Project KIDS (K-5) - 191 Community Education (2024)

District 191 Community Education provides high qualitybefore- and after-school programming for children in Kindergarten through Grade 5.We focus on educational, recreationaland developmental activities that aid each student to become a self-directed and self-disciplined individual.Our staff assists each student to exhibit self-respect for their own and others’ ideas and abilities through a caring & supportive social/emotional environment.

Childcare is providedMonday through Friday at all elementary school on school days during the year.

Each Project KIDS site is staffed with individuals who have a passion for and experience in before- and after-school programming for children. Our staff recognizes the importance of pairing social and recreational activities, as well as educational components, in non-school time. Our school-age care professionals have a range of knowledge and backgrounds in education, recreation and child development.

Project KIDS Registration

Your One91 CE Child CareProgram account is viewableonline here. The parent/guardian is responsible for the children listed on the ISD 191 rSchool Today School Age Care Account and you agree to pay the applicable fees.

All children must registerto participate in One91 CE Child Care Programs.Registration isconsidered complete when you have received an acceptance email from the site coordinator.
Allow a minimum of three (3) business days for processing.Registration fees are non-refundable.

Families must register each school yearandsummer for One91 CE Child Care Programs.One91 CE Child Care Programs reserve the rightto delay registration due to the need to increase staffing.

Registrations are accepted on a first come, first served basis, space permitting.

Continue to the SITE CONTACTS & REGISTRATIONlistings below to register for Project KIDS.

make a payment

Contact Community Education

Site Contacts & Registration

  • Edward Neill Elementary
  • Gideon Pond Elementary
  • Harriet Bishop Elementary
  • Hidden Valley Elementary
  • Rahn Elementary
  • Sky Oaks Elementary
  • Vista View Elementary
  • William Byrne Elementary

Edward Neill Elementary



Gideon Pond Elementary



Harriet Bishop Elementary



Hidden Valley Elementary

Rahn Elementary

Sky Oaks Elementary

Vista View Elementary



William Byrne Elementary



Program Information

  • Hours of Operation/Closed Dates
  • Curriculum
  • Attendance Procedures
  • Behavior Guidelines
  • Inclement Weather
  • General Consents
  • COVID-19

Hours of Operation/Closed Dates

Regular School Day:

7 a.m. - 9:15 a.m. & 3:45 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Non-School (Full Release) Days:

7 a.m.- 5:30 p.m. (Two locations/schools only - TBD)

Your One91 CE Child Care Program account is viewable online. The parent/guardian is responsible for the children listed on the ISD 191 rSchool Today School Age Care Account and you agree to pay the applicable fees.

All children must register to participate in One91 CE Child Care Programs. Registration is considered complete when you have received an acceptance email from the site coordinator.

Allow a minimum of three (3) business days for processing. Registration fees are non-refundable.

Families must register each school year and summer for One91 CE Child Care Programs. One91 CE Child Care Programs reserve the right to delay registration due to the need to increase staffing.

Registration Fee

$25 per returning student. $30 per new participant; $70 maximum registration fee per family.

Consistent Schedule - Attend same days/sessions each week

AM 7:00-9:15-$13 per session all children

PM 3:45-5:30-$12 per session all children

AM & PM Same Day-$24 per day

Amount of days/sessions chosen in this contract within the consistent schedule will apply to each week every month and will be invoiced for all months (minimum 3 days/sessions per week). Credit will not be given for sessions not scheduled or absences.

Flexible Schedule – Pick your Schedule

Flex AM 7:00-9:15: $14 per session all children

Flex PM 3:45-5:30: $13 per session all children

Minimum of 8 sessions per month must be scheduled. Credits will not be given for sessions not attended.

Drop-In AM or PM

$16 per session: Non-scheduled regular school days

$45 per day: Full Day Rate

$52 per day: Full Release Day Drop-In


One91 Community Education Child Care Programs offer age-appropriate activities andprovide opportunities for cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development.


Children will enjoy a variety of recreational, educational, and developmental activities with a minimum offormal structure in a well supervised and comfortable environment. Children take part in many group andindividual experiences which encourages physical, intellectual, and social development.

TheProgram strives to provide a balance of active and passive activities. Every effort is made to provide a safe and nurturing environment that assists in positive emotional development.


To provide opportunities to develop personal discipline. Developing responsibility for one’s own actions, setting limits, respecting rights and property of others, forming friendships, and using community resources responsibly

  • To reinforce academic concepts through experiential learning activities. Children develop confidence through real life experience and intentional programming using academic concepts such as reading, math, science, language development, and more.
  • To guide and foster social development and psychological health.
  • To provide opportunities for physical development.Children develop a sense of confidence with the physical environment through games, hobbies, and exercise.
  • To encourage independent living skills and a healthy lifestyle.

Attendance Procedures


There is a designated door/area for dropping off and picking up children at eachbuilding. Only parents and those listed on the child information form are permitted topick children up. Anyone picking up should be prepared to show a valid photo ID.


Under the laws of the State of Minnesota, both parents have the right to pick up their child, unless a court document restricts that right. The enrolling parent must file an official court document indicating the other parent does not have the right to pick up the child.


It is the parent’s responsibility to notify the One91 Community Education Child CareProgram site when their child will be absent. Calls should be made directly to the site. Parents will be contacted if the child does not arrive to the Program when scheduled to attend. If a child fails to attend when scheduledor if parents fail to notify the site of their absence, a $5 fee is assessed.


To assure the safety of each child, parents must notifyProgram staff in writing if someone other than the parent/guardian will be picking children up from the site.
An identification check will be made by the staff presentat the time the child is picked up.


One91 CE Child Care Programs open at7am and close at 5:30 pm.

A late fee of $15 will be billed to family accounts for each15-minute increment a child is dropped off before 7 am orpicked up after 5:30 pm.

One91 CE Child Care Programs reserves the right to terminate services if parents/guardians are consistently late.


All parents/guardians must have a current email address on file.Most communication between staff and families will be sent through email.

Parents may call the Child Care site or email the Site Coordinatorwhenever necessary.Phone calls and emails will be returned in a timely fashion.

Behavior Guidelines


A major objective of Community Education programs is for everyperson to feel safe emotionally and physically, respected and valued.

Community Education participants will use respectful behavior at all timesthat will help peers, self and staff feel safe, respected and valued.

The basic expectations for students and adults to remember includebut are not limited to:

1. We respect ourselves, others and property.
2. We conduct ourselves in an appropriate manner.

Community Education Programs will abide by the Policies of StudentDiscipline established by District #191; MSBA Policy#506 and Student Policies section 500.


If a child is dismissed from a program for behavior, they are able to return tothe program one year after the last report was filed.If another behavior report occurs at this time, child may be immediatelydismissed from One91 Community Education Child Care Programs.

If a child is suspended from the regular school day by the building principal, the student may not participate in One91 Community Education Child CarePrograms any time during the assigned suspension.Parents are responsible to pay for any scheduled care sessions in the event achild is suspended from school and/or One91 Community Education ChildCare Programs.


To ensure that One91 Community Education maintains a positive and healthyatmosphere, our Code of Conduct sets forth conditions that parents andguardians are expected to follow and promote. It is our intention to have One91Community Education represented in a positive manner at all times.
Parents/Guardians will conduct themselves in a manner that represents the four core values:Caring,Honesty,Respect
and Responsibility.

Parents/Guardians cannot take pictures/video of other participants in One91Community Education programs.

Examples of Behavior Considered Harmful/Inappropriate:

  • Behaviors which directly or indirectly threaten a person's right to be safe
  • Fighting which is verbally abusive or physically aggressive
  • Verbal aggression such as swearing, hurtful teasing, and disrespectful language of any kind
  • Inappropriate touching of a person's body or belongings
  • Threatening talk of weapons
  • Drugs, alcohol, tobacco or weapons used or in possession on the premises
  • Behavior which keeps staff from fulfilling their ability to be available for all children
  • Removing self from group without permission
  • Consistent disruption of the normal care of other children
  • Outbursts which endanger others
  • Behaviors that disrupt activities and/or program participants
  • Destruction of property
  • Blatant disrespect or absolute refusal to followthe lead of the staff person in charge


One91 Community Educationreserves the right to terminate childcare services when a child exhibitsrepeated, unacceptable behavior.Community Education staff willmodel and implement conflictresolution strategies andredirection techniques. Continued inappropriate behavior will result in consequences.

Dismissal from Program

One91 Community Education may require a parent to remove their child from the program if :

  • The parent refuses to follow theOne91 Community Educationpolicies described in thishandbook and contract for services as signed by the parent
  • The child is unable to adapt to the One91 Community Education Discipline Policy
  • Failure to make payments forchildcare services
  • Five or more behavior reports
    • 1st Report = Warning & parentnotification
    • 2nd Report = Parent notificationand notice to pick child upwithin the hour
    • 3rd Report = Parent notification, pick child up within the hour and1-day suspension
    • 4th Report = Parent notification, pick child up within the hour and3-day suspension
    • 5th Report = Dismissal fromprogram

Depending on severity of behaviorincident, staff may bypass any ofthe consequences and immediatelydismiss a child from the program


The following policies are required by MN DHR/Exempt Centers(Certified) Exclusion of sick children and infectious disease outbreak control.


  • The center will supervise and isolate a child from other children in the program when a child becomes sick and immediately notify the sick child's parent or legal guardian.
  • The center will post or give notice to the parent/legal guardian ofan exposed child the same day the program is notified of a child's contagiousreportable disease specified in Minnesota Rules, part 4605.7040, or scabies, impetigo, ringworm, or chicken pox.


  • When a child becomes sick, the center will immediately notify the sick child's parent or legal guardian and arrange for pick up. The child needs to be isolated in order to prevent the spread of illness.
  • Isolating a sick child from other children in the program does not mean the child has to be in a separate space. It means the child should not be actively participating in activities with other children while waiting to be picked up.


The center will notify parents of an exposure by posting information of the contagious disease in a conspicuous place that includes the illness, symptoms, treatment, preventative measures, and how many cases have been reported.



If immediate medical attention is needed, Community Ed staff will call 911 andthen the parent. Once paramedics arrive, they will decide the appropriate action. If emergency treatment is needed, children may be transported to thenearest medical facility. The parent will be responsible for all medical charges.Community Ed staff are not allowed to transport children in their vehicles for any reason. District Health Services are not available during Community Ed program hours or on field trips.


Certified Community Ed staff willadminister first aid. Parents will be notified at pick-up.


For injuries requiring the attention of a physician,parents will be notified to pick-up early and will be responsible for taking their child to a medicalfacility.Community Ed staff will administer first aid and do their best to keep the child comfortable untilsomeone arrives.


Sick children cannot attendDistrict 191Community Educationprograms.You will be contacted to pickup your child if they have anyof the following symptoms:

  • Fever of 100 degrees or higher
  • Discharge from eyes
  • Profuse nasal discharge
  • Vomiting
  • Undiagnosed Rash

To help minimize the potential spread of COVID-19 District 191:

  • Observes recommended Face Mask guidance for school age children
  • Follows physical distancing
  • Emphasizes hand washing and provides hand sanitizer
  • Minimizes visitors to schools
  • Increased cleaning and sanitizing of school buildings

Children need to be fever/symptom free for 24 hours before returning toProgram.If children are absent from school due to an ailment, they cannot attendCommunity Education programs that day.Parents are required to notify the Site Coordinator in the event their childdevelops a communicable or infectious disease.Community Education staff will post a medical notice to inform families if otherchildren have become exposed.



  • Written permission is obtained from the child's parent or legal guardianbefore administering prescription medicine, sunscreen lotion, and insectrepellent.
  • Nonprescription medicine, sunscreen lotion, and insect repellent areadministered according to the manufacturer's instructions unless providedwritten instructions by a licensed health professional to use a product differently.


  • Parents are encouraged to arrange medication times to be given at homewhen possible.
  • Parents should always give the first dose of any medication so that they maypersonally observe the child's reaction.
  • Prescribed and over-the-counter medications will be given only with writtenpermission from the parent/guardian.
  • Written permission from a doctor is required for all medications that need tobe administered for longer than 10 days.
  • Parents must bring medications in the original bottle and complete amedication form which is available at your Program site.



The center will require that before admitting a child for care, the center mustobtain documentation of any known allergies from the child's parent or legalguardian.The center will maintain current allergy information in each child's record.The allergy information must include:

  • A description of the allergy, specific triggers, avoidance techniques, and symptoms of an allergic reaction.
  • Procedures for responding to an allergic reaction, including medication, dosages, and a doctor's contact information.
  • The center will inform staff of each child's current allergy information. Atleast annually and when a change is made to allergy-related informationin a child's record, the certified center must inform staff of any change.

Inclement Weather

One91 Community Education Child Care Programs monitors the weather(summer and winter) carefully and prepares accordingly in terms of outdoor activities.Most programs attempt to enjoy the outdoors on a daily basis.

During the summer months when the heat index is high, (a heat index of 90 degrees or above poses a significant health risk- National WeatherService) outdoor activities are limited toearly morning. Our procedures include sunscreen use, proper and regular hydration and determiningweather appropriate activities.

When temperatures fall below zero degrees (with wind chill), staff and childrenwill remain indoors.Please make sure your child comes prepared with proper winter gear to play outside daily.Children should bring: boots, warm socks, gloves, a hat, jacket and snow pants.


If District 191 schools are closed for theentire day due to inclement weather, Community Education programs will beclosed as well. Early notice will be given onthe district's website,, andthrough School Messenger.

Television stations WCCO 4 (830am radio), KSTP 5, KMSP 9 & KARE 11 should haveschool closings listed as well.


When school is closed mid-day, due toinclement weather all after school programming will also be closed including childcare programs.It is important that you discuss thisscenario with your family and have a planfor alternative care in place.

All cancellations made after school hasstarted should be posted on the districtwebsite as well as the sites listed on thispage.

It is very likely that Program staff will beout of the building when or if school iscanceled mid-day. Classroom teachersare to release students to parents, buses, or to walk home. Teachers will not sendchildren to One91 CE Child CarePrograms.


In the event school start time isdelayed two hours due toinclement weather,

One91 Community Education Child Care Programs will be delayed twohours during distance learningdays or closed for before schoolcare.


We encourage parents/guardians to listen to weather reports duringa weather advisory or warning. Please plan forsomeone to arrive at the childcaresite no later than 5:30 pm

I grant permission and authorize my child to attend and participate in Project KIDS bus/walking field trips. I understand Project KIDS staffsupervise the children. In the event of an emergency, I authorize staff to follow Project KIDS emergency procedures. I release ISD191 of any liability in the event of injury. I further acknowledge and agree that in the event of a non-emergency situation such as sickness, minor injuries, or behavioral issues, I will arrange to transport my child from the field trip site at the request of Project KIDS staff.

General Consents


I give consent to an exchange of information between Project KIDS staff and other ISD 191 staff and between ISD 191 Staff and Project KIDS staff for the physical and mental well-being of my child.


I give permission for my child to be included in photos or videosof program activities that may be used in school district publicity such as newsletters, brochures, websites, social media, and any media coverage such as newspaper or television.


I understand that it is the parent's responsibility to send sunscreen and insect repellent with my child each day. I have been informed that sunscreen should be applied at home and that Project KIDS staff will encourage children to reapply sunscreen before going outdoors. I understand that staff will do their best to help children apply sunscreen if needed. I will not hold Project KIDS staff liable if my child gets a sunburn.


I give permission for my child to participate in specialty services during their scheduled Project KIDS time (including Headway/Counseling, Scouting, Chess, School Building Staff). I understand my child will not be supervised by Project KIDS staff during this time. I understand the leader of the service must sign my child out and back into Project KIDS each time. I will leave written communication with Project KIDS staff of the name(s) of the specialty service, persons leading specialty services as well as date and time when they are to occur.


I have been made aware of and read through an electronic copy of the onlineCommunity Education Parent Handbook.

Participant Calendars 2023-2024

Information in the handbook is outlined in the tabbed information on this website.



The following plan for District 191 schools was developed based on guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Minnesota Department of Health, and in consultation with county health professionals and the district’s COVID Advisory Committee and Activities/Athletics Advisory Committee.

These requirements and recommendations are subject to change based on changing health conditions in our schools or community, or in response to changing guidance from state and federal health officials.

  • District 191 COVID-19 Information
Project KIDS (K-5) - 191 Community Education (2024)
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Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

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Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.