explosion. No.

Adrenaline rushed through his veins as he pressed the feeling of exhaustion down. No matter how much every fiber of his being protested and curled up under his demand his mind was determined. He took in one last breath to clear his mind and fill his lungs with oxygen before he broke into a sprint.

Even if his legs felt like blocks of lead and each step was a monumental effort against the exhaustion dragging him down, he continued. Even if he could barley hear his own thoughts or logic past the throbbing of his heart and his own ragged breaths, he continued. Even if salty sweat ran down his face and neck and teats threatened to blur his vision once again, he continued.

His eyes simply narrowed as they fixated onto the falling man in the sky. His mind was a storm of determination, driving him forward against the tide of time. He danced on the knife that was his life, it threatened to cut him up every second of his existence. But he continued.

The path was uneven, littered with the debris of the fight that had just taken place. He swore that every 5 steps he was close to tripping or collapsing onto the ground.

The world around him became a blur of a storm of colors and sounds -stones turning under his feet, the rush of wind hitting his ears, maybe even the yelling of people but he wasn't sure. He wasn't sure about anything. Wait...he was sure about one thing.

He needed to save Gallagher...he needed to jump.

His vision tunneled as he got closer to the edge of the mountain the city was on, below was the dark sea full of deadly creatures. Every survival instinct inside him decided to ring the alarm clock at the same time, but he tuned it out as his golden gaze fell onto his man.

The ground flew past him as he had taken the leap forward. His arms arms and legs jerked around as they had no frame of reference in the air. Though as soon as he saw the man above him his arms reached out.

The fingertips brushed almost past his warm clothes before they grabbed onto him. He pressed his body against Gallagher's and was instantly invited in for more by his warm body.

His own trembled as he pressed his face into his clothes, the scent of cigarettes and alcohol was not far. And at that moment they smelled so sweet and loving to him he couldn't help but melt as the wind screamed in his ears. His body melted against his as a small smile formed on his lips.

Their fall was serene, almost peaceful. The world around them faded into a distant memory, a long forgotten past, as they defended towards at an impetuous speed. His hair streamed behind him and flew from one side to the other like a comet's tail. Their bodies fit together like lock and key, like the soft summer warmth and iced tea.

He closed his eyes for one second as he smiled. He had his Gallagher back. A feeling of deja vu filled his insides as he opened his eyes again and moved his head to face his lover. The world around them was quiet for just a moment as he used his shaking fingers to caress his rough face.

They were together once again, the universe had driven them apart and locked them together once again. A fall from the skies had separated them and brought them together again. Their lives have ended and started anew. Sunday died and Corvus spread his wings. The illusion Gallagher had passed and came to him as a real person. His oh-so beloved Gallagher, did that mean their children were actually real? Or were they an illusion?

If this was an ending, then he accepted it. He had wobbled through the universe searching for the man with cigarette stench and alcohol taste. Now they were reunited. This was a way happier end than the one predetermined for him. This was a new beginning to the end he had been given. The past/future had ended, it was time for the future/past to continue, eternally.

Loneliness is too cruel of a sentence for you - Chapter 1 - ItisIAlex - 崩坏:星穹铁道 (2024)
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Author: Roderick King

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Author information

Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.