Scottish Food - Not Just Haggis & Shortbread (2024)

What comes to mind when you think of Scottish food?

Haggis? Shortbread? Porridge? If so, you wouldn't be wrong, but there's so much more, and some of it might surprise you.

The food of our native Scotland may not exactly have a reputation for being find dining, but it's tasty, filling, nutritious, and more diverse than most people realize.

Take a closer look at Scottish food and cuisine right here.

Scottish Food - Not Just Haggis & Shortbread (1)

The History Of Scottish Food

The unique blend of races that make up the ancestors of todays' Scots (plus Scotlands' rich and diverse landscape) both played a huge role in shaping this part of Scottish culture.

It's believed that the first people who arrived in the north of Scotland somewhere between 800 BC and 1000 BC, were the Picts.

These ancient people were hunter-gatherers, as were the Celts who came next - and Mother Nature couldn't have provided for them better!

Scotland is a small country, but it has an abundance of water in the form of lochs (lakes), rivers, streams and, of course, the sea which surrounds the Scottish mainland and it's numerous islands.

It also has fertile soil, tons of natural resources and a fairly temperate climate.

Scottish Food - Not Just Haggis & Shortbread (2)

Hunting, fishing and raising sheep and cattleprovided the meat for meals, and the soil was perfect for growing oatsand barley, plus many root vegetables and soft fruits. This madetraditional Scottish foods a very healthy diet.

The arrival of theVikings in Scotland (the first raid of Scotlands' northern isles isbelieved to have taken place towards the end of the 8th century), addednew dimensions to the way Scottish food was preserved and cooked.

TheVikings brought the Scandinavian methods of 'salting' and 'smoking' toScotland, and they soon became popular. It's also believed that thefamous 'Aberdeen Angus' cattle originated from Viking stock brought withthe raiders.

Here's a look at the main 'ingredients' of traditional Scottish meals....

  • Meat
    Beef (including that famous Aberdeen Angus), lamb and mutton, venison. TheScots don't traditionally eat much pork, (perhaps the occasional wildboar in bygone days), but pigs aren't nearly as popular as cows andsheep.

  • Game
    Both the Scottish highlands andlowlands are full of wild game (although today there's less 'wild' gameand some of it is 'farmed') including pheasant, grouse, partridge,pidgeon, hare, rabbit and more.

  • Fish and Seafood
    Thelochs and ocean provide a ready-made supply of food. Salmon, Haddock,Trout, Mackerel and Herring are probably the favorites, with plenty offresh seafood/shellfish such as lobster, crab, prawns, scallops, musselsthrown in.

  • Crops/Grain
    Oats and barley are thegrains that you see most often in traditional Scottish food, probablybecause the soil and weather make great growing conditions. Wheatdoesn't grow as well, but of course is now readily available.

  • Vegetable
    Rootvegetables such as potatoes, turnips and carrots show up in many savorydishes. Cabbage, cauliflower, peas and leeks are popular too.

  • Fruit
    Softfruits like blackberries (called brambles... I loved goingbramble-picking!), raspberries and strawberries appear in many desserts('sweets'), while apples and rhubarb make wonderful pies and 'crumbles'.

Centuries ago, stews, broths, soups, haggis, fish and porridge were what most Scottish people ate regularly.... basic meals that kept the ancient Scots warm and gave them the strength and energy they needed.

The 'heavy', starchy nature of many meals helped to keep stomachs full for a long time too. When encouraging me to eat porridge for breakfast, my Nana used to say "that'll stick to your ribs"... and you know what, she was right!

Authentic Scottish food isn't 'fancy', but it's wholesome, filling, generally easy to prepare and surprisingly tasty when you realize that spices aren't commonly used... salt and pepper being the staples.

The Famous Haggis

If you know anything about Scottish food, you've probably heard of the Haggis... but you may not know what it is.

Scottish Food - Not Just Haggis & Shortbread (3)

And first of all, let's be clear - in spite of many cartoons and caricatures, a haggis isn't a 'creature' but a food dish!

In fact it may the most well-known and famous item on the list of traditional Scottish foods.

The earliest historical mention of a haggis-like dish appeared in the 15th century.

But similar dishes may well have appeared as early as the 9thcentury, or before.

The haggis is made from a sort of sausage-meatmade from the offal (or innards - lungs, heart, liver etc.) of a sheep.

These are boiled, then minced and mixed with onion, lightly toastedoatmeal, suet, stock and salt and pepper. It's all mixed together andput inside a sheeps stomach which is sewn closed and then the wholething is boiled for several hours.

Now, I admit this may not sound all that appealing (and personally I don't think it even looks that good while cooking), but it's tasty and worth a try if you're ever in its' homeland.

Haggisis traditionally served at a 'Burns Supper' (or on 'Burns Night')accompanied by 'tatties and neeps' (aka potatoes and turnips).

BurnsNight or Burns Supper celebrates the birthday (January 25) of Robert Burns, Scotlands' National Poet. Burns was so enamored of the haggis that he even wrote an entire poem devoted to it's splendors!

And of course, no Burns Supper would be complete without the traditional and world famous drink.... Scotch Whiskey!

Scottish Porridge

This is another traditional Scottish food that dates back to the very early days of Scotland.

Scottish Food - Not Just Haggis & Shortbread (4)Scottish Porridge

Oats were used in many dishes, and porridge was probably one of themost common and versatile meals that the ancient Scots came up with.

TraditionalScottish porridge is made with 'porridge oats' (medium ground oatmeal,NOT 'quick cooking' or 'rolled' varieties), water and salt.

The oatmeal is added to boiling water and then boiled slowly withconstant stirring to prevent lumps (lumpy porridge isn't good!). Salt isusually added about 2/3 of the way through the cooking process. It'sserved with creamy milk and, if you like, a little more salt on top!

Todaymany people prefer 'sweetened' porridge (or oatmeal as it's known inthe US), and sugar, syrup or honey is often added to the unflavoredvariety. But that isn't the way Scottish porridge is made.

In moreancient times, Porridge may have been one of the worlds' first'take-away' or fast-foods!

That's because the ancient Scots would cookup a huge pot of porridge, then let it cool and 'set', before cutting itinto slices which they would put in a sack (or even their pockets) tobe eaten later on that day!

Scottish Food Today

Although these days we don't have to rely on food that is locally-grown, raised, or hunted, traditional Scottish foods really haven't changed very much over time.

Scottish Food - Not Just Haggis & Shortbread (5)Scottish Shortbread

Scottish Food - Not Just Haggis & Shortbread (6)Scottish Breakfast

Scottish Food - Not Just Haggis & Shortbread (7)Scottish Pies

But, of course there's a lot more variety available, the influence of more exotic cultures, and newer methods and techniques for preparing meals.

What's in a full Scottish breakfast?

If you ask for a 'full Scottish breakfast' today, you'll get more than theporridgeyou would have expected hundreds of years ago!

Scottish Food - Not Just Haggis & Shortbread (8)

Yourplate might contain:

  • Back bacon**
  • Fried eggs
  • Lorne sausage (square sausage unique to Scotland)
  • Black pudding (a type of 'blood sausage')
  • Fruit pudding (a 'sausage' made from suet, wheat flour, sugar and dried fruit such as raisins)
  • Grilled or fried tomatoes
  • Baked beans
  • Mushrooms
  • Potato scones
  • Fried bread

** Back bacon is cut from the pig's loin (middle of the back) and is leaner and meatier than american-style bacon which is cut from a pig's belly). In the UK american-style bacon is called streaky-bacon, because of the strips of fat.

Now add some toast and marmalade or jam,and a cup of strong, hot tea and you'll be set up for whatever the daymay bring!

But a gentle warning... when I indulge, the only thing I wantto do was go back to bed to 'sleep it off' :o)

Scots Have An Impressive Sweet Tooth!

One aspect of the Scottish attitude to food that you might not be aware of, is just how much the Scots like their 'sweets' or puddings (aka 'desserts').

Scottish Food - Not Just Haggis & Shortbread (9)Dundee Cake

Scottish Food - Not Just Haggis & Shortbread (10)Raspberry Crannachan

Scottish Food - Not Just Haggis & Shortbread (11)Scottish Tablet

Scottish pies, puddings, cakes, sweets (in this case I mean 'candies') and such are some of the best in the world. I think they rival the French pastries you get in Paris, and that's saying something!

In keeping with the wholesome and filling nature of most Scotland food, Scottish puddings and cakes are often dense, heavy and sweet.

Cakes and buns using dried fruit are very popular - think Dundee Cake (fruit cake topped with almonds), Black Bun (very dark and rich fruit cake), Clootie Dumpling (a fruit 'cake' which is steamed rather than baked) for example.

Soft fruit and apples or rhubarb appear regularly in pies and 'crumbles' (cooked fruit with a 'crumbled' topping made from flour, butter and sugar).

A lighter, but still traditional, dessert is Crannachan (made from whipped cream, whisky, honey, fresh raspberries and oatmeal) which is served in a tall glass, and is delicious!

And let's not forget 'extras' likescones, pancakes, biscuits (cookies),scottish tablet(sort of like fudge, but not as soft andverysweet) etc. etc. Can you tell I have a sweet tooth??

The inimitable Irn Bru!

First developed in 1901, Irn Bru is a non-alcoholic carbonated drink which has been the #1 selling soft drink in Scotland for generations (beating out Coca Cola and other major rivals).

This is due to both the unique flavor and the creative (and sometimes controversial) marketing of this 'national' drink.

The original, 'secret' recipe has a taste all it's own... why not try it yourself today...Irn Bru Scottish Soda

Try These Traditional Scottish Favorites...

Although simple and traditional Scottish cooking still prevails, Scotland now boasts some beautifully modern city centers which have tons of 'fine dining' restaurants featuring 'upgraded' versions of traditional Scottish food plus a huge variety of other cuisines.

Scottish Food - Not Just Haggis & Shortbread (12)

Even the 'fast food' side of Scotland food offers a variety of different themes and Indian, Chinese, Middle Eastern and Italian food jostles for position alongside the traditional Scottish fish and chips, fried Haggis... and yes, even those infamous deep-fried Mars bars!

If you're visiting Scotland here are some suggestions for traditional Scottish foods you should try while you're there:

  • Lorne sausage
  • Porridge
  • Fruit pudding (and black pudding if you've a strong stomach)
  • Scottish smoked salmon
  • Smoked haddock
  • Fish & chips
  • Scotch pies
  • Scones (including potato scones)
  • Shortbread
  • Cranachan
  • Fruit bread
  • Oatcakes
  • Butter tablet

Find recipes for homemade porridge, scones, fruit bread, tablet and more HERE.

If you get a chance to visit Scotland, do your best to sample the traditional dishes - and remember that the small family run cafes and 'chippies' (fish and chip shops) are just as likely to have good food as the upscale 'posh' restaurants. Try them both and you won't be disappointed.

All in all, Scottish food is wonderful and don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise.


Related Pages:

  • Scotch Whiskey
  • Scottish Recipes
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Scottish Food - Not Just Haggis & Shortbread (2024)


Scottish Food - Not Just Haggis & Shortbread? ›

Black pudding is another traditional Scottish dish that is very similar to haggis as they are both made with the same ingredients: onions, pork fat, oatmeal and spices. Contrary to haggis, black pudding is made from pigs' blood, which holds all the ingredients together.

What food is similar to haggis? ›

Black pudding is another traditional Scottish dish that is very similar to haggis as they are both made with the same ingredients: onions, pork fat, oatmeal and spices. Contrary to haggis, black pudding is made from pigs' blood, which holds all the ingredients together.

What is Scotland's national dish? ›

Haggis. Haggis is our national dish, and the first recipe dates back to the 15th century (in recorded history).

What is a traditional Scottish breakfast? ›

So, what is a full Scottish breakfast? Usually made up of bacon, link sausages, Lorne sausage (also known as square sausage or slice), black pudding, haggis, baked beans, fried mushrooms and tomatoes, toast, tattie scones and fried eggs, the full Scottish breakfast is a sight to behold.

What is neeps? ›

Neeps are what Scots, Irish and a lot of Northern English people call turnips - ie the big orange veg. Others call those a swede. The wee white ones - whether you call those a turnip or not - are not part of a 'neeps and tatties' recipe.

Are there different types of haggis? ›

Traditionally, Haggis comprises of sheep's offal, mixed with oats, suet, onion, spices and is cooked inside a sheep's stomach. Today, the haggis that is widely available in supermarkets and served commonly in restaurants is made from either lamb, beef, pork, or sometimes venison.

What is a Scottish breakfast haggis? ›

Haggis is like a crumbly sausage, with a coarse oaty texture and a warming peppery flavour. It's most commonly served with neeps (mashed turnip) and tatties (mashed potato) and washed down with a wee dram of your favourite whisky.

What is the most famous Scottish food? ›

Traditional food & drink

Scotland's national dish is haggis, a savoury meat pudding, and it's traditionally accompanied by mashed potatoes, turnips (known as 'neeps') and a whisky sauce.

What is the famous drink in Scotland? ›

WHAT IS SCOTLAND'S NATIONAL DRINK? Whisky! (Although IRN BRU likes to think of itself as Scotland's 'other national drink' too).

What is black pudding in Scotland? ›

Black pudding is a distinct regional type of blood sausage originating in the United Kingdom and Ireland. It is made from pork or occasionally beef blood, with pork fat or beef suet, and a cereal, usually oatmeal, oat groats, or barley groats.

What do they call dinner in Scotland? ›

In some parts of the United Kingdom (namely, the North of England, North and South Wales, Scotland, and some rural and working class areas of Northern Ireland), people traditionally call their midday meal dinner and their evening meal tea (served around 6 pm), whereas elsewhere people would call the midday meal lunch ...

What is the Scottish meal in stomach? ›

haggis, the national dish of Scotland, a type of pudding composed of the liver, heart, and lungs of a sheep (or other animal), minced and mixed with beef or mutton suet and oatmeal and seasoned with onion, cayenne pepper, and other spices. The mixture is packed into a sheep's stomach and boiled.

What is a five Scottish breakfast? ›

A full Scottish breakfast consists of eggs, bacon, sausage, toast, baked beans, black pudding and tattie scones. It can also include fried or grilled tomatoes, mushrooms, haggis and white pudding. One of the most traditional features of this hearty breakfast are Tattie Scones.

What is Scotland's most famous dish? ›

1. Haggis. Haggis represents the best of Scottish cooking, using every part of the animal and adding lots of flavour and spices. Of course, it has so much tradition attached as well; across the world, people associate haggis with Scotland.

What is a traditional food in Edinburgh? ›

Some of the most common Scottish meals and snacks to look out for whilst visiting Edinburgh include:
  • Haggis, neeps and tatties.
  • Cranachan.
  • Scotch broth.
  • Cullen Skink – a deliciously creamy seafood soup.
  • Black pudding.
  • Tattie scones.
  • Aberdeenshire butteries.
  • Dundee cake.
Jan 25, 2024

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